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TOEFL IBT Speaking Practice #56

Task 1

The question:

Talk about a skill or talent that you possess. Explain why this skill or talent is important to you and how it has influenced your life.

My Answer:

I would say the skill or talent that really influence in my life is my hobby to calculate numbers.  I really love to calculating numbers doing algebra and doing something with spreadsheet and looking for numbers for my business officially it's really helpful for me because actually I'm not background in business and be background in engineering and because of that I'm so grateful I can doing numbers I can calculate some statistically to help my business growth

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 4 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development):

Delivery: 3.5/4

Language Use: 3.5/4

Topic Development: 3/4

Overall, your response effectively communicates your skill or talent for calculating numbers and how it has influenced your life. The delivery is clear and coherent, and you provide relevant examples to support your statements. Your language use is generally accurate and appropriate, although there are a few minor errors. The topic is developed well, but there is room for further expansion and elaboration on how your skill has specifically impacted your business growth.


Task 2

The question:

State whether you agree or disagree with the following statement: "People are happier when they have a large circle of friends." Provide reasons and examples to support your opinion.

My Answer:

I don't agree with the statement that when people have a lot of  circle of friends it makes them happier, I don't agree absolutely.  just because happy is not about your friends or what you have, what's your car, or what's your status, and so on. Happy is inside of yourself this is the spiritual things on your heart even if you have large circle of friends if you don't have purity on your heart it could be you're not happy at all. but if someone living alone in some places and get inner peace it should be happy

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 4 for each rubric ( Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development):

Delivery: 3/4

Language Use: 3/4

Topic Development: 3/4

Overall, your response presents a clear opinion that disagrees with the statement. You explain that happiness is not solely dependent on the number of friends one has or material possessions. Your delivery is generally effective, although there are a few instances of repetitive phrasing. Your language use is mostly accurate and appropriate, but there are some minor errors. The topic is developed adequately, but additional examples or elaboration could strengthen your argument.


Task 3

Reading Passage:

Title: Proposed Change in the Course Requirements

Recently, there has been a proposal put forth by the faculty committee to alter the course requirements for undergraduate students. The proposed change suggests increasing the number of elective courses students must take in order to graduate. This change aims to provide students with greater flexibility in choosing courses that align with their academic interests and career goals. However, some students and faculty members have raised concerns about the potential drawbacks of this change. They argue that a more structured curriculum ensures a well-rounded education and helps students develop a broader knowledge base. The proposal has sparked a heated debate on campus, with opinions divided on the best approach to course requirements.

Listening Passage:

Student: Hey, have you heard about the proposed change in the course requirements?

Professor: Yes, I have. It seems like they want to increase the number of elective courses students have to take.

Student: Exactly! But I'm not sure if that's a good idea. I mean, having more flexibility is nice, but I think a structured curriculum has its benefits too.

Professor: I understand your concern. Some argue that a structured curriculum ensures a well-rounded education and helps students develop a broader knowledge base. On the other hand, proponents of the change believe that more electives allow students to explore their interests and tailor their education to their career goals.

Student: That's true, but I worry that students might miss out on important foundational courses if they have too many electives.

Professor: It's a valid point. The debate surrounding this proposal is quite contentious, with valid arguments on both sides. Ultimately, it will come down to finding the right balance between flexibility and core knowledge.

The question:

The woman expresses her opinion about a proposed change in the course requirements. Summarize the change and state the woman's opinion. Then, explain the reasons she provides to support her opinion.

My Answer:

Based on the passage above that the campus tried to make a new policy that undergrad student should take more elective class instead of based on the curriculum.  some people agree with that and some people do not. and for the students on their conversation, she's not agree with the policy because she believed that students should take more curriculum base classes because it's the foundation of their major and it's good for students the elective only for supporting system

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 4 for each rubric ( Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development):

Delivery: 3/4

Language Use: 3/4

Topic Development: 2/4

Overall, your response provides a brief summary of the proposed change in the course requirements and the woman's opinion. However, your explanation of the woman's reasons lacks clarity and coherence. While you mention that she believes students should take more curriculum-based classes for the foundation of their major, your reasoning is not well-developed. Additionally, there are some minor errors in your language use. The delivery is generally effective, but there is room for improvement in providing more specific and detailed explanations for the woman's opinion.


Task 4

Reading Passage:

Title: "The Power of Peer Pressure"

Peer pressure is a well-known phenomenon that affects individuals across various age groups. Recent studies have shed light on the mechanisms behind this social influence. In a study conducted by Dr. Johnson and her team, a group of teenagers was observed in different scenarios to examine the impact of peer pressure on decision-making. The results indicated that adolescents were more likely to engage in risky behaviors when influenced by their peers. Furthermore, brain imaging scans revealed increased activity in the areas associated with social reward when participants complied with the group's choices. These findings emphasize the powerful role of peer pressure in shaping behavior, particularly during adolescence.

Listening Passage:

Lecturer: Today, we will be discussing the concept of peer pressure and its influence on decision-making. Recent studies conducted by Dr. Johnson and her team provide valuable insights into this phenomenon. In one study, a group of teenagers was observed in various scenarios to examine how they responded to peer influence. The results were fascinating. When the participants were faced with risky behaviors, such as trying drugs or engaging in dangerous activities, they were more likely to comply if their peers were doing the same. Brain imaging scans also revealed interesting patterns. When the participants conformed to the group's choices, there was increased activity in the brain regions associated with social reward. This suggests that peer pressure can activate the brain's pleasure centers, making conformity more appealing. These findings highlight the significant impact of peer pressure on decision-making processes, particularly during adolescence.

The question:

Based on the information provided in the reading passage and the listening lecture, how does peer pressure affect decision-making among teenagers? Provide specific examples or scenarios to support your answer.

My Answer:

According to the passage that peer pressure really affecting decision making of adolescent especially.  because some studies have been held that when a student's with their group if some people or one of them is doing something wrong and it's more be more likely to comply with that kind of wrong because it's a peer pressure because of them. Moreover it's about Conformity of social status the adolescents must be have a fear that their peers not like them so peer pressure it's a real thing

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 4 for each rubric ( Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development):

Delivery: 3/4

Language Use: 2.5/4

Topic Development: 2.5/4

Overall, your response provides a brief summary of how peer pressure affects decision-making among teenagers. You mention that studies have shown that adolescents are more likely to comply with risky behaviors when influenced by their peers. However, your explanation lacks specific examples or scenarios to support your answer. Additionally, there are some grammatical errors and issues with clarity in your language use. The delivery is generally effective, but the topic development could be more detailed and focused on providing concrete examples to support your points.


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