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TOEFL IBT Listening Sample #1

 Listening Transcript:

Student 1: Hi, Professor Johnson. I wanted to ask you a question about the course requirements for the upcoming semester.

Professor Johnson: Of course, I'd be happy to help. What do you need to know?

Student 2: Actually, I have the same question. We were wondering if there are any specific prerequisites for the advanced geology course.

Professor Johnson: Good question. For the advanced geology course, you need to have completed the introductory geology course with a minimum grade of B-. Additionally, it's recommended that you have taken at least one course in chemistry.

Student 1: I see. I've taken the introductory geology course, but I haven't taken any chemistry courses yet. Does that mean I won't be able to take the advanced geology course?

Professor Johnson: Not necessarily. While it's recommended, it's not a strict requirement. If you feel confident in your understanding of geology and are willing to put in the extra effort to catch up on any chemistry concepts relevant to the course, I can make an exception.

Student 2: That's good to know. Are there any other requirements or recommendations we should be aware of?

Professor Johnson: Yes, in addition to the prerequisites, you'll need to have a strong foundation in mathematics, particularly in calculus. Geology involves a fair amount of quantitative analysis, so it's important to be comfortable with mathematical calculations.

Student 1: I took calculus in my first year, so I should be fine in that regard.

Campus Clerk: Excuse me, Professor Johnson. I overheard your conversation, and I just wanted to mention that the advanced geology course has a maximum enrollment limit. Students who meet the prerequisites will be given priority, but it's important to register as early as possible to secure your spot.

Professor Johnson: Thank you for reminding us, Linda. That's an important point. Make sure to keep an eye on the registration dates and sign up as soon as you can to increase your chances of getting into the course.

Student 2: Will do. Thanks for your help, Professor Johnson, and thank you, Linda, for the additional information.

Professor Johnson: You're welcome, both of you. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. Good luck with your course selections!

Sure! Here are 10 multiple-choice questions based on the given criteria for Transcript 1:


What is the main topic of conversation between the students and the professor?
A) Course requirements for the upcoming semester
B) Registration procedures for advanced courses
C) The professor's teaching style
D) Student organizations on campus

According to Professor Johnson, what is a recommended prerequisite for the advanced geology course?
A) Completion of a chemistry course
B) A minimum grade of B- in the introductory geology course
C) Taking a calculus course in the first year
D) Having a strong foundation in mathematics

What is the purpose of the students' visit to Professor Johnson?
A) To inquire about course requirements
B) To discuss their career goals
C) To request a schedule change
D) To seek advice on extracurricular activities
Understanding the Function:

What does Professor Johnson mean when he says, "If you feel confident in your understanding of geology and are willing to put in the extra effort to catch up on any chemistry concepts relevant to the course, I can make an exception"?
A) The professor is willing to waive the chemistry prerequisite for confident students.
B) The professor is strict about the prerequisites and doesn't make exceptions.
C) The professor encourages students to take additional chemistry courses.
D) The professor believes that catching up on chemistry concepts is unnecessary.

Why does the student need to register early for the advanced geology course?
A) To secure a spot due to the course's maximum enrollment limit
B) To receive priority for registration
C) To avoid conflicts with other courses
D) To meet the professor's expectations

Why does the student want to know about the other requirements or recommendations for the advanced geology course?
A) To determine if the professor is lenient with course requirements
B) To decide if they meet all the necessary criteria
C) To compare it with other courses they are considering
D) To impress their friends with their knowledge
Understanding The Speaker's Attitude:

What can be inferred about the student when they say, "I took calculus in my first year, so I should be fine in that regard"?
A) The student is confident in their mathematical abilities.
B) The student regrets taking calculus in their first year.
C) The student believes calculus is unnecessary for geology.
D) The student dislikes mathematics in general.

According to Linda, the campus clerk, what should students do to increase their chances of getting into the advanced geology course?
A) Meet with Professor Johnson individually
B) Secure a recommendation letter from a chemistry professor
C) Keep an eye on the registration dates and sign up early
D) Apply for an exemption from the prerequisites

What is the recommended grade for the introductory geology course in order to be eligible for the advanced geology course?
A) A minimum grade of B
B) A minimum grade of C
C) A minimum grade of B-
D) Any passing grade is acceptable

Why does the student thank Professor Johnson and Linda?
A) For reminding them about the maximum enrollment limit
B) For offering to waive the course prerequisites
C) For giving them a recommendation letter
D) For helping them choose extracurricular activities

Key answer:
Correct answer: A) Course requirements for the upcoming semester.
Explanation: The main topic of conversation between the students and the professor is about course requirements for the upcoming semester. They are specifically discussing the prerequisites for the advanced geology course.

Correct answer: B) A minimum grade of B- in the introductory geology course.
Explanation: According to Professor Johnson, a recommended prerequisite for the advanced geology course is to have completed the introductory geology course with a minimum grade of B-.

Correct answer: A) To inquire about course requirements.
Explanation: The purpose of the students' visit to Professor Johnson is to ask questions and seek information about the course requirements for the advanced geology course.

Correct answer: A) The professor is willing to waive the chemistry prerequisite for confident students.
Explanation: When Professor Johnson says, "If you feel confident in your understanding of geology and are willing to put in the extra effort to catch up on any chemistry concepts relevant to the course, I can make an exception," he means that he is open to waiving the chemistry prerequisite for students who are confident in their geology knowledge and are willing to work hard to catch up on any relevant chemistry concepts.

Correct answer: A) To secure a spot due to the course's maximum enrollment limit.
Explanation: The reason for registering early for the advanced geology course is to secure a spot since the course has a maximum enrollment limit. Students who meet the prerequisites will be given priority, but registering early increases their chances of getting into the course.

Correct answer: B) To decide if they meet all the necessary criteria.
Explanation: The purpose of the student's question about other requirements or recommendations for the advanced geology course is to determine if they meet all the necessary criteria to enroll in the course.

Correct answer: A) The student is confident in their mathematical abilities.
Explanation: When the student says, "I took calculus in my first year, so I should be fine in that regard," it can be inferred that the student is confident in their mathematical abilities because they have already taken calculus.

Correct answer: C) Keep an eye on the registration dates and sign up early.
Explanation: According to Linda, the campus clerk, to increase their chances of getting into the advanced geology course, students should keep an eye on the registration dates and sign up early. This is important because there is a maximum enrollment limit for the course.

Correct answer: C) A minimum grade of B-.
Explanation: The recommended grade for the introductory geology course in order to be eligible for the advanced geology course is a minimum grade of B-.

Correct answer: A) For reminding them about the maximum enrollment limit.
Explanation: The reason the student thanks Professor Johnson and Linda is for reminding them about the maximum enrollment limit of the advanced geology course. This information is important for the student to secure a spot in the course.

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