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Speaking Practice #4

 This post, still I try to do speech to text from my book Leonardo DaVinci by Walter Isaacson

no I will read continuing the last bookmark which is from the 4th page of the book

so let's begin...

my starting point for this book was not Leona does art masterpieces but he's not books. his mind, I think, is best revealed in the more than 7 to 100 pages of his nose and scribbles that, miraculously, survive to this day. people turns out to be a support information storage technology, still readable after 500 years, which are on tweets likely won't be.

fortunately, Leonardo could not afford to waste paper, so he crammed every inch of his pages with micheliners drawings and looking glass chartings that seem random but provide information of his mental lips. scribbled alongside each other, with rhyme if not reason, our math calculation, sketches of his devilish Young by friend, birds, flying machines, the other props, eddies of water, blood valves, rustic heads, angels, planned stamps, so the parts calls, tips for painters, notes on the eye and optics, weapon of war, and studies for painting.

the grass is siplinary you brilliance world across every pitch, providing a league full display of a mind and sing with nature, his notebooks are the greatest record of curiosity ever created, a wondrous guy to the person whom the imminent art history and Kenneth Clark called the most relentlessly curious man in history

my favorite jumps in his notebooks are his to-do list, which sparkle with his security. one of them dating from the 1490s in Milan, is that this list of things he wants to learn. the measurement of Milan and its suburbs, is the first entry. this had practical purpose as revealed by an item later in the list: draw my Milan. I don't show him relentlessly seeking out people whose brains he could pick get the master of arithmetic to show you how to square a triangle. ask Jenny know the bombardier about how the Tower of federal is what. ask benedito protein are you by what means they work on ice in flanders. get a master of hydraulics to tell you how to repair a lock, kennel and meal in the lumbered manner. get the measurement of the sun provides me by maestro giovanny francese, the Frenchman he is insatiable.

over and over again, year after year, Leonardo list things he must do and learn. some involve the type of clothes observation most of us really posed to do. observe the gooses food coloring if it were always open or always close to create your world not be able to make any kind of movement. others involve why is the sky blue questions about phenomena so come and place that will really post to wonder about them. why is the fish in the water swifter than the bird in the air when it out to be the contrary since the water is heavier and thicker than the air?

best of all are the questions that seem completely random. describe the town of woodpecker he instruct himself. who on Earth will decide one day for no apparent reason that he wanted to know what the tone of woodpecker looks like. how would you even find out? it's not information Leonardo needed to paint a picture or even to understand the flight of birds. but there is, and, as well shall see, there are affectionate things to learn about the tongue of woodpecker. the reason he wanted to know was because he was Leonardo Collins curious patient and always filled with wonder

oddest of all, there is this entry: go every Saturday to the hot bath where you will see naked men. you can imagine Leonardo wanting to do that, for reason for what anatomical and aesthetic. but did he really need to remind himself to do it? the next item on the list is inflate the lungs of pig and observe whether they increase in wheat and land or only in with. ask the new worker art critic Adam cupnic wants rods

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