Buku ini nyeritain tentang Facebook, Google, Amazon, dan Apple.. Yang dari sudut pandang berbeda. 4 brand itu disebut The Four Horsemen di buku ini.. Atau biar gampang, The Four, sesuai judul buku..
buku The Four dan yang punya Blog ini |
Orang pada umumnya melihat The Four adalah "penyelamat" umat manusia. Bisa kebayang hidup tanpa Facebook jaman sekarang? Tanpa Google? Tanpa Amazon sih mungkin bisa banget lah ya, kan Amazon ga terlalu terkenal di Indonesia. Tanpa Apple? Buat saya yang fans beran Xiaomi sih bisa banget.. Tapi buat anda yang udah nyimpen segala rupa di Apple platform? rasanya susah juga kan...
Faktanya betul, memang gara2 The Four, perababan umat manusia berkembang. Jauh lebih cepat dari yang dibayangkan. Buku ini memperlihatkan sisi negatif dari The Four setidaknya tentang monopoli pasar, menghindari tax, membuat yang kaya makin kaya, dan menghilangkan lapangan pekerjaan..
Baca buku ini lumayan banget ngebuka mata saya tentang melihat si Google, ngeliat si Facebook, Amazon dan Apple..
Kesan dari Buku The Four
Yang paling terngiang dari buku ini... "trade a dollar for a dime..." jadi kata si penulis, yang dulu pernah ngelola About.com (venture dengan New York Times), web tersebut cukup sukses, memproduksi konten yang banyak, lalu dimonetize dengan Iklan Google! Bikin konten dan websitenya setengah mati, tapi yang paling dapet untung adalah si Google. haha.. trade a dollar for a dime..
Saya sebagai content creator, ngeblog, bikin beberapa website, nge-Youtube.. berpikir.. oh ya bener juga! kalau terus menerus "nyusu" ke Google, Google akan makin kaya terus.. Saya berkembang, Google tambah berkembang dengan percepatan yang lebih tinggi... Ngebayangin Raffi Ahmad, Deddy Corbuzier, dari Youtubenya mungkin dapet lah M M -an, yang Google dapat? jauh lebih dari itu! keren kan si Google.. inilah monopoli pasar, dan yang membuat kaya makin kaya..
yang kedua paling terngiang adalah soal Apple, kata si penulis sih produk Apple itu adalah low cost dengan banderol harga tinggi.. Banderol harga tinggi saya sepakat.. Tapi beneran low cost gitu ya? emangnya jelek gitu produk Apple? saya sering banget denger.. kalau programmer itu harus pakai Mac, karena performanya bagus.. Saya sering banget denger kalau iPhone itu kamernya bagus.. Itu fakta sih.. Mungkin lebih tepatnya, produk Apple memang bagus, dijual dengan harga tinggi..
Ibarat kata, iPhone itu seperti high-end nya produk Xiaomi, tapi dibanderol dengan harga 3x lipat..dan orang mau beli! heheh
Buku ini cocok untuk siapa?
- yang udah biasa baca buku bahasa Inggris
- yang udah beberapa kali baca buku tentang bisnis di Amerika, karena banyak subjek lokal Amerika yang di-mention di buku ini, kalau ga tau pasti bingung
- Orang yang merasa Techy
Catatan Pribadi
Berikut beberapa catatan pribadi saya tentang buku ini
- Failure and invention are inseparable twins. To invent you have to experiment, and if you know in advance that it's going to work, it's not an experiment.
- Entrepreneurs create jobs, right? No they don't. Most entrepreneurs, at least in tech, leverage processing power and bandwidth to destroy jobs by offering more fore less.
- All do more with less, and all put people out of work
- If you're raising prices faster than inflation, without any underlying innovation, you're ripe to be disrupted.
- Nine women can't have a baby in a month, and the Korean giant would need a decade (at least) to present similar offering.
- Specific audience --> Highly targeted, but not scalable
- 10 percent of their workweek to coming up with new ideas -- so wouldn't you expect to see a lot more interesting stuff coming from 74000 geniuses?
- What's a brand without scale to do? either die or move further south to an even less rational organ
- When i was on the board of Gateway, we operated (poorly) on 6 percent margins. Apple computers - not as powerful-- garnered 28 percent.
- Curiosity is crucial to success. What worked yesterday is out of date today and forgotten tomorrow -- replaced by a new tool or technique we haven't yet heard of.
- Invest aggressively in your strength(s) and spend modest effort to get your weaknesses to average so they don't hold you back.
- The definition of rich is when your passive income exceeds your nut (what you need to live)
- People who complain about others and how they got screwed are, well, losses
- Look at the resumes of the senior executives --if they mostly came from sales, then the company values sales. If they are operational people, that's the heart of the firm, whatever it says in the ads.
- Serial entrepreneurs share three qualities:
- a higher tolerance of risk
- can sell
- too stupid to know they are going to fail
- The world does not belong to the big, but to the fast.
- Entrepreneurs is a sales job with negative commission for the first five years, or until you go out of business --whichever comes first.
- Apple --> Even more remarkable is that the company registers profit margins of 32 percent, closet to luxury brands Hermes (35 percent) and Ferrari (29 percent)
- It's no accident that many tech companies execs are on the record saying they don't give their kids access to these devices.
- An then there's Apple, the most successful firm selling a low-cost product at a premium price.
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