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TOEFL IBT Speaking Practice #73

Task 1

The question:

Do you agree or disagree that public transportation should be free?

My Answer:

In my opinion I do believe that public transportation should be free because it would be beneficial for everyone. For the ones who use the public transportation of course it would be free and cost nothing for them. Moreover the more important thing is if public transportation free and people more people get to the public transportation it could be alleviate the traffic congestion on the road.  so in my own opinion Transportation should be free to get beneficial for everyone 

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development), then give me better modified version of my answer (max 400 words):

Delivery: 7/10. You clearly convey your point of view. However, your sentences could use more punctuation and your thoughts could be better structured.

Language Use: 7/10. Your language is generally clear, but there are a few grammatical errors and the sentence structure is sometimes awkward.

Topic Development: 7/10. You present some good points about why public transportation should be free, but the arguments could be developed further with more supporting details or examples.

Modified Answer:

I am inclined to agree with the proposition that public transportation should be provided free of charge due to a range of benefits it could offer to society. First and foremost, making public transportation free would directly benefit its users by eliminating their travel costs. This measure could especially support individuals from lower-income backgrounds, enhancing their access to education, jobs, and other essential services.

More importantly, beyond individual benefits, there are collective advantages to consider. If public transportation were free and consequently used more frequently, it could significantly reduce road traffic congestion. This shift to public transport would not only result in smoother commutes for those who still opt to drive but could also have positive environmental implications. By decreasing the number of private vehicles on the road, we could lower greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to broader efforts against climate change.

Therefore, in my view, free public transportation should be seriously considered as a strategy that is beneficial not only for individuals but for the broader community and environment as well.


Task 2

Reading Passage:

The university library has recently announced a change in its operating hours. Starting next month, the library will reduce its opening hours by two hours on weekdays and will be closed on weekends. This decision was made due to budget constraints and a decrease in student demand during those times. The university believes that this adjustment will allow them to allocate resources more effectively and efficiently. However, some students have expressed concerns about the impact of reduced library hours on their academic studies and access to resources. The university encourages students to utilize online resources and make the most of the available hours for library services.

Listening Passage:

Student 1: Hey, have you heard about the new library hours? I just read the announcement, and it seems like they're reducing the opening hours.

Student 2: Yeah, I saw that too. I'm not too thrilled about it. I mean, the library is always packed during weekdays, especially in the evenings. It's going to be harder to find a quiet place to study now.

Student 1: I completely agree. And what about weekends? Some of us rely on the library for longer study sessions. Closing it on weekends is going to be a major inconvenience.

Student 2: Definitely. I understand they have budget constraints, but I think reducing the library hours might negatively impact students' academic performance.

Student 1: Yeah, it's unfortunate. We'll have to make do with the available hours and explore other resources.

The question:

Summarize the concerns expressed by the students regarding the university's decision to reduce library hours and discuss the potential impact of this change on students' academic studies.

My Answer:

The campus has a plan to reduce the working hours of their Library.  regarding this plan, however the student can infer from the conversation, the student two seems disagree with this plan.  according to her that it's real effort for students to find another new place to get some quiet environment so that easy for students to concentrate because library is such a place.  so according to her she agreed that the campus has the budget constraint but because of this, but students will have impact they have to explore more places instead of Library especially on weekend 

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development), then give me better modified version of my answer (max 400 words):

Delivery: 7/10. Your ideas could be presented more coherently. There's a need for more punctuations and improved sentence flow. 

Language Use: 6/10. The language used is fairly understandable, but there are numerous grammatical and punctuation errors that affect clarity.

Topic Development: 7/10. You have managed to identify key issues and concerns. However, you could have provided a more comprehensive summary by mentioning the impact of the decision on the academic studies of the students.

Modified Answer:

The students expressed serious concerns about the university's decision to reduce library hours. Both students in the conversation disagreed with the plan, highlighting the significant impact it may have on their study routines. Primarily, they emphasized that the library, particularly during weekdays and evenings, is typically crowded, signaling a high demand for its quiet environment conducive to focused studying. With the reduction in operating hours, they anticipate increased difficulty in securing such a beneficial study space. 

Furthermore, they stressed the importance of the library's availability during weekends for longer study sessions. The decision to close the library on weekends would be a significant inconvenience. Despite recognizing the university's budget constraints, Student 2 voiced concerns that these changes might negatively impact students' academic performance. This implication arises from the fact that students may now need to search for alternative study environments that may not be as conducive as the library. In sum, the change in library hours is perceived as a disruptive shift that could potentially hinder students' academic pursuits and necessitate the exploration of less optimal study alternatives.


Task 3

Reading Passage:

The Benefits of Studying Abroad

Studying abroad has become increasingly popular among college students due to its numerous benefits. Students who choose to study abroad gain valuable experiences that contribute to their personal and academic growth. They are exposed to different cultures, languages, and perspectives, which enhances their global awareness and cross-cultural communication skills. Additionally, studying abroad fosters independence and self-confidence as students navigate unfamiliar environments and adapt to new challenges. Furthermore, research has shown that studying abroad can improve academic performance and future job prospects. Overall, studying abroad offers students a unique opportunity to broaden their horizons and develop essential skills for success in an interconnected world.

Listening Passage:

Lecturer: Good morning, everyone. Today, we'll be discussing the benefits of studying abroad, as outlined in the reading passage. The passage highlights how studying abroad can positively impact students' personal and academic lives. First, it mentions that studying abroad exposes students to different cultures and languages, enabling them to develop a global perspective and enhance their cross-cultural communication skills. This exposure to diverse environments also fosters independence and self-confidence as students navigate unfamiliar territories and face new challenges. Moreover, research suggests that students who study abroad tend to perform better academically and have improved job prospects in the future. So, by choosing to study abroad, students can expand their horizons, acquire valuable skills, and open doors to exciting opportunities.

The question:

How does the lecture provide additional insights into the information presented in the passage?

My Answer:

According to the professor it seems she mostly emphasize what the reading passage discuss.  he agreed that studying abroad will give crowd for personal and academic for students.  she also agree about the studying abroad can write in the perspective and give adaptation for students better moreover for job opportunities could be better.  however the professor emphasize more points about starting abroad according to her she think that starting abroad can could widen our Horizon and fulfill our skill required on the job opportunities in the future.  so in conclusion the professor seems mostly agree with the reading passage

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development), then give me better modified version of my answer (max 400 words):

Delivery: 6/10. Your sentences need to be more structured and coherent. The use of punctuation would also greatly improve the flow of your writing.

Language Use: 6/10. There are numerous grammatical and typographical errors which affect the clarity of your response. 

Topic Development: 7/10. You've managed to highlight the main points from both the reading and listening passages. However, the analysis of how the lecture provides additional insights could be improved.

Modified Answer:

The lecturer, while affirming the key points of the reading passage, provides additional insights into the benefits of studying abroad. Like the passage, the lecturer acknowledges the personal and academic growth opportunities provided by studying abroad, including exposure to diverse cultures and languages, fostering of independence, self-confidence, and improved future job prospects.

However, the lecturer extends these points by emphasizing how these experiences can cultivate a global perspective in students, thus broadening their horizons. They underscore the importance of cross-cultural communication skills, which are in high demand in an increasingly interconnected world. Navigating through unfamiliar environments and facing new challenges are seen not only as character-building experiences but as essential life skills that prepare students for a wide range of situations.

The lecturer further elucidates the academic and career benefits of studying abroad. It's stated that students who choose this path often show improved academic performance. Additionally, they experience a greater array of job opportunities in the future due to the unique set of skills they acquire.

In essence, while the lecturer agrees with the passage, she provides a more in-depth understanding of the benefits of studying abroad, emphasizing the multifaceted personal development and enhanced career prospects it provides.


Task 4

Listening Passage:

Lecturer: Good morning, everyone. Today, I want to talk about the importance of time management for students. Time management is a crucial skill that can greatly impact your academic success. Many students struggle with balancing their academic responsibilities, extracurricular activities, and personal life. In this lecture, we will discuss some effective strategies for managing time effectively as a student.

Firstly, it's essential to prioritize your tasks. Identify the most important assignments, projects, or exams and allocate your time accordingly. Create a to-do list or use a planner to keep track of your tasks and deadlines. By organizing your priorities, you can ensure that you are devoting enough time to each task.

Secondly, learn to eliminate distractions. In today's digital age, it's easy to get caught up in social media, emails, and other non-academic activities. Set boundaries and establish specific study periods free from distractions. Consider using apps or website blockers to help you stay focused.

Thirdly, break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable chunks. Sometimes, complex assignments or projects can feel overwhelming. By breaking them into smaller, more achievable tasks, you can make progress and stay motivated. Additionally, it's important to allocate breaks during study sessions. Taking short breaks can actually improve focus and productivity.

Lastly, don't forget to take care of yourself. Adequate rest, exercise, and healthy eating habits are vital for maintaining high energy levels and a sharp mind. Students often underestimate the value of self-care, but it plays a significant role in managing time effectively.

Now, let's move on to the question related to this lecture.

The question:

According to the lecture, what are some effective strategies for managing time effectively as a student?

My Answer:

According to the lecturer there are four strategies to managing time and management for students.  the first one is prioritize,  the strategy make students have to put prioritize from the most important into less important and make it as a planner organize them and make sure I lock it enough time accordingly to the importance of priority. Secondly it's about Distortion the professor suggests the students should move away from destruction such as non academic things such as social media and so.  Totally about breakdown the task she mentioned about overwhelming task it could be breakdown by students so it could be smaller and student will stay motivated because the small portion of task obviously can give progress for students moreover she mentioned about short break every each task. 

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development), then give me better modified version of my answer (max 400 words):

Delivery: 7/10. Your response covers all the points from the lecture, but the flow could be improved, and more punctuation could be used for clarity.

Language Use: 6/10. The language is generally understandable, but there are numerous grammatical and spelling errors which affect the clarity of your answer. 

Topic Development: 8/10. You have managed to capture the main points of the lecture. However, the presentation of these points could be improved for better comprehension.

Modified Answer:

The lecturer presented four effective strategies for students to manage their time successfully. First, prioritization is crucial. Students are encouraged to identify their most important tasks, such as assignments, projects, or exams, and allocate their time based on these priorities. Organizing these tasks in a to-do list or planner can aid in keeping track of their progression and deadlines.

Second, the lecturer emphasized the importance of eliminating distractions. In the digital age, distractions like social media and emails can detract from productive study time. Thus, setting boundaries and creating specific, distraction-free study periods are encouraged. Use of apps or website blockers was also suggested to maintain focus.

Third, breaking down complex tasks into smaller, manageable chunks is advised. This approach can prevent students from feeling overwhelmed and promotes progress, keeping students motivated. In this vein, incorporating short breaks during study sessions can actually enhance focus and productivity.

Lastly, the lecturer underscored the importance of self-care. Students often overlook this aspect, but adequate rest, exercise, and healthy eating habits significantly contribute to efficient time management by maintaining high energy levels and a sharp mind. Thus, each of these strategies in combination can aid students in managing their time effectively.


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