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TOEFL IBT Speaking Practice #94

Task 1

The question:

Do you agree or disagree with the statement "Technology has made communication more impersonal," and explain your reasoning.

My Answer:

Personally I agree with the statement that social media for this context is technology has made our communication more impersonal.  especially in a Range age of teenager and young adolescents since social media become their consume every second it makes them not to socialize each other they do what Their activity through social media such as tiktok Instagram Facebook and so on.  since they spend their time only on social media it make them not good on impersonal skill

Please do Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development):

Based on TOEFL iBT rubrics, your answer would be assessed on three criteria: Delivery, Language Use, and Topic Development. Below are evaluations for each category.

Delivery: 6/10

Your delivery is somewhat clear but lacks some cohesiveness. There are sentence fragments and some grammatical errors that may interrupt the flow for the reader. For example, "especially in a Range age of teenager and young adolescents since social media become their consume every second" is a fragment that could be confusing. The lack of punctuation also disrupts the flow.

Language Use: 5/10

While you have made an attempt to use a range of vocabulary, there are some language issues that need to be addressed. This includes misspellings, incorrect or missing punctuation, and awkward phrasing. For example, "Range age of teenager and young adolescents" could be rephrased for clarity, and "Their activity" should be lowercase and clarified.

Topic Development: 7/10

Your essay does address the topic at hand and makes a clear statement agreeing with the idea that technology has made communication more impersonal. You provide some reasoning related to teenagers and young adolescents spending a lot of time on social media, which affects their interpersonal skills. However, your answer would benefit from more detailed examples or perhaps statistics to back up your claims. The argument could also be more compelling with a clearer structure, including an introduction, body, and conclusion.

Improving in these areas would provide a more well-rounded and compelling response to the question.


Task 2

Reading Passage:

In an effort to promote a healthier and cleaner environment, the university administration has recently announced a comprehensive smoking ban on campus. This policy comes as a response to concerns about secondhand smoke exposure and the impact of smoking on both individuals' health and the cleanliness of campus facilities. The ban includes all indoor and outdoor areas on campus, including designated smoking areas. This decision is aligned with the university's commitment to creating a safe and pleasant learning environment for all students, faculty, and staff.

Listening Passage:

Student A: Hey, did you hear about the new smoking policy on campus?

Student B: Yeah, I just read about it. They're banning smoking everywhere, right?

Student A: Exactly. Indoor and outdoor areas, even the designated spots. They want to reduce secondhand smoke exposure.

Student B: I get that, but isn't it a bit extreme? What about people who smoke? Will they have to leave campus?

Student A: I think so. They mentioned something about creating resources to help people quit smoking. But it's definitely going to change things.

Student B: And what about vaping or e-cigarettes? Are those banned too?

Student A: It seems like they're included in the ban as well. They really want to make the campus smoke-free.

Student B: I guess it's a positive move health-wise, but I can see it causing some inconvenience.

The question:

Summarize the conversation between the two students. Explain the main points of their discussion regarding the university's new smoking policy and how it affects smoking on campus.

My Answer:

The campus has a plan to Banning smoking or on all area on campus indoor outdoor and also the designated place for smoking the plan is banned or smoking.  this plan in order to make the campus cleaner and to provide and promote the commitment of campus to make good  health for everyone.  according to the conversation there are two students that really agree with this statement but has several concerns such as how about the smoker existing, they talk about the campus should be provide a quit smoking program.  and they have another concern about The Vaping or e-cigarette it's they suggest it should be as well

Please do Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development):

Based on the TOEFL iBT rubrics, your answer would be assessed according to Delivery, Language Use, and Topic Development. Here are evaluations for each category:

Delivery: 5/10

Your delivery does convey some of the main points from both the reading and listening passages. However, the lack of proper punctuation and some fragmented sentences can make it challenging for the reader to follow your train of thought. The clarity could be enhanced with better sentence construction and punctuation.

Language Use: 4/10

The language usage is somewhat limited, with several grammatical and punctuation errors that affect the overall quality and understanding of your summary. Phrases like "the campus has a plan to Banning smoking or on all area on campus indoor outdoor and also the designated place for smoking the plan is banned or smoking" are difficult to interpret and need revision for better clarity and correctness.

Topic Development: 6/10

You have attempted to cover the main points from both the reading and listening passages. You mention the university's efforts to ban smoking across various campus areas and the students' concerns about existing smokers and vaping. However, your summary would benefit from clearer structure and organization, including more explicit references to the student discussion and how it relates to the university policy. It also lacks details like whether vaping or e-cigarettes are included in the ban.

Improving these areas can significantly enhance the quality of your response.


Task 3

Reading Passage:

Title: Theories of Economics

Economic theories play a crucial role in understanding market behavior and predicting economic trends. One widely discussed theory is the supply and demand model, which suggests that prices adjust to balance supply and demand. Another prominent theory is the Keynesian economics, emphasizing government intervention to manage economic downturns. The neoclassical theory, on the other hand, focuses on rational individual behavior within a market framework. While these theories offer valuable insights, they also have their limitations in explaining complex economic phenomena.

Listening Passage:

Professor: Good morning, class. Today, I'm going to expand on the various economic theories that have greatly influenced our understanding of market dynamics. As we delve into these theories, keep in mind that while they offer valuable insights, they each have their own strengths and limitations.

Let's start with the supply and demand model. This model, often attributed to Adam Smith, suggests that prices in a market economy naturally adjust to maintain equilibrium between the quantity of goods supplied and the quantity demanded. It's a fundamental concept that has stood the test of time. However, critics argue that it oversimplifies real-world complexities, such as external factors and unexpected shocks.

Moving on to Keynesian economics, named after economist John Maynard Keynes, this theory advocates for government intervention in times of economic instability. Keynes proposed that during economic downturns, governments should increase spending and implement policies to stimulate demand. This approach can indeed help mitigate the effects of recessions, but it also poses challenges, such as the potential for increased public debt and the difficulty of accurately timing intervention measures.

Lastly, let's explore the neoclassical theory. Rooted in the works of economists like Alfred Marshall, this theory emphasizes rational decision-making by individuals in the market. Neoclassical economists believe that individuals make choices to maximize their utility and that markets tend towards equilibrium. However, this theory assumes perfect competition and can overlook market imperfections, leading to deviations between theory and reality.

In conclusion, while these economic theories provide valuable frameworks for understanding market behavior, they're not without their limitations. The supply and demand model simplifies dynamics, Keynesian economics presents challenges in practice, and neoclassical theory can disregard certain complexities. It's important to consider these theories within the broader context of real-world economies.

The question:

Summarize the main features and limitations of the supply and demand model, Keynesian economics, and neoclassical theory as discussed in the lecture.

My Answer:

According to the lecture there are three kind of economic theory regarding market dynamics.  the first one is Supply and Demon theory that introduced by Adam Smith destroy talk about equilibrium that happened on price based on supply and demand quantity.  this theory has limitation of it's too simple it doesn't consider about external factors.  the second theory is about Keynesian theory that government shows spending more to stimulate demand this theory has limitation of uncontrol and Court leads to  public debt.  and the last one is Neo classical Theory Theory talk about perfect competition on the market but actually the story is too complex and let the people just the decision

Please do Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development):

Based on the TOEFL iBT rubrics, your answer would be assessed according to Delivery, Language Use, and Topic Development. Here are evaluations for each category:

Delivery: 5/10

Your delivery does mention the three theories discussed in the lecture, but there are issues with the clarity of the presentation. Fragmented sentences, missing or incorrect punctuation, and unclear phrasing make it difficult for a reader to follow your answer smoothly.

Language Use: 4/10

Your answer has several grammatical issues and instances of awkward phrasing. For example, "the first one is Supply and Demon theory that introduced by Adam Smith destroy talk about equilibrium" is a sentence that is difficult to interpret due to its structure and missing or incorrect words. These issues significantly affect the comprehensibility of the summary.

Topic Development: 6/10

You attempted to summarize the main features and limitations of each theory, which aligns with the task's requirements. However, the information could be more accurately and clearly presented. For example, you mention that Keynesian economics has the limitation of "uncontrol and Court leads to public debt," but this is unclear and could be more precisely articulated to match the points made in the lecture.

Improvements in these areas could greatly enhance your response. Overall, it is important to focus on the clarity and structure of your answer to convey your understanding more effectively.


Task 4

Listening Passage:

Lecturer: Good morning, class. Today, we're delving into the fascinating realm of memory psychology. Our memory is a complex and multi-faceted system that involves various processes. Let's begin by discussing some of the factors that influence memory retention and recall.

Firstly, attention plays a crucial role. If you're not paying attention to something, chances are you won't remember it well. Think about trying to recall the details of a conversation when your mind was wandering elsewhere. It's like trying to piece together a puzzle with missing parts.

Secondly, encoding matters. How we initially process information affects how well we remember it. We tend to remember information that is meaningful or relevant to us. Consider acronyms or mnemonic devices—these are techniques that enhance encoding by connecting new information to existing knowledge.

Another aspect is the spacing effect. Distributing study sessions over time, also known as spaced repetition, has been proven to improve memory retention compared to cramming. Our brains benefit from the gradual reinforcement of information.

Emotion also plays a role. Events that trigger strong emotions are often remembered vividly. You might remember where you were during a significant event in history or a personal milestone. Emotions can act as markers in our memory timeline.

Lastly, retrieval cues are vital. These are hints that help us remember information stored in our memory. Have you ever struggled to recall a name until someone mentioned a related detail? That's a retrieval cue triggering memory recall.

In summary, memory is influenced by attention, encoding, spacing, emotion, and retrieval cues. Understanding these factors can help us optimize our study strategies and enhance our ability to recall information. Now, let's move on to your questions.

The question:

Based on the lecture you just heard, please summarize the key factors that influence memory according to the lecturer. Include examples from the lecture to support your answer.

My Answer:

According to the lecturer there are three key factors for us to recall memories.  the first one is the attention the professor mentioned about when we think about elsewhere talk to somebody we will miss details.  the second factor is encoding matters according to her how we process the information it's really important when we recall to remember it.  the third one is about  spacingeffect according to the professor if repetition is more it could be better on our memory.  and the fourth factor is emotion according to her if we have strong emotion while we listen or receiving the information it could be more sticky on our mind.  and lastly about  retrieval cues according to her how is retrieve our memory depends on any cues for instance she mentioned about we will not remember a name until someone reveal the related particular event to the memories

Please do Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development):

Based on the TOEFL iBT rubrics, your answer would be assessed according to Delivery, Language Use, and Topic Development. Here are evaluations for each category:

Delivery: 7/10

You managed to cover most of the key points presented in the lecture, which contributes to a decent delivery. However, the overall flow is a bit choppy due to grammatical issues and a lack of punctuation. This affects the overall ease with which a reader can understand your answer.

Language Use: 5/10

Your language use is functional but contains errors. For instance, "when we think about elsewhere talk to somebody we will miss details" could be more clearly phrased. The grammatical errors and awkward phrasing interrupt the flow of the essay and could create confusion.

Topic Development: 8/10

You did a commendable job outlining the factors that influence memory according to the lecture. You included examples for each point, which strengthens your summary. Despite some language issues, you did adhere closely to the source material and communicated the key points.

Overall, your answer captures the essential information from the lecture, but improvements in language use and delivery could enhance its quality.


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