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TOEFL Speaking Practice #28

Task #1 - 1

The question:

Do you prefer living in a rural or urban area? Why?

My Answer:

Nowadays I would prefer to live in rural area. it just because all my job can be done remotely I don't need to commute on Urban area. for example every meeting I attend it occurred on online platform it can be easily for me to attending it through my home. despite getting stress from the urban area I would prefer a socialize and then getting open green area on rural area

ChatGPT Asessment:

Based on your response, I can provide an assessment of your speaking performance using the TOEFL iBT speaking rubrics:

General Description:
Your response is generally clear and provides an appropriate level of detail to answer the prompt. You clearly state your preference for living in a rural area and provide a reason for your choice. However, you could have provided more specific details to support your answer. Score: 3

Your delivery is generally clear and easy to understand, with good pacing and appropriate use of intonation. You speak confidently and smoothly, with few pauses or filler words. However, there are some minor pronunciation errors that do not significantly affect communication. Score: 3

Language Use:
Your use of language is generally effective, with appropriate vocabulary and grammar for the most part. However, there are some errors in grammar, word choice, and preposition use. You could have used more varied vocabulary to express your ideas more precisely. Score: 2.5

Topic Development:
Your response addresses the prompt and stays on topic throughout, with some elaboration on your reasons for preferring a rural area. However, there is room for improvement in providing specific examples to support your reasons, as well as in developing your ideas further. Score: 2.5

Overall, your response demonstrates a good level of proficiency in English, but there is room for improvement in terms of language use, vocabulary, and topic development. Your score would be a total of 11 out of 16. Keep practicing and working on your language skills to improve your score!


Task #1 - 2

The question:

Do you think it is important to learn about other cultures? Why or why not?

My Answer:

I will say that for some people learning other people culture is important especially people who interact intensely to people or work in socialize areas such as Public Relation government doctor and teachers. for example the importance of learning agriculture is the idiom you use to other people it may be not suitable for other people but for you you think it's okay but not okay for other people

ChatGPT Asessment:

General Description (3/4): You have provided a clear and coherent response to the prompt. You have provided an introduction, a main point, and a conclusion. However, you could have elaborated more on the importance of learning about other cultures and provided some concrete examples to support your point.

Delivery (2/4): You have a clear voice and your pacing is appropriate. However, you have a few noticeable pauses and hesitations, which could affect your fluency and coherence.

Language Use (2/4): You have used some appropriate vocabulary and structures, but there are several grammatical errors and awkward expressions that affect the clarity of your response. For example, the sentence "for example the importance of learning agriculture is the idiom you use to other people" does not make sense in the context of your response.

Topic Development (2/4): You have addressed the main point of the prompt, but your response lacks depth and elaboration. You could have provided more specific examples to support your point and develop your ideas.

Overall Score: 9/16. Your response is understandable, but there is room for improvement in your language use, topic development, and delivery. To improve your score, try to speak more clearly and fluently, use more specific and accurate vocabulary, and develop your ideas with relevant examples and details.


Task #1 - 3

The question:

Should parents be able to choose their child's career path? Why or why not?

My Answer:

If we talk about career it means that it's for adult people not for children so I believe parents should not Get involved deeply to the career of their children. it's as simple as because adult people can manage their own life they have their own vision. however if your children still kids or in adolescence it is important for you parents so control or do visualize in Vivid what kind of jobs in the future is good for them

ChatGPT Asessment:

Based on the TOEFL iBT Speaking Rubrics, I would rate your response as follows:

General Description: 3/4

You provided a clear and relevant response to the question. You understood the question and provided a thoughtful opinion. However, your response could have been more detailed and comprehensive, as you did not cover all aspects of the topic.

Delivery: 3/4

Your delivery was clear and easy to understand, with good pronunciation and intonation. However, you could have used more varied and sophisticated vocabulary, and your speech flow could have been smoother.

Language Use: 3/4

You used generally correct grammar and vocabulary, although there were some errors and some repetition of words and phrases. You could have used more advanced structures and vocabulary to express your ideas more precisely.

Topic Development: 3/4

You developed your ideas adequately, providing reasons to support your opinion. However, your response was not fully developed, as you did not provide examples or further elaboration to support your points.

Overall, your response demonstrates a good level of English proficiency, but could be improved with more attention to detail and more advanced language use. Your total score is 12/16.


Task #1 - 4

The question:

What are the advantages and disadvantages of online learning?

My Answer:

In my own experience the most advantages of learning online is it's really cheap I can do it from my home through internet and I can't what course that I want. but the most disadvantages of this kind of learning is weak of deep discussion even if online platform can provide good communication for us but deep discussion needs really fast conversation that can be provided by online platform right now. so those are the advantages and disadvantages of learning online in my own experience

ChatGPT Asessment:

General Description: 3

Your answer provides a clear introduction, body, and conclusion with a balanced discussion of both advantages and disadvantages of online learning. However, your response is slightly short and could benefit from more detail and examples to support your points.

Delivery: 3

Your delivery is clear and easy to understand, and you speak at a consistent pace. You also use appropriate intonation and stress to emphasize your main points. However, there is room for improvement in terms of fluency and avoiding pauses.

Language Use: 3

You use a range of vocabulary and grammar structures to express your ideas effectively. However, there are a few minor errors in grammar and word choice that could be improved upon. Additionally, incorporating more complex sentence structures could enhance the quality of your response.

Topic Development: 2

While you discuss both advantages and disadvantages of online learning, your response lacks depth and detail. Providing more specific examples and elaborating on your points would strengthen your response and show a deeper understanding of the topic. Additionally, developing your ideas further and exploring multiple perspectives would improve the overall quality of your response.

Overall, your response is well-structured and provides a balanced discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of online learning. However, there is room for improvement in terms of detail, fluency, and elaboration on your points. Based on the TOEFL iBT Speaking rubrics, your score would be 3 for General Description, 3 for Delivery, 3 for Language Use, and 2 for Topic Development.


Task #1 - 5

The question:

Should smoking be banned in all public places? Why or why not?

My Answer:

Of course absolutely I couldn't see any reason that smoking in public area allowed. it should be banned for all public area because of a simple as if some people do smoking in front of children or pregnant mom it's not good for their health. in my own experience I'm living in Indonesia that smoking is really common for adult people I've seen many people smoking in front of their children it's not good not because they don't know how the bad effect of smoking but it's about the culture

ChatGPT Asessment:

General Description: 3
Delivery: 3
Language Use: 2
Topic Development: 2

Overall Score: 2.5


In terms of general description, your answer addresses the question and presents a clear stance on the issue. However, your answer lacks depth and thoroughness in terms of topic development.

Your delivery is generally fluent and confident, with a few minor pauses and hesitations. However, you could benefit from some improvement in your intonation and stress patterns to add more emphasis and clarity to your message.

Regarding language use, your response has some grammatical errors and a limited range of vocabulary. You can improve by using more precise and varied language to express your ideas.

Finally, your topic development is somewhat limited, with only one supporting reason provided for your argument. It would be helpful to include additional reasons or evidence to support your position.

Overall, your response demonstrates some proficiency in addressing the question and presenting a clear stance. However, there is room for improvement in terms of depth, language use, and topic development to achieve a higher score.


Task #1 - 6

The question:

Do you think it is important to learn how to code? Why or why not?

My Answer:

Nowadays coding is not about specific hard skill, I believe coding is just like another language so I do agree that calling is really important for our life. for New Generation it's can easily we can teach how to code from school in early age that's really important for students in the future. it's really cold and it's not really difficult if you're learning it from early ages like I mentioned before so it is really important to learn how to code

ChatGPT Asessment:

Assessment based on TOEFL iBT speaking rubrics:

General Description: 3

Responded to the question prompt and provided an opinion.
Gave reasons to support the opinion.
Used some relevant examples to explain the opinion.
Delivery: 3

Generally clear and understandable pronunciation.
Used appropriate stress and intonation patterns to emphasize some points.
Used some hesitation and fillers, but did not significantly affect the overall delivery.
Language Use: 2

Used mostly simple and basic sentence structures.
Made some grammatical errors that may occasionally hinder communication.
Used some vocabulary appropriately, but also had some inaccuracies and repetitions.
Topic Development: 2

Introduced the topic with a clear opinion.
Used some reasons and examples to support the opinion.
Had some repetition and lack of elaboration on some points.
Overall, the response demonstrated a basic understanding of the topic and provided some relevant points to support the opinion. However, the language use and topic development were limited and could be improved for a higher score. The overall score is 2.5 out of 4.


Task #1 - 7

The question:

Should governments provide free healthcare for all citizens? Why or why not?

My Answer:

Yes I'm totally any government in the world should provide good health for their citizen period as simple as healthy is a basic need for human so people who not really lucky that doesn't have money or economical reason they should provided an health Access from their government .  but of course it may be kind of controversial because some people get bad health because of their bad habit of life that maybe  can't be  tolerated. for example people who have bad drinking habit it crashed their health and should government provide free Health Access? maybe yes maybe no

ChatGPT Asessment:

Based on the TOEFL iBT speaking rubrics, here is an assessment of your answer's transcript:

General Description (3/4):
Your response is generally clear and appropriate to the prompt. You express your opinion on the topic and provide a supporting reason. However, your response lacks specificity and could benefit from more detail and examples.

Delivery (3/4):
Your delivery is generally clear, with good pacing and pronunciation. However, there are some instances of awkward phrasing and hesitation that could be improved.

Language Use (3/4):
Your use of language is generally appropriate to the task and conveys your ideas effectively. However, there are a few errors in grammar and word choice that could be improved.

Topic Development (2/4):
Your response lacks specificity and development. Although you express your opinion and provide a reason, you do not provide any examples or supporting details to illustrate your point. Your response could benefit from more developed ideas and specific examples.

Overall, your response earns a score of 11 out of 16. While your response generally addresses the prompt and demonstrates some proficiency in the use of English, it could benefit from more developed and specific ideas, as well as clearer and more fluent delivery.


Task #1 - 8

The question:

What are the benefits of reading books?

My Answer:

Even if now we can read materials from websites and any online platform I do believe reading book is still important for our lives. because reading books you can open your widen Horizon that can be provided by books from any discipline of knowledge. for example in my own opinion I never thought about how to manage business in zero waste way and then my friend give me the Toyota Way book that really changed my life and the way I view the way my perspective of my business

ChatGPT Asessment:

General Description: 3
Delivery: 3
Language Use: 3
Topic Development: 3

Overall, your answer is coherent, well-organized, and shows a good understanding of the topic. You responded to the question in a clear and concise manner, stating your opinion and supporting it with a personal example.

In terms of the TOEFL iBT speaking rubrics, your response demonstrates the following:

General Description: You addressed the topic and provided a clear response. You also provided an example to support your opinion. Your answer was coherent and well-organized.

Delivery: Your speech was clear and easy to understand. You spoke at a moderate pace, with good intonation and stress. You also used appropriate pauses to separate your ideas.

Language Use: Your choice of vocabulary was appropriate for the topic. You also used correct grammar and pronunciation. You conveyed your ideas effectively and fluently.

Topic Development: You provided a good introduction to the topic, clearly stating your opinion. You also provided a personal example to support your opinion. You organized your ideas well, using appropriate transitions between them.

Overall, your response is a solid example of a TOEFL iBT speaking answer, with well-organized ideas, good delivery, and effective use of language. Keep up the good work!


Task #1 - 9

The question:

Do you think it is important for individuals to have a daily exercise routine? Why or why not?

My Answer:

No doubt about it that people should have exercise written on their daily life. it's no need to be so difficult let's say you exercise 30 minutes a day or 2 hours a week as long as it's regularly you take it good for your health. in my own experience I do skipping jump rope every day for six months and it just make my body hope you are and then I can get more stamina because of it

ChatGPT Asessment:

Based on the TOEFL iBT speaking rubrics, here's an assessment of your response:

General Description: 3
Delivery: 3
Language Use: 2
Topic Development: 2

Overall Score: 2.5


General Description: Your response directly addresses the prompt and is focused on the topic. You present a clear and coherent argument for the importance of daily exercise routine. However, the response lacks detail and depth of analysis.
Delivery: Your delivery is clear, understandable, and well-paced. You have a good intonation and stress patterns. You also use appropriate and varied vocabulary to express your ideas. However, you pause for a moment to think of what to say next in the middle of your response, which affects the fluency of your speech.
Language Use: Your grammar and vocabulary are generally correct, but there are some errors and some lack of variety in vocabulary. For example, you repeat the word "exercise" several times and do not use any synonyms or related terms to diversify your language use.
Topic Development: Your response lacks sufficient detail and elaboration. You mention the importance of regular exercise for good health, but you do not provide specific examples or statistics to support your argument. You also do not address the "why or why not" part of the prompt, which limits your topic development.
To improve your score, you should try to:

Develop your ideas more fully by providing specific examples, details, and statistics to support your argument.
Use more varied vocabulary to express your ideas and avoid repeating the same words or phrases.
Address all aspects of the prompt and provide a balanced argument with both reasons for and against the idea of daily exercise routine.


Task #1 - 10

The question:

Should people be allowed to own guns for self-defense? Why or why not?

My Answer:

No I don't agree that regular citizen could have their own guns even if for defense their life. because if people holding guns on their home in a psychology they tend to have a power that may be harm other people and the education is really important because if guns is holded by people who really easy to anger it can be harm our social it can be harm our children that's not good.  I do believe some people like police or government staff should hold guns for them to protect the society  in a good way

ChatGPT Asessment:

General Description: 3
Your response is relevant to the question and includes a clear thesis statement. However, there is room for improvement in terms of elaborating on your ideas.

Delivery: 2
Your delivery is clear but there are a few hesitations and false starts that could be improved upon. Additionally, your intonation could be more varied to help convey your meaning.

Language Use: 2
While you communicate your ideas adequately, there are some grammar and vocabulary errors that detract from the overall clarity of your response. For instance, the phrase "guns is holded" should be "guns are held". You also have some issues with word choice and sentence structure.

Topic Development: 2
Your response includes some relevant points about why people should not be allowed to own guns, but you do not develop your ideas fully. You could provide more evidence or specific examples to support your argument. Additionally, you briefly touch on the idea that some people, like police or government staff, should be allowed to hold guns, but you do not elaborate on this point or explore other perspectives.

Overall, your response earns a score of 2.25 out of 4. With some practice and improvement, you could increase your score in each rubric.


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