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TOEFL IBT Speaking Practice #37

Task #1 - 1

The question:

Talk about a person who has had a significant influence on your life.

My Answer:

I would say the most influence people in my life is my mother. first of all obviously because she is my mother she taught me everything she told me everything to doing good and to doing avoid no good. and then the second is because I motivated from her to coming to reaching good education and unfortunately I did it. for example I don't have a vision to go to good University but she had a vision. so my mom is the most influence people in my life

ChatGPT Asessment:

Transcript Assessment:

General Description: 3/4
Your response provides a clear identification of the person who has had a significant influence on your life, which is your mother. You mention that she taught you everything and guided you on what is good and what to avoid. You also mention that she motivated you to pursue a good education, and you give an example of how she had a vision for you to attend a good university. However, your response could benefit from more specific details or anecdotes to enhance the overall description.

Delivery: 2/4
Your delivery could be improved in terms of fluency and pronunciation. While your ideas are understandable, there are some grammatical errors and hesitations that affect the flow of your response. Additionally, you could work on your intonation and stress patterns to make your speech more engaging and natural.

Language Use: 2/4
Your language use demonstrates a basic level of proficiency, but there are noticeable errors in grammar and vocabulary. Some sentences lack subject-verb agreement, and there are instances where prepositions or articles are missing. Additionally, your vocabulary could be more varied and precise. Aim to use a wider range of vocabulary and sentence structures to showcase your language skills.

Topic Development: 3/4
You address the topic by discussing your mother's influence on your life, emphasizing her role in teaching you and motivating you to pursue education. You provide an example to support your point about her vision for your academic success. However, you could further develop your response by including specific instances or experiences that highlight the influence she has had on you. Adding personal anecdotes or concrete examples would enhance the overall topic development.

Total Score: 10/16
Overall, your response demonstrates an understanding of the topic and conveys your mother's significant influence on your life. However, there is room for improvement in delivery, language use, and providing more specific details to strengthen your response. Work on fluency, pronunciation, grammar accuracy, vocabulary variety, and incorporating more specific examples to enhance your overall score. Keep practicing to refine your speaking skills. Good luck!


Task #1 - 2

The question:

Describe your favorite vacation destination and explain why you enjoy it.

My Answer:

To be honest I don't have specific vacation destination that I've ever read for. but I will say it depends on with whom I go to the vacation. so first of all of course I do love go vacation with my family with my children we play along all day long and then I don't think for my job and it's really happy for me for. For example we went to the beach not really fancy Beach really really cheap and I got my son's really happy to building a sand place that really good for them and I'm happy for it. so I will say I don't have favorite vacation destination as long as my family all together with me

ChatGPT Asessment:

Transcript Assessment: General Description: 2/4 The response provides some relevant information about the speaker's vacation preferences. However, it lacks specificity and does not offer a clear favorite vacation destination. The response focuses more on who the speaker goes on vacation with rather than the destination itself. Delivery: 2/4 The delivery is somewhat hesitant and lacks fluency. There are several grammatical errors and awkward phrasing, which hinder the overall clarity of the response. The pacing is somewhat uneven, and there are instances of repetition ("really happy"). Language Use: 2/4 The language use demonstrates some proficiency but is marred by grammatical errors and inconsistencies. There are errors in subject-verb agreement ("I don't have specific vacation destination"), article usage ("a sand place"), and prepositions ("with my children we play along all day long"). Vocabulary and word choice could be improved for more precise and varied expression. Topic Development: 2/4 The response partially addresses the topic by discussing vacationing with family and going to the beach. However, the details are limited, and the explanation lacks depth and specific examples to support the reasons for enjoyment. The response could benefit from more elaboration on personal experiences or specific features of the destination. Total Score: 8/16


Task #1 - 3

The question:

Discuss a memorable birthday celebration you have had and why it was special to you.

My Answer:

To be honest I don't celebrate birthday especially since I was 13 I think. but I do remember when I was four or five years old on kindergarten I did celebration of my birthday. I'm still remembering that my mom took on leave from her job to just proud the cake to my school and I'm really happy for it and all of the classes stopped because of my birthday. I do remember how her face and how her effort to make it happen

ChatGPT Asessment:

Assessment of your answer based on the TOEFL iBT speaking rubrics: General Description: 3 Your response provides a general description of a memorable birthday celebration. You mention that you don't typically celebrate birthdays but recall a specific celebration when you were four or five years old in kindergarten. You mention your mother taking time off work and bringing a cake to your school, and the impact it had on you. However, the description lacks specific details about the celebration itself, such as the activities, guests, or any significant moments. Delivery: 3 Your delivery is generally clear and understandable. You express your thoughts and emotions about the birthday celebration and convey your happiness and appreciation for your mother's effort. However, there are some instances of hesitation and lack of fluency in your speech, which affect the overall delivery of your response. Language Use: 2 Your language use is somewhat limited and lacks variety. You demonstrate some basic vocabulary and sentence structures, but there is room for improvement in terms of grammar and word choice. For example, you use repetitive phrases such as "I do remember" and "how her" multiple times. Additionally, you have a few errors, such as "just proud the cake" instead of "bringing the cake." Topic Development: 2 While you address the topic to some extent by discussing a memorable birthday celebration, your response lacks depth and development. You briefly mention your mother's efforts and your happiness, but you don't provide sufficient details or examples to support your description. You could have expanded on the impact of the celebration, why it was special to you, or any specific moments that made it memorable. Total score: 10 (out of 16) Overall, your response demonstrates some understanding of the question and provides a basic description of a memorable birthday celebration. However, to improve your score, you should work on providing more specific details, using a wider range of vocabulary and sentence structures, and developing your ideas further. Practice speaking with more fluency and coherence to enhance your overall performance.


Task #1 - 4

The question:

Talk about an item or possession that holds great sentimental value for you.

My Answer:

Wow it's tempting questions. I will say that my scooter is the most sentimental item that I possess right now. this is the old school term maybe aged for 20 years old it's old enough for a scooter because the technology is so old not really old but compared to new scooter it's getting old. because this scooter brought me everywhere when I was young and it just make me happy when I remember those days. so my scooter is the most sentimental items that I possess right now

ChatGPT Asessment:

Assessment of TOEFL iBT Speaking Answer: General Description (3/4): The response addresses the topic of an item or possession that holds sentimental value. The candidate shares personal information about their scooter and its sentimental value. However, the response lacks specific details or anecdotes to support the sentimental value of the scooter. Delivery (3/4): The candidate demonstrates enthusiasm and interest in the topic, as evident from the phrase "Wow, it's a tempting question." The delivery is generally clear and understandable, although there are some instances of run-on sentences and incomplete phrasing. There is a moderate pace maintained throughout the response, allowing the listener to follow along. Language Use (2/4): The candidate's language use is acceptable, but there are some grammatical errors and awkward phrasing. Examples of errors include: "this is the old school term maybe aged for 20 years old," "because the technology is so old not really old," and "compared to new scooter it's getting old." The candidate could improve their sentence structure and grammar to enhance clarity. Topic Development (2/4): The candidate briefly describes the scooter and mentions its sentimental value. However, the response lacks elaboration, examples, or personal experiences related to the scooter. It would be beneficial to provide more specific details and anecdotes to support the sentimental value of the item. Overall, the score for this answer would be 10 out of 16. Note: This assessment is a subjective evaluation based on the TOEFL iBT speaking rubrics. Actual scoring may vary depending on the official TOEFL iBT evaluation criteria and the specific test requirements.


Task #1 - 5

The question:

Describe a hobby or activity that you find particularly enjoyable and explain why.

My Answer:

The activity or hobby that I made me enjoyable all the time absolutely my soccer. maybe in us it's called a soccer but in general I call it a football. I just love football since I was kid and I do remember when I was a kid I played everyday and on those day I remember I wrote my goals for every each game that I played that's not so common on those days to write any data of our statistic of my game. so it just make me happy that's my hobby optivity that I very enjoyable until now

ChatGPT Asessment:

Here's an assessment of your answer's transcript based on the TOEFL iBT speaking rubrics: General Description: 2/4 Your answer provides a general description of your hobby/activity, which is soccer/football. However, the description lacks specific details and examples to support your points. It would be helpful to elaborate more on why you find it enjoyable. Delivery: 2/4 Your delivery is somewhat understandable, but there are several issues with fluency and pronunciation. Some words and phrases are unclear, making it difficult to follow your response at times. It is important to work on your pronunciation and clarity of speech to improve your delivery. Language Use: 2/4 Your language use is limited and contains several grammatical errors. For example, "The activity or hobby that I made me enjoyable all the time absolutely my soccer" should be "The activity or hobby that I find enjoyable all the time is soccer." There are also errors in verb tenses, subject-verb agreement, and word choice. It would be beneficial to enhance your vocabulary and grammar skills to improve your language use. Topic Development: 2/4 While you mention your love for soccer/football, your response lacks sufficient development. You briefly mention playing soccer as a child and writing down your goals, but you do not expand on these points or provide further details. It would be more effective to provide specific examples, explain why you enjoy playing soccer, and perhaps discuss any achievements or memorable experiences related to the activity. Total Score: 8/16 To calculate the total score, you can sum up the individual scores from each rubric. In this case, the total score is 8 out of 16. Remember to focus on improving your delivery, language use, and topic development to enhance your overall performance in the TOEFL iBT speaking section.


Task #1 - 6

The question:

Do you believe that technology has improved or worsened our quality of life? Explain your opinion.

My Answer:

For me no doubt that technology make my life improved a lot and of course every people in the world in my perspective has improved their lives also. it just because technology make us can touch everywhere all over the world instead of geographic instead of time thanks for the technology especially for communication technology such as social media and then video conference and so on. for example I do meeting for my friends from us and I'm not in us that I can keep in touch with him. That's why I think technology make our lives much better than before

ChatGPT Asessment:

Transcript Assessment: General Description: 3 The response provides a clear stance on the topic and offers a general explanation of the speaker's opinion. The speaker believes that technology has improved their quality of life and mentions that it has also improved the lives of people worldwide. The response lacks depth and could benefit from additional supporting points or examples. Delivery: 3 The delivery is generally clear and understandable. The speaker maintains a consistent pace and tone throughout the response. However, there are some minor grammatical errors and slight hesitations that slightly impact the overall fluency. Language Use: 3 The language used is generally appropriate for the task. The speaker demonstrates a good command of vocabulary and uses a variety of sentence structures. However, there are some grammatical errors ("make my life improved," "every people," "instead of geographic instead of time") that slightly hinder the clarity of the response. Topic Development: 2 The response provides a basic explanation of the speaker's opinion, but it lacks specific details and supporting examples. The argument would benefit from more elaboration and development to strengthen the points made. Total Score: 11 out of 16 Overall, your response demonstrates a good understanding of the topic and conveys your opinion clearly. However, to improve your score, it is recommended to provide more specific examples and develop your arguments further. Additionally, pay attention to grammatical accuracy to enhance the overall clarity of your response.


Task #1 - 7

The question:

Should students be required to wear school uniforms? Give your opinion and justify your stance.

My Answer:

Yes student should wear uniform if they go to school. the first reason of me is because if they're wearing a uniform they will focus on their study. and the second one to make or to avoid inclusivity and racism on school because not everybody has a good economy to buy fancy or uniform or fancy or wardrobe that maybe make a problem in social structure on the school. for example four people of course couldn't afford a good cloth that maybe looks not so good that maybe can cause all for bullying and saw one. that's why I do believe students should wear uniform when they go to school

ChatGPT Asessment:

Transcript Assessment: General Description: The response provides a clear stance on the topic and attempts to support it with reasons. The speaker discusses the potential benefits of wearing school uniforms and touches on the issue of inclusivity and social structure. However, the response lacks depth and could benefit from further development and elaboration. Overall, the general description is satisfactory but could be improved. Delivery: The delivery of the response is acceptable. The speaker maintains a coherent flow of ideas and expresses opinions clearly. However, there are some instances of repetition and hesitations, which slightly affect the fluency and coherence of the speech. More confident delivery would enhance the overall impact of the response. Language Use: The language use in the response is generally appropriate. The speaker demonstrates an understanding of grammar and vocabulary, although there are a few minor errors and awkward phrases. The response could benefit from a wider range of vocabulary and more varied sentence structures to create a stronger impact. Additionally, more precise and specific language could enhance the clarity of the ideas expressed. Topic Development: The response partially addresses the topic by presenting two reasons to support the stance of wearing school uniforms. However, the ideas lack depth and specific examples to fully develop the arguments. The response would benefit from providing more concrete evidence or personal experiences to strengthen the claims. Overall, while the topic is addressed, the response could be more thorough and elaborate in its development. Score breakdown: General Description: 3 Delivery: 3 Language Use: 3 Topic Development: 2 Total score: 3 + 3 + 3 + 2 = 11 (out of 16)


Task #1 - 8

The question:

Is it better to live in a big city or a small town? State your preference and provide reasons for your choice.

My Answer:

These days I do believe that's living in small town is better than big city. because for me I can done my job not from the office I can done it from home or everywhere but thanks for technology for that. I can help meeting even if I'm in home and my team on the big cities and we can still make it happen well. instead of big cities that offer us the stress and the noisy I don't like it. for example if you live in big cities no at least you have to commute an hour earlier because the traffic because of the crowd on the streets and someone. that's why I do pray for live in Big City right now because of the technology we can connect to my peers or my team even if I'm not in a big city or in the office

ChatGPT Asessment:

Based on the TOEFL iBT speaking rubrics, I will assess your answer's transcript in terms of General Description, Delivery, Language Use, and Topic Development. I will rate each rubric on a scale of 1 to 4, with 4 being the highest score. General Description: Your response provides a clear preference for living in a small town over a big city. You mention the ability to work remotely and the convenience of technology as reasons for your preference. However, the response lacks specific examples and elaboration. Score: 2 Delivery: Your delivery is generally understandable, but there are some grammatical errors and lack of coherence in certain parts of your response. The flow of your speech could be improved, and you occasionally stumble over words or phrases. Score: 2 Language Use: While you make an effort to express your ideas, there are several grammar and vocabulary issues in your response. Some sentences are unclear or awkwardly constructed, which affects the overall coherence of your answer. Score: 2 Topic Development: Although you state your preference for living in a small town and briefly mention the advantages of remote work and technology, you do not provide specific details or examples to support your reasons. The response lacks depth and fails to develop the topic effectively. Score: 2 Total Score: 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8 out of 16 Based on the rubrics, your total score is 8 out of 16. This indicates that there is room for improvement in various areas, including providing more specific examples, improving delivery and coherence, enhancing language use, and developing the topic with more depth.


Task #1 - 9

The question:

Should governments invest more in space exploration or environmental protection? Express your opinion and support it with reasons.

My Answer:

In this case government of course should spend more on environment is used in state of space exploration. because of space exploration is now something like we don't really know well but the environment is to is a real thing is near of us and it disturb our daily life. that's why I think government should concern their money or their budget into environmental issues such as the garbage such as they global warming or maybe the carbon use of manufacturer and so one

ChatGPT Asessment:

Transcript Assessment: General Description (2/4): Your response shows a basic understanding of the question and presents a clear opinion. However, your explanation lacks detail and coherence. You could have provided more specific examples or arguments to support your opinion. Delivery (3/4): Your delivery is fairly clear, with understandable pronunciation and intonation. However, there are some grammatical errors and inconsistencies in your speech. You could have used more varied sentence structures and improved your fluency. Language Use (1/4): Your language use is the weakest aspect of your response. There are several grammatical errors, such as incorrect verb tenses and missing articles. Your vocabulary is limited, and you repeat phrases. You need to work on improving your grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure. Topic Development (2/4): While you express your opinion, your response lacks development and organization. You briefly mention the importance of the environment but do not provide specific reasons or evidence to support your opinion. Your arguments are general and lack coherence. Total Score: 8/16 Overall, your response shows some understanding of the question and presents a clear opinion. However, your lack of detail, grammatical errors, limited vocabulary, and lack of coherence in your arguments bring down your score. To improve, focus on providing specific examples, using correct grammar and vocabulary, and organizing your ideas more effectively. Practice more to enhance your fluency and coherence in delivering your response.


Task #1 - 10

The question:

Do you think it is important for young people to learn a second language? Share your opinion and elaborate on your reasons.

My Answer:

Right now I don't believe that second language is so important. because of the technology can provide translating in real time I've seen in YouTube that people are talking in their model language for example Chinese and then in istan it can be translated into english. even if that device not can not available everywhere still not affordable for everybody but I do believe in the next five or 10 years those devices will be found everywhere. that's why I think learning second language for nowadays people not really important. however if you are the academic person or if you are the government you should or you must learn a second language 

ChatGPT Asessment:

General Description (3): You provided a clear opinion on the importance of learning a second language, stating that you currently don't believe it is important. You supported your opinion with the argument that technology can provide real-time translation, citing YouTube videos as an example. You also mentioned the limited availability and affordability of such devices but expressed the belief that they will become more widespread in the future. Lastly, you acknowledged that individuals in certain roles, such as academics or government officials, may still need to learn a second language. Delivery (2): Your delivery could be improved in terms of fluency and clarity. There are several instances of hesitations and grammatical errors that impact the overall coherence of your response. Additionally, your speech lacks variation in tone and rhythm, which could make it more engaging to the listener. Language Use (2): While you conveyed your ideas adequately, there are notable issues with grammar and word choice. Some sentences are incomplete or lack subject-verb agreement, and there are instances of awkward phrasing. For instance, "because of the technology can provide translating in real time" should be "because technology can provide real-time translation." There are also repetitive phrases such as "that device not can not available everywhere" instead of "that device is not available everywhere." Improving your grammar and vocabulary would enhance the clarity and accuracy of your response. Topic Development (3): You provided some reasoning to support your opinion, mentioning the availability of translation technology and the potential for its future ubiquity. However, you could have further developed your arguments by providing specific examples or statistics to illustrate the impact of technology on language learning. Additionally, addressing counterarguments or alternative perspectives could have strengthened your response. Total score: 10/16


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