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TOEFL IBT Speaking Practice #36

Task #1 - 1

The question:

Talk about a memorable vacation you have taken.

My Answer:

I would say the most memorable vacation that I had in the past is when I go to the hotel near my town and this one is not other Hotel because this hotel have has some playground really big playground it's about or maybe 3 Mile Square and what the most make me remember this one because when my son played with rabbits he said rabbits bitten his finger which is it's impossible because rabbits didn't have any teeth  as per I know

ChatGPT Asessment:

General Description: 2/4
The response provides a basic description of a memorable vacation, but lacks detail and coherence. There is some confusion in the response, which affects the overall clarity and organization of ideas.

Delivery: 2/4
The delivery of the response is somewhat unclear and lacks fluency. There are noticeable grammar and pronunciation errors, and the speaker seems hesitant at times. Additionally, the pace of speech could be improved for better comprehension.

Language Use: 2/4
The language use in the response is somewhat limited and contains errors in grammar and word choice. The speaker struggles with sentence structure and uses some incorrect or awkward expressions. There is also inconsistency in verb tenses, such as switching between past and present tense.

Topic Development: 1/4
The response does not develop the topic effectively. The speaker mentions a hotel with a large playground, but fails to provide specific details or vivid descriptions. The mention of rabbits biting the speaker's son's finger is confusing and unrelated to the vacation topic.

Total Score: 7/16

Please note that this assessment is based on the information provided in the transcript, and the actual TOEFL iBT speaking rubrics may have additional criteria or weighting.


Task #1 - 2

The question:

Describe a person who has had a significant impact on your life.

My Answer:

I will say the most impactful person in my own life is my mother. obviously every people has a big influence from his mother no matter what you you're living in what country. because a simple as for me my mother is really hard work woman I do remember that when I was a kid my mom work really really hard just to make sure I get better education. and that work of ethos the inspired me a lot when I'm doing my job right now

ChatGPT Asessment:

Assessment based on TOEFL iBT Speaking Rubrics:

General Description:
Your response provides a general description of the person who has had a significant impact on your life. You mention that it is your mother and explain that she is a hardworking woman who worked hard to ensure you received a good education. However, your explanation lacks specific details or examples to support your claim. Overall, your response adequately addresses the question but could benefit from more elaboration.

Score: 2 out of 4

Your delivery is generally clear and understandable. You speak at a moderate pace, and your pronunciation is understandable. However, there are some minor grammatical errors and hesitations in your speech. Additionally, you could improve the overall fluency and flow of your response. Consider using more varied intonation and emphasizing key points.

Score: 2 out of 4

Language Use:
Your language use is generally appropriate for the task. You demonstrate some vocabulary and sentence structure variety, but there are also noticeable errors and inaccuracies throughout your response. Some sentences lack clarity and coherence. Additionally, there are a few instances where you repeat words unnecessarily. To improve, focus on using more precise vocabulary and constructing grammatically correct sentences.

Score: 2 out of 4

Topic Development:
Your response partially develops the topic by mentioning your mother's hard work and the impact it has had on your life. However, you could have provided more specific examples or anecdotes to illustrate how her work ethic inspired you. Your response lacks depth and fails to fully explore the significance of your mother's influence. Try to expand on your ideas and provide more supporting details to enhance topic development.

Score: 2 out of 4

Total Score: 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8 out of 16


Task #1 - 3

The question:

Express your opinion on whether students should be required to wear uniforms in school.

My Answer:

In my opinion students should wear uniform in school. firstly because if students wearing uniform they can focus on study instead of thinking what to wear every day. secondly by uniform it could be avoid inclusivity in school because we know every student has different economical status maybe the poor and the rich of course can be have different outfit and it can be looks easily if not very uniform. so in my opinion every school must be has uniform policy

ChatGPT Asessment:

Assessment breakdown based on TOEFL iBT speaking rubrics:

General Description (3 out of 4):
Your response provides a clear opinion on the topic of whether students should be required to wear uniforms in school. You present two supporting points, mentioning the convenience of focusing on studying without having to think about what to wear and the potential avoidance of inclusivity issues related to economic differences among students. However, it would have been better if you had elaborated more on these points to provide a deeper analysis.

Delivery (3 out of 4):
Your delivery is generally clear and understandable. You maintain a steady pace and show some level of fluency. However, there are a few instances where you stumble or pause slightly, which affects the overall smoothness of your delivery. Additionally, your intonation and stress patterns could be improved to add more variation and emphasis to your speech.

Language Use (3 out of 4):
You demonstrate a sufficient command of English language structures and vocabulary to convey your ideas. Your sentences are mostly grammatically correct, although there are a few minor errors and awkward phrasings. You could improve your language use by incorporating a wider range of vocabulary and more complex sentence structures. Additionally, you repeated the word "uniform" several times, which could have been avoided by using synonyms or pronouns.

Topic Development (3 out of 4):
You present two main points in support of your opinion, but you could have developed them further by providing specific examples or evidence. For instance, you could have mentioned studies or surveys that show the impact of uniforms on student focus or provided real-life examples of inclusivity issues in schools. Expanding on your points would have strengthened your argument and demonstrated a deeper understanding of the topic.

Total Score: 12 out of 16

Overall, your response is well-structured and conveys your opinion on the topic clearly. To improve your score, focus on providing more elaboration and supporting evidence for your points, improving your fluency and delivery, using a wider range of vocabulary, and working on sentence structures to add complexity and variety. Keep practicing to refine your speaking skills and achieve a higher score on the TOEFL iBT. Good luck!


Task #1 - 4

The question:

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city versus a small town.

My Answer:

Comparing small cities and big cities I will save first one is the medical facilitate I've seen that in big cities has better medical facilitate than in small cities. and also the education quality I believe in big city has better quality than in small cities. However small city is also have advantages such as small cities provide us more socialized because we can know each other we can know our neighbor easily instead of big cities. and second one of advantage of small cities is maybe it's not really noisy maybe we can reduce your stress compared to big cities living

ChatGPT Asessment:

Transcript Assessment:

General Description (Score: 3)
Your response provides a comparison between living in a big city and a small town, highlighting advantages and disadvantages. You briefly mention medical facilities and education quality as advantages of big cities, while emphasizing socialization and a less noisy environment as advantages of small towns.

Delivery (Score: 2)
Your delivery could be improved. While you communicate your ideas clearly, there are some issues with fluency and pronunciation. Some words are unclear, and there are pauses and hesitations throughout your response.

Language Use (Score: 2)
Your language use is somewhat limited. You use basic vocabulary and simple sentence structures. There are errors in grammar and word choice, and some sentences are not fully developed or clear. For instance, the sentence "I will save first one is the medical facilitate" is not grammatically correct.

Topic Development (Score: 2)
Your response lacks depth and detail in terms of topic development. You briefly mention the advantages and disadvantages of living in big cities and small towns, but you don't provide specific examples or elaboration to support your points. Your response would benefit from more specific and detailed explanations.

Total Score: 9 out of 16

Note: The TOEFL iBT speaking section is assessed on a scale of 0 to 4 for each rubric, with 4 being the highest score. The total score is the sum of the individual rubric scores, with a maximum score of 16.

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