this is another speech to text blog post
I will read some random paragraph on my books and then the speech to text Will generate text from my English pronunciation and then I will see you which component that is not good is not right and I will correct it and then I will improve my English speaking skill
okay let's get it on
the danger that a way to assail you. ? given his limited schooling, it is unlikely Mike Owens was aware of just how much profound historical significance this line of his favorite poem carried. during the early years of industrial revolution, the enemies of technological change targeted every conceivable machine that increase efficiency and productivity. the British legend of nedland romanticized working class vendors who destroyed spinning jenny power looms and other textile equipment in wall factories across the English countryside. these and the capitalist and are kissed were the occupy Wall Street movement of their time. between 1811 and 1813 the so-called letitis hack away at thousand of wall finishing machines with sledgehammers and access burnt down warehouses stages of a factory owners and soldiers trying to quell the violence
okay that's my first paragraph with no editing of tax and then below I will Mark which one I misspelling that this speech to text doesn't recognize the real words:
the danger that a way wait to assail you. ? given his limited schooling, it is unlikely Mike Owens was aware of just how much profound historical significance this line of his favorite poem carried. during the early years of industrial revolution, the enemies of technological change targeted every conceivable machine that increase efficiency and productivity. the British legend of nedland Ned Ludd romanticized working class vendors vandals who destroyed spinning jenny power looms and other textile equipment in wall wool factories across the English countryside. these and the capitalist anticapitalist and are kissed anarchists were the occupy Wall Street movement of their time. between 1811 and 1813 the so-called letitis Luditis hack away at thousand of wall finishing wool-finishing machines with sledgehammers and access axes burnt down warehouses, stages of a factory owners staged food riots, and murdered several factory owners and soldiers trying to quell the violence
bad pronounciation words:
Ned Ludd
staged food riots, and murdered several factory owners
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