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TOEFL IBT Writing practice #32

 Writing - 1

Reading Passage: Technology and Education

In recent years, the integration of technology in the classroom has become increasingly prevalent, revolutionizing the way education is delivered. Proponents argue that technology provides numerous benefits, enhancing students' learning experiences and preparing them for the digital age. This passage explores the positive aspects of technology in education, highlighting its potential to engage students, personalize instruction, and expand access to educational resources.

One key advantage of technology in education is its ability to engage students. Interactive digital platforms, such as educational apps and online learning modules, offer a more dynamic and immersive learning environment. These platforms often incorporate multimedia elements, such as videos, simulations, and interactive quizzes, which can captivate students' attention and make learning more enjoyable. Studies have shown that this active engagement improves students' motivation, leading to increased knowledge retention and better academic performance.

Another benefit is the potential for technology to personalize instruction. With adaptive learning software, students can receive customized lessons and targeted feedback based on their individual needs and progress. This personalized approach allows students to learn at their own pace, focusing on areas where they need more practice or challenge. Furthermore, technology enables teachers to track students' progress more effectively, identifying areas of improvement and tailoring instruction accordingly.

Furthermore, technology in education expands access to educational resources, particularly for students in remote areas or with limited resources. Online platforms provide a vast array of educational materials, ranging from e-books and scholarly articles to video lectures and virtual field trips. This access to a wealth of information empowers students to explore diverse topics, conduct research, and deepen their understanding beyond the confines of traditional textbooks.

Overall, the integration of technology in education offers immense potential to enhance learning experiences, engage students, personalize instruction, and expand access to educational resources. By embracing technology in the classroom, educators can equip students with the skills and competencies needed for success in the digital age.

Listening Transcript: Professor's Perspective on Technology and Education

Professor: Good morning, class. Today, I'd like to address the topic of technology in education, specifically in response to the reading passage we discussed. While the passage highlighted the benefits of integrating technology, I'd like to cast doubt on some of the claims made.

Firstly, the passage mentioned that technology enhances student engagement. While it's true that multimedia elements can captivate students' attention, we must also consider the potential drawbacks. Excessive screen time and overreliance on technology can lead to decreased attention spans and distractibility. Additionally, some students may become passive consumers of information rather than active participants in the learning process.

Secondly, the reading passage discussed the ability of technology to personalize instruction. However, we need to question the effectiveness of adaptive learning software. These programs rely on algorithms and data to tailor instruction, but they may not always accurately assess students' abilities or cater to their unique learning styles. Furthermore, the absence of human interaction in personalized instruction can limit students' development of essential social and communication skills.

Lastly, the passage emphasized that technology expands access to educational resources. While online platforms offer a wealth of information, we must acknowledge the digital divide that exists. Not all students have equal access to technology and the internet, which creates disparities in educational opportunities. This raises concerns about equity and inclusivity in our education system.

In conclusion, while technology has its merits in education, we should be cautious about overestimating its benefits. We must critically examine its potential negative impacts on student engagement, personalized instruction, and equitable access to resources.

Question: Summarize the professor's perspective on the use of technology in education and explain how it casts doubt on specific points made in the reading passage.

My Answer:

Both the reading passage and the professor discuss about impact of technology to education process of students. The reading passage explains some of the benefits, while the professor argues each of them on different perspective. Their arguments are on the following paragraphs.

According to the reading passage, technology could enhance engagement of students. Because today’s technology could provide more interactive media for student, thus learning process should be more interesting for students then result on better academic achievement. At the first, the professor agreed that the statement regarding this issue is true, but he has some objections. He arguing, because this kind of interactive media technology, student’s screen time must be a concerned. Furthermore, he emphasizes that overuse of this media could lead to negative effects, since there would be no conversation or discussion, it could leads to passive learning by students.

Secondly, the reading passage mentions about personalize capability that technology can afford. It says that adaptive learning software could address needs for each student uniquely. On the other hand, the professor arguing the software itself. Since it made by human, it subjected to errors and could provide not accurate results. Errors on gradings and materials serving could be fatal issue. Moreover, in this case human touch is really important, at least students interact to each other or to the teacher that can pursu better social skills.

Lastly, the reading passage says that technology could expand access to educational resources, particularly for students in remote areas. The professor offers the fact of disparity of acces, he believe not all students could afford it.

To conclude, the reading passage has reasonable arguments about benefits of technology in education. But the professor believe, those arguments are overestimate. According to him, we have aware that technology also could lead to drawbacks in educational process of students.

"Please assess my response based on this:

The TOEFL iBT® Writing Scoring Rubric—Integrated Tasks is used to evaluate responses based on different levels of performance. Here is a breakdown of each level:

Score 5: A response at this level demonstrates a successful selection of important information from the lecture and presents it coherently and accurately in relation to the relevant information presented in the reading. The response is well organized, and occasional language errors, if any, do not result in inaccurate or imprecise presentation of content or connections.

Score 4: A response at this level generally selects the important information from the lecture and presents it coherently and accurately in relation to the relevant information in the reading. However, there may be minor omissions, inaccuracies, vagueness, or imprecision in some content from the lecture or in connection to points made in the reading. The response may also have more frequent or noticeable minor language errors, as long as they do not significantly impact clarity or the connection of ideas.

Score 3: A response at this level includes some important information from the lecture and conveys a somewhat relevant connection to the reading. However, it may be marked by one or more of the following: vague, global, unclear, or somewhat imprecise connection of the points made in the lecture to points made in the reading; omission of one major key point made in the lecture; incomplete, inaccurate, or imprecise key points or connections between the lecture and the reading; and errors of usage and/or grammar that result in vague expressions or obscured meanings in conveying ideas and connections.

Score 2: A response at this level contains some relevant information from the lecture but is marked by significant language difficulties, significant omission or inaccuracy of important ideas from the lecture, or weak connections between the lecture and the reading. It may significantly misrepresent or completely omit the overall connection between the lecture and the reading, omit or misrepresent important points from the lecture, or contain language errors or expressions that largely obscure connections or meaning, particularly for readers not familiar with the reading and the lecture.

Score 1: A response at this level is marked by one or more of the following: little or no meaningful or relevant coherent content from the lecture, and a language level so low that it is difficult to derive meaning from the response.

Score 0: A response at this level simply copies sentences from the reading, rejects the topic, is not connected to the topic, is written in a foreign language, consists of keystroke characters, or is blank.

These different levels provide a framework for evaluating the quality of responses in integrated tasks for the TOEFL iBT® Writing section."

Based on the criteria and your response, I would say your score is closer to 5. Your work does a good job of summarizing the professor's points and explaining how they challenge the reading passage, which demonstrates strong comprehension and synthesis skills. Your slight inaccuracies and language errors are minor and don't significantly detract from the overall clarity or connections of your points, which is why you would be more in line with a score of 4 rather than 3.

Keep practicing and working on refining your language precision and detail in capturing all aspects of the lecture, and you could very well achieve a score of 5. Your understanding of the material and ability to analyze the differences between the reading passage and lecture are strong, so keep up the good work!

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