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TOEFL IBT Speaking Practice #50

Task 1

The question:

Agree or disagree with the statement: "It is better to have a few close friends than many acquaintances."

My Answer:

As a businessman I do prefer have many acquittances then just a few close friends.  because if I have many acquittances it can open my opportunity to doing businesses and also widen my Horizon connection and networking.  for example I met somebody in the past 3 years I think that man I just met once and somehow one day I remember him and invite him to do a business together and now he is my partner until now.  that's why I think have many acquittances is better for me than just have few close friends

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 4 for each rubric (General Description, Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development):

General Description: 3

The response demonstrates a clear position and provides reasons to support it. The writer states that as a businessman, they prefer having many acquaintances because it opens up opportunities for business and networking. The response also includes a personal example to illustrate the point.

Delivery: 2

The response is clear and coherent overall, but it could benefit from better organization and structure. The writer jumps from one idea to another without clear transitions. Some sentences are also awkwardly phrased, affecting the overall flow of the response.

Language Use: 2

The response shows an intermediate level of language use. While there are some errors in grammar, punctuation, and word choice, the meaning is generally understandable. The response would benefit from more precise and varied vocabulary choices and improved sentence structure.

Topic Development: 3

The response provides relevant examples and elaborates on the reasons given. The writer offers a personal example to support their preference for having many acquaintances. However, the response could have further developed the argument by considering potential drawbacks of having many acquaintances or by contrasting the benefits of close friends.

Overall, the response demonstrates a clear position with supporting reasons and provides relevant examples. However, it could benefit from improved organization, more precise language use, and a more comprehensive exploration of the topic. The response earns a score of 2.5 out of 4.


Task 2

Reading Passage:

As part of our ongoing efforts to improve campus safety and alleviate parking congestion, we are implementing new parking regulations for students living on campus. These regulations aim to ensure fair access to parking spaces and create a more efficient parking system for all residents.

Under the new policy, each student living on campus will be issued a parking permit that corresponds to their assigned residence hall. The permits will be color-coded and must be visibly displayed on the vehicle's dashboard at all times while parked on campus grounds. Failure to display a valid permit may result in penalties such as fines or towing.

To address the limited parking space availability, a new system will be introduced, known as the "parking zone assignment." Students will be assigned to specific parking zones based on their residence hall and proximity to academic buildings. This will help distribute parking demand more evenly across campus and reduce the need for students to drive long distances to find parking.

Additionally, overnight parking will be strictly regulated to ensure the safety of all residents. Students will be required to register their vehicle if they plan to park overnight on campus. Overnight parking permits will be issued on a limited basis and must be obtained in advance from the campus security office.

We understand that these changes may require an adjustment period for students, but we firmly believe that they will lead to a more organized and efficient parking system. We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to these new regulations and encourage you to utilize alternative transportation options such as biking or public transportation whenever possible.

Listening Passage:

Student A: Hey, did you hear about the new parking regulations for students living on campus?

Student B: No, I haven't. What's changing?

Student A: Well, starting next semester, each student will be assigned a parking permit that corresponds to their residence hall. The permits will have different colors and must be displayed on the dashboard at all times while parked on campus.

Student B: That sounds like a good idea. It should make it easier to identify who should be parking where.

Student A: Exactly. And to manage the limited parking space, they're introducing a parking zone assignment system. Depending on where your residence hall is located, you'll be assigned to a specific parking zone. It's supposed to distribute parking demand more evenly across campus.

Student B: That could definitely help with the parking congestion issue. I remember it was always a struggle to find a spot near my residence hall.

Student A: Yeah, and they're also implementing stricter regulations for overnight parking. If you plan to park overnight on campus, you'll need to register your vehicle and get a special permit from the security office.

Student B: I guess that's to ensure the safety of everyone living on campus. It makes sense.

The question:

How will the new parking regulations for students living on campus address the issue of parking congestion?

My Answer:

In the next semester campus trying to make a new policy regarding parking spaces.  those are new system using the color code that car that doesn't have a color code or not in the right place will be punished and also the car that not on the resident Hall it's not near to Reston Hall also will be punished and also campus will try new policy regarding the overnight parking students apply and register to the security in advance in order to overnight parking 

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 4 for each rubric (General Description, Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development):

General Description: 4

The response provides a clear and accurate description of the new parking regulations for students living on campus, including the use of color-coded permits, parking zone assignments, and stricter regulations for overnight parking.

Delivery: 4

The response effectively communicates the information in a clear and organized manner, demonstrating a good understanding of the topic. The ideas are presented coherently and logically.

Language Use: 4

The response uses appropriate vocabulary and grammar structures to convey the information accurately. There are no significant errors that hinder comprehension, and the language is generally precise and fluent.

Topic Development: 4

The response thoroughly addresses the question and provides sufficient details to explain how the new parking regulations will address the issue of parking congestion. The ideas are supported with relevant examples and demonstrate a solid understanding of the topic.


Task 3

Reading Passage:

Social media has become an integral part of modern life, with millions of people actively engaging in various platforms. However, the widespread use of social media has raised concerns about its impact on individuals and society. This passage explores the effects of social media and sheds light on its potential consequences.

One major effect of social media is its influence on mental health. Studies have shown a correlation between excessive social media usage and feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression. The constant exposure to carefully curated highlight reels of others' lives can lead to negative self-comparisons and a distorted perception of reality. Moreover, the addictive nature of social media platforms can contribute to decreased productivity and increased procrastination among users.

Furthermore, social media has transformed the way people communicate and interact. While it provides opportunities for global connections and access to diverse perspectives, it also poses challenges. Online bullying, harassment, and the spread of misinformation have become prevalent issues. The anonymity provided by social media can embolden individuals to engage in harmful behavior, leading to social tensions and decreased trust within communities.

Moreover, social media's impact extends beyond individuals. It has revolutionized the way information is disseminated and consumed, often bypassing traditional gatekeepers. This has both positive and negative consequences. On one hand, it enables marginalized voices to be heard and promotes social activism. On the other hand, the unchecked spread of false information and the creation of echo chambers contribute to the polarization of society.

In conclusion, social media has brought about significant changes to individuals and society. While it offers connectivity and opportunities, it also presents challenges in terms of mental health, communication, and the dissemination of information. Understanding these effects is crucial for individuals to navigate the digital landscape responsibly.

Listening Passage:

[Note: This section represents a transcript of the listening task and should be approximately 1-2 minutes long.]

Speaker A: So, in the reading passage, they discussed the effects of social media on individuals and society. One of the main points mentioned was the impact on mental health. It says that excessive use of social media can lead to feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression.

Speaker B: Oh, that's interesting. I can see how constantly comparing ourselves to others' seemingly perfect lives on social media can contribute to those negative feelings.

Speaker A: Exactly. The passage also highlighted the addictive nature of social media platforms, which can lead to decreased productivity and increased procrastination. It's like a never-ending loop of scrolling and refreshing.

Speaker B: I can definitely relate to that. Sometimes I find myself spending hours on social media without even realizing it.

Speaker A: Another important point raised in the passage was the impact on communication. It mentioned how social media has both facilitated connections and caused problems like online bullying and the spread of misinformation.

Speaker B: Yes, I've seen instances of cyberbullying and false information being shared on social media. It's concerning how easily things can get out of hand.

Speaker A: Lastly, the passage talked about how social media has changed the way information is disseminated and consumed. It mentioned the positive aspect of amplifying marginalized voices but also highlighted the negative consequences of echo chambers and polarization.

Speaker B: It's definitely a double-edged sword. We have access to so much information, but it's crucial to be critical and verify what we come across.

The question:

Based on the reading passage and the conversation, explain the effects of social media on individuals' mental health and society's communication dynamics.

My Answer:

From the discussion we can infer the social media effects on social and Society.  there are two impacts, positive and negative.  the negative impacts those are the excessive of using social media can lead to loneliness and anxiety and depression.  secondly about negative self comparison because we compare ourself to others.  Addiction to social media can increase our procrastination and decrease our productivity.  and fourthly about online  bullying, because social media offer us anonymity.  moreover about online bullying and also spread misinformation and the polarization because of social media.  the positive impacts of social media those are the  global connection will be happen,  diverse perspective.   and marginalized voice can be heard

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 4 for each rubric (General Description, Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development):

General Description: 3 - The response provides a clear and accurate overview of the effects of social media on individuals' mental health and society's communication dynamics. It covers both the positive and negative impacts mentioned in the reading passage and the conversation.

Delivery: 3 - The response effectively summarizes the main points from the reading passage and the conversation. It presents the information in a coherent and organized manner, making it easy to follow.

Language Use: 3 - The response demonstrates good language proficiency with accurate and appropriate use of vocabulary and sentence structures. There are a few minor errors, but they do not hinder comprehension or communication.

Topic Development: 3 - The response addresses the effects of social media on individuals' mental health and society's communication dynamics by discussing both the positive and negative impacts. The points are supported with relevant examples and explanations from the reading passage and the conversation.

Overall, the response provides a well-developed and coherent explanation of the effects of social media, earning a score of 3 out of 4 in each rubric.


Task 4

Listening Passage:

Professor: Today, we're going to delve into the fascinating world of Renaissance art and focus on the masterpieces created by Leonardo da Vinci. Da Vinci was a true visionary of his time, and his artworks continue to captivate audiences even today. One of his most renowned pieces is the Mona Lisa, which holds numerous secrets and has sparked countless debates among art enthusiasts.

Now, let's explore the main theme that was prevalent in da Vinci's artwork. It can be observed that da Vinci had a profound interest in the concept of humanity and the human form. He believed in capturing the essence of human nature in his paintings, going beyond mere physical appearances. Through his meticulous attention to detail and subtle techniques, da Vinci portrayed emotions, thoughts, and even the complexities of the human psyche.

One example that exemplifies this theme is his painting "The Last Supper." In this masterpiece, da Vinci skillfully depicts the emotions and reactions of the disciples upon hearing Jesus' announcement that one of them would betray him. Each disciple's facial expression, body language, and hand gestures convey a wide range of human emotions, creating a powerful and thought-provoking scene.

Furthermore, da Vinci's interest in anatomy and the human form is evident in his sketches and studies. He would meticulously observe and dissect human bodies to understand their inner workings, resulting in detailed anatomical drawings that were far ahead of their time. His exploration of the human form not only contributed to his artistic endeavors but also had a significant impact on the field of science and medicine.

In summary, Leonardo da Vinci's artwork revolved around the theme of humanity and the human form. Through his innovative techniques and attention to detail, he sought to capture the essence of human nature in his paintings. His masterpieces like the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper continue to inspire and intrigue art enthusiasts around the world.

The question:

What was the main theme discussed in the lecture regarding Leonardo da Vinci's artwork?

My Answer:

According to the lecture it can infer that they can see the Renaissance feature in the past that have some several  theme regarding his artworks.  the first one is DaVinci focus on humanity and human form, on that day  DaVinci even try to  dissect human body by himself to learn the anatomy of human.  and also the detail of every his artworks that inspire people even by now.  and  lastly about the motion and thoughts  DaVinci gives us many provoking picture that leads to anything when seeing his picture

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 4 for each rubric (General Description, Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development):

General Description: 3 - The response provides a generally accurate summary of the main theme discussed in the lecture regarding Leonardo da Vinci's artwork. It mentions Da Vinci's focus on humanity and the human form, his dissection of human bodies, the attention to detail in his artworks, and the portrayal of emotions and thoughts in his paintings.

Delivery: 3 - The response effectively communicates the main points of the lecture, although it could be organized more clearly. There are some minor issues with sentence structure and clarity, but overall the ideas are conveyed adequately.

Language Use: 2 - The language use is somewhat problematic. There are several grammar and punctuation errors, and the sentences could be better structured for clarity. Some words and phrases are used incorrectly or awkwardly, which affects the overall coherence and precision of the response.

Topic Development: 3 - The response provides an appropriate level of detail and covers the main points discussed in the lecture regarding Leonardo da Vinci's artwork. However, there could be more depth and specificity in the examples and explanations provided. The response could benefit from clearer organization and a more focused development of ideas.

Overall, the response demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of the main theme discussed in the lecture, but there are areas for improvement in language use and topic development.


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