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TOEFL IBT Speaking Practice #57

Task 1

The question:

In your opinion, what is an effective way to build new friendships? Provide specific details and examples to support your response.

My Answer:

In my own experience the best way to make good friendship is  through honesty.  no matter who you are if you build your friendship using honesty instead of like flattering or just like just to beneficial each other. honestly, honesty is the best way to contract your friendship.  for example I have my best friend actually we met a long years ago and at the first time we met he told me that he doesn't like what I wear and then since then we are a best friend until now that's honesty

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 4 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development):

Delivery: 3

The response is generally clear and coherent, with a clear thesis statement at the beginning and a relevant example provided to support the point. However, the response could have been more organized and structured, with better transitions between ideas.

Language Use: 3.5

The response demonstrates a good command of language, with varied sentence structures and appropriate word choices. There are a few minor errors in punctuation and word usage, but they do not impede understanding.

Topic Development: 3

The response addresses the question by suggesting that honesty is an effective way to build new friendships. The example provided supports this point, showing how honesty in the initial interaction led to a long-lasting friendship. However, the response could have provided more specific details and examples to further develop the point and demonstrate a deeper understanding of the topic.


Task 2

The question:

State whether you agree or disagree with the following statement: "It is important for individuals to pursue their passion as a career." Explain your viewpoint using specific examples and details.

My Answer:

Frankly ppeaking I barely speak, that the greatest thing in the world is if you are doing what you like and you get paid from it, such your passion.  Of course it is important for us to following our patient and pursuing our own career in a path line or a line each other,  however not everyone has this kind of privilege not everyone has this profoundly.  for example I have my friend that really good at her job, she get her career instantly and very fast but she seems not really enjoyable through her daily life and I suggest her to find another job, that's terrible for her

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 4 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development):

Delivery: 3

The response is generally clear and coherent, with some minor issues in sentence structure and word choice.

Language Use: 2.5

The language use is generally effective, but there are some errors and awkward phrasings throughout the response.

Topic Development: 2.5

The response provides some relevant examples and details to support the viewpoint, but there is room for further development and expansion of ideas.


Task 3

Reading Passage:

Community Service Club Proposal

We propose the establishment of a new extracurricular activity at our university: the Community Service Club. This club aims to provide students with opportunities to engage in meaningful community service activities, fostering a sense of social responsibility and personal growth. By participating in volunteer projects and outreach programs, students can develop leadership skills, enhance their empathy, and contribute positively to society. The club will collaborate with local nonprofits and organizations to identify volunteer opportunities, ensuring a wide range of impactful projects. Join the Community Service Club and make a difference in your community!

Listening Passage:

Student: Hi, Professor Johnson. I wanted to discuss a proposal I have for a new extracurricular activity at our university.

Professor: Sure, go ahead.

Student: I think we should establish a Community Service Club. It would provide students with opportunities to engage in meaningful community service activities.

Professor: That sounds interesting. How would it benefit the students and the community?

Student: By participating in volunteer projects and outreach programs, students can develop leadership skills, enhance their empathy, and contribute positively to society. We would collaborate with local nonprofits and organizations to identify volunteer opportunities.

Professor: I see. Do you have any specific goals or projects in mind for the club?

Student: Yes, we plan to organize activities such as environmental clean-ups, tutoring programs for underprivileged students, and fundraising events for local charities.

Professor: That's commendable. Have you thought about how the club would be managed and funded?

Student: We would have elected student officers responsible for club management, and we could seek funding through sponsorships and fundraising initiatives.

Professor: It sounds like a well-thought-out proposal. I encourage you to present it to the university administration for further consideration.

The question:

Summarize the proposal for the new extracurricular activity discussed in the conversation. Then state the professor's opinion about the proposal and explain the reasons he provides for holding that opinion.

My Answer:

So the students try to create community service Club to fostering students for social responsibilities and personal growth. It is an activity of volunteering project to local nonprofit organization.  and this kind of community, hopefully can improve leadership of students and build empathy, real empathy, and hopefully can contribution positively to student’s soft skills.  and the professor Johnson seems agree with that proposal because when he asking about the plan the students can answer about how it funded, because of fundraising may be occur, and professor propose to the students to make any pitching to University Administration 

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 4 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development):

Delivery: 2.5

The response is generally clear, but there are some awkward phrasings and word choices that affect the overall delivery.

Language Use: 2.5

The language use is mostly effective, but there are some errors and lack of clarity in sentence structure and word choice.

Topic Development: 2.5

The response provides a basic summary of the proposal and the professor's opinion, but there is room for further development and expansion of ideas. The reasons provided for the professor's opinion are not fully explained.


Task 4

Reading Passage:

The experimenter effect refers to the inadvertent bias that researchers may introduce into their studies due to their own expectations and behavior. This phenomenon can significantly impact the validity and reliability of research findings. In a classic study conducted by Smithson and Johnson (2007), participants were led to believe they were participating in a memory experiment. However, unbeknownst to the participants, the experiment was designed to test the experimenter effect. In the control group, the experimenters remained neutral and showed no overt cues or expectations. In the experimental group, the experimenters subtly displayed enthusiasm and encouraged participants during the memory tasks. The results revealed a significant difference in performance between the two groups, with the experimental group outperforming the control group. This study demonstrates the influence experimenters can have on participants' performance and highlights the importance of controlling for the experimenter effect in research studies.

Listening Passage:

Lecturer: Good morning, everyone. Today, we'll be discussing the experimenter effect, a crucial factor to consider when conducting research. The experimenter effect refers to the inadvertent bias that experimenters introduce into their studies through their expectations and behavior. It can greatly influence the outcomes and validity of research findings. To illustrate this, let's consider the study conducted by Smithson and Johnson in 2007. They examined the effect of experimenters' cues on participants' performance in a memory experiment. In the control group, the experimenters maintained a neutral demeanor, while in the experimental group, they subtly displayed enthusiasm and provided positive reinforcement during the memory tasks. The results indicated a significant difference in performance between the two groups, highlighting the impact of the experimenter effect on participants. This study emphasizes the importance of mitigating experimenter bias to ensure accurate and reliable research outcomes.

The question:

Based on the information provided in the passage and the lecture, explain how the example from the professor's lecture illustrates the experimenter effect.

My Answer:

Experimentary effect is a bias that cause from experimenters expectation and behavior.  this kind of effect can distort the outcome of the experiment.  one study held on 2007 about two groups, the first one is control group that not being told about the experiment, and the second one it's already being told about the experiment.  actually it was not said about experimenter effect but about the memory experiment.  The result is outraging that the the groups that being told about the experiment giving more positive result than the neutral.  lastly the professor concludes that mitigating bias from experimental effect it's very important to make more reliable outcome of experiment in academic

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 4 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development):

Delivery: 3

The response is generally clear and coherent, with minor issues in sentence structure and word choice.

Language Use: 3

The language use is generally effective, with some errors and awkward phrasings present.

Topic Development: 2.5

The response provides a basic explanation of the example and its relation to the experimenter effect, but there is room for further development and expansion of ideas. The explanation of the study's results could be clearer and more detailed.


Task 5

Reading Passage:

Public speaking anxiety is a common challenge faced by many individuals. It can hinder personal and professional growth, causing distress and limiting opportunities for success. In a study conducted by researchers at the University of XYZ, various techniques were explored to help individuals overcome this fear. The study examined the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy, exposure therapy, and relaxation techniques in reducing public speaking anxiety. Results showed that participants who received cognitive-behavioral therapy demonstrated the most significant improvement, reporting reduced anxiety levels and increased confidence. These findings highlight the importance of psychological interventions in addressing public speaking anxiety and offer hope for individuals seeking to overcome this common fear.

Listening Passage:

Speaker 1: Hey, Mark. I heard you're having trouble with public speaking. What seems to be the issue?

Speaker 2: Yeah, it's been a real struggle for me. Every time I have to present in front of a group, I get extremely nervous and my mind goes blank.

Speaker 1: I understand how you feel. I used to have the same problem, but I found some techniques that really helped me. Have you tried visualization exercises?

Speaker 2: No, I haven't. How does that work?

Speaker 1: Well, before your presentation, you close your eyes and imagine yourself delivering a successful speech confidently. It helps build positive associations with public speaking.

Speaker 2: That sounds interesting. I'll give it a try. Thanks for the suggestion!

The question:

Based on the conversation, which technique does Speaker 1 recommend to help Speaker 2 overcome his public speaking anxiety? Explain how this technique can be beneficial in reducing anxiety and improving performance.

My Answer:

Public speaking  anxiety can be found to any students and can lower the chance of their success.  the study on XYZ University how to reduce the anxiety of public speaking it can be done through cognitive behavior therapy, exposure therapy, and relaxation.  According to them, cognitive behavior therapy it's the most effective way to reduce the anxiety of  public speaking.  And then from the conversation it can infer that Mark  has trouble about his public speaking because he got nervous and going blank when do presentation.  then his friends suggests Mark to use his visualization exercise, which is close his eyes and make presentation confidently such a good speaker.  this method is  cognitive behavioral therapy and can give Mark good association and real experience performance and hopefully can reduce the anxiety on the  presentation day

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 4 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development):

Delivery: 3.5

The response is clear and coherent, with only minor issues in sentence structure and word choice.

Language Use: 3.5

The language use is effective, with a few errors and slightly awkward phrasings.

Topic Development: 3.5

The response provides a clear explanation of the technique recommended by Speaker 1 and its potential benefits in reducing anxiety and improving performance. The explanation could be further expanded with additional details or examples.


Task 6

Listening Passage:

[Opening Remarks]

Professor: Good morning, everyone. Today, we'll be delving into the fascinating topic of birds' eye position and its crucial role in their survival. As we explore various examples, you'll gain a deeper understanding of how this adaptation impacts their ability to thrive in their environments.

[Lecture Transcript]

Professor: Let's start by discussing the positioning of birds' eyes and how it contributes to their survival. Birds, unlike humans, have their eyes located on the sides of their heads, providing them with a wide field of vision. This panoramic view enables them to detect potential threats or sources of food from different angles simultaneously.

Student: Excuse me, Professor. Why do birds need such a wide field of vision?

Professor: Excellent question! Birds, being creatures that primarily rely on flight, need to be aware of their surroundings at all times. Their lateral placement of eyes allows them to monitor for predators approaching from any direction while simultaneously scanning the environment for food sources, such as insects or small prey. In essence, this visual adaptation enhances their chances of survival.

Student: Does this unique eye position provide any disadvantages to birds?

Professor: Another great question! While the wide field of vision is advantageous, it does have some trade-offs. One notable drawback is the reduced depth perception that birds experience compared to humans. Since their eyes are positioned on the sides, their binocular vision is limited. Binocular vision, as we have in humans, provides depth perception, enabling us to accurately judge distances. However, birds compensate for this by using other sensory cues, such as motion parallax and stereopsis, to gauge distances and navigate their surroundings effectively.

Student: That's fascinating! Are there any specific examples of bird species that showcase the significance of eye position?

Professor: Absolutely! Let's take the example of raptors, such as eagles and hawks. These birds of prey have forward-facing eyes, similar to humans, providing them with exceptional depth perception. This enables them to accurately judge the distance and trajectory of their prey while hunting. On the other hand, birds like pigeons or sparrows, with eyes positioned on the sides, have a broader field of vision, helping them detect predators approaching from any direction.


Professor: In conclusion, birds' eye position plays a pivotal role in their survival. While their wide field of vision allows for increased situational awareness, it comes at the cost of reduced depth perception. Nonetheless, different bird species have evolved diverse eye positions that align with their ecological needs. Understanding these adaptations provides us with valuable insights into the remarkable ways in which organisms adapt to their environments.

[End of Lecture Transcript]

The question:

Based on the lecture transcript provided, explain the significance of birds' eye position for their survival. Discuss how this adaptation enables birds to detect threats and find sources of food effectively. Provide examples from the lecture to support your explanation.

My Answer:

according to the professor bird eyes position it's really vital for survival of birds, because it's the adaptation effort from them to be  thrive.  especially about the position because the bird eyes mostly have side by side eyes that give them wide range panoramic angle which is this good for them to find the surrounding area all the time and find the food and avoid the predator.  but this side by side has trade off such as it can reduce the depth perception or distance.  the example of the side by side but can be fun from the pigeon so pigeon can easily run from the  predator.  

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 4 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development):

Delivery: 2.5

The response is somewhat clear, but there are some issues with sentence structure and word choice that affect the overall delivery.

Language Use: 2.5

The language use is somewhat effective, but there are errors and awkward phrasings throughout the response.

Topic Development: 2

The response provides a basic explanation of the significance of birds' eye position for their survival, but it lacks specific details and examples from the lecture to support the explanation. The trade-off mentioned could be further elaborated and expanded upon.


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