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TOEFL IBT Speaking Practice #46

Task 1

The question:

Should governments invest more in renewable energy sources?

My Answer:

I live in Indonesia, that the government rely the economic from fuel fossil energy. we are exporter on it, so I do believe that if my government invest more in renewable energy sources is not wise decision.  because if we are concerned more about renewable energy it can cause on the other sector will be low income and it will be less in income. for example the budget will be reduced from the fuel that already sustained business, It could cause displacement of job that's not good for our economy.  that's why I think my government should not invest more  in renewable  energy 

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 4 for each rubric:

Clarity: 3/4

Your response is generally clear and understandable. However, there are a few areas where your ideas could be expressed more clearly.

Coherence: 2/4

Your response lacks strong organization and logical progression of ideas. It jumps between different points without clear transitions. Additionally, some of your statements could benefit from further development and elaboration.

Content: 2/4

Your response provides a viewpoint against investing more in renewable energy sources. However, the reasoning behind your viewpoint is not well-supported or detailed. You mention that relying on fossil fuel exports sustains business and jobs, but you do not provide specific evidence or examples to strengthen your argument.

Language Use: 3/4

Your language use is generally adequate, although there are some errors in grammar and sentence structure. Some sentences could be revised to improve clarity and coherence.

Overall, your response provides a perspective but lacks strong supporting arguments and organization. It could benefit from more development and specific examples to strengthen your reasoning.


Task 2

Reading Passage:

In order to optimize resources and better align with student demand, the university library has announced a reduction in its operating hours during the summer break. Starting from June 1st, the library will be open from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, instead of its regular hours of 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM. This decision has sparked discussions among students regarding the impact it may have on their study routines.

Proponents of the reduced library hours argue that it allows for a more efficient utilization of resources during a period when student traffic tends to be lower. They believe that by consolidating the library's operations, the university can allocate its resources to other areas of need, such as expanding digital collections or enhancing online research tools.

However, some students are concerned about the potential negative consequences of this change. They argue that the reduced hours may limit their access to necessary study materials and resources, especially during peak study times when alternative study spaces are limited. Additionally, students who prefer studying in a quiet and focused environment may find it challenging to concentrate outside of the library's designated study areas.

It is important for students to adapt their study routines to accommodate the new library hours. Exploring alternative study spaces on campus, such as departmental libraries or student lounges, can provide viable alternatives. Furthermore, students should utilize online resources and digital platforms offered by the library to access materials remotely and maintain their academic productivity.

The impact of the reduced library hours during the summer break remains a subject of debate among students. Understanding the potential challenges and exploring alternative solutions can help students navigate this change effectively and ensure continued academic success.

Listening Passage:

Student A: Hey, have you heard about the library's new summer hours? I just read the announcement.

Student B: Yeah, I saw it too. It looks like they're reducing the hours from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM to 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. What do you think about it?

Student A: Honestly, I'm a bit concerned. During the summer, I tend to study at the library a lot, and these reduced hours might limit my access to important resources.

Student B: I feel the same way. Sometimes, it's hard to find a quiet and focused environment outside of the library. Plus, during peak study times, other study spaces can get overcrowded.

Student A: Exactly. I wonder if they considered the impact on students who rely heavily on the library for their studies.

Student B: It's possible that they're trying to allocate their resources more efficiently. Maybe they can invest the saved hours and resources into other areas that benefit students, like improving the online research tools.

Student A: That's a valid point. We should explore alternative study spaces on campus. I know some departmental libraries and student lounges offer quiet study environments too.

Student B: Good idea! We should also make use of the online resources and digital platforms provided by the library to access materials remotely. It's all about adapting our study routines to the new hours.

The question:

How do the students suggest adapting study routines to accommodate the reduced library hours during the summer break?

My Answer:

University library try to make new policy regarding summer break they will reduce the operating hours from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. into 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m..  from the conversation between two students it can be infer that they not really accept this policy because they think that it will limit their access to important or necessary material for their study and also for students who really needs quite places will difficult to find proper place because the library in overcrowded during peak time.  the students suggest that students can use library of department or student lounge and also can abuse online and digital platform and ultimately they suggests The university to find balance  for win-win solution

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 4 for each rubric (General Description, Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development):

Content: 4

The response provides a clear and accurate summary of the students' suggestions for adapting study routines to accommodate the reduced library hours. It mentions exploring alternative study spaces on campus, such as departmental libraries and student lounges, as well as utilizing online resources and digital platforms provided by the library. The response also acknowledges the students' concerns about limited access to study materials and the challenge of finding a quiet environment outside the library.

Organization: 4

The response is well-structured and organized. It presents the concerns of the students, followed by the suggestions for adapting study routines. The ideas flow logically, and there is a clear conclusion.

Vocabulary: 4

The vocabulary used is appropriate and demonstrates a good command of academic language. The response effectively conveys the ideas and maintains clarity throughout.

Grammar: 4

The grammar is accurate, and sentence structures are varied. There are no notable grammatical errors that impede understanding.

Overall, the response demonstrates a strong understanding of the listening passage and effectively summarizes the students' suggestions for adapting study routines. The ideas are well-presented, and the language used is appropriate for the context. The response would likely score a 4 out of 4 in each rubric category.


Task 3

Reading Passage:

Studying abroad offers numerous advantages for students seeking to broaden their horizons and gain valuable international experience. By immersing themselves in different cultures and educational systems, students can develop a global perspective and acquire essential skills that enhance their academic and professional prospects.

One benefit of studying abroad is the opportunity to enhance language proficiency. When students live and study in a foreign country, they are compelled to communicate in the local language, thereby improving their language skills through immersion. Research has shown that language proficiency gained during a study abroad program can significantly contribute to future academic and career success.

Additionally, studying abroad fosters cultural understanding and tolerance. By interacting with individuals from diverse backgrounds, students develop a deeper appreciation for cultural differences and learn to embrace diversity. This cultural competence not only prepares them for a globalized workforce but also promotes mutual respect and cooperation among nations.

Moreover, studying abroad encourages personal growth and independence. Being away from familiar surroundings challenges students to adapt to new environments, manage their finances, and solve problems autonomously. These experiences cultivate resilience, self-reliance, and the ability to thrive in unfamiliar situations, which are invaluable skills for personal development.

In conclusion, studying abroad offers multiple advantages, including improved language proficiency, cultural understanding, and personal growth. It equips students with the necessary tools to navigate an interconnected world and succeed in an increasingly globalized society.

Listening Passage:

Announcer: In this lecture, we will further discuss the benefits of studying abroad. First, let's review the main points of the reading passage. As stated, studying abroad provides an excellent opportunity to enhance language proficiency. Now, let's listen to a conversation between two students who recently completed a study abroad program.

Student A: I'm so grateful for the language skills I gained during my study abroad experience. Living in a foreign country forced me to use the local language every day.

Student B: I completely agree. It's amazing how quickly you improve when you're surrounded by native speakers. I feel much more confident in my language abilities now.

Student A: Absolutely! And I also think studying abroad helped me develop a deeper understanding of different cultures.

Student B: Oh, definitely. Interacting with people from various backgrounds opened my eyes to new perspectives and made me appreciate cultural diversity even more.

Student A: It's interesting how studying abroad not only broadens your academic knowledge but also shapes you as an individual. I feel more independent and capable of adapting to different situations now.

Student B: That's true. I faced several challenges during my time abroad, but overcoming them made me more resilient and self-reliant.

The question:

How does the conversation between the two students support the information presented in the reading passage regarding the benefits of studying abroad?

My Answer:

From the conversation it can imply that both students agree that study abroad can give excellent opportunity for students and they add some of their own experience which is make the conversation more compelling for other students.  The student says that when we immersed every day on the foreign country it can improve our proficiency in language because we talk with native speakers.  secondly they talk about the culture understanding and tolerance, because of study abroad they have new perspective and can appreciate culture on the local.  and lastly about personal growth and Independence because of the study abroad which means must more adapting and it makes their life more in shape because some challenges happen such as financial issues and then any other kind of independent of their life

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 4 for each rubric:

Content: 3.5/4

The response provides a comprehensive summary of the conversation between the two students, highlighting their agreement with the benefits mentioned in the reading passage. It accurately mentions the points made by the students regarding language proficiency, cultural understanding, and personal growth. The examples provided support the main ideas presented in the reading passage.

Coherence and Cohesion: 3/4

The response is generally well-organized and coherent, with clear connections between the conversation and the reading passage. However, some of the sentences could be more concise and structured more effectively to enhance clarity and cohesion.

Grammar: 3/4

The response demonstrates good control of grammar overall, with mostly accurate sentence structures and verb tenses. There are a few minor errors and awkward phrasings that could be improved for smoother expression.

Vocabulary: 3/4

The vocabulary used in the response is appropriate and generally reflects the key concepts from the reading passage and conversation. There is a range of vocabulary related to the topic, but there could be more precise and varied word choices to enhance the overall quality of the response.

Overall, the response provides a solid analysis of the conversation and effectively supports the information presented in the reading passage. With some improvements in coherence, grammar, and vocabulary, it could further strengthen the response.


Task 4

Listening Passage:

Professor: Good morning, everyone. Today, I want to talk about one of the most famous paintings in history—the Mona Lisa. Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece has captivated people for centuries. The Mona Lisa is renowned for its subtle details and mysterious smile. Let's delve into the history and significance of this iconic artwork.

Student: Professor, what makes the Mona Lisa so special compared to other paintings?

Professor: That's an excellent question. One of the key aspects that sets the Mona Lisa apart is Leonardo da Vinci's innovative painting techniques. He employed a method called sfumato, which involves the delicate blending of colors and tones. This technique gives the painting a soft, hazy quality and creates a sense of depth and realism.

Student: Does the painting have any hidden symbols or meanings?

Professor: Yes, indeed. Many art historians speculate about the hidden symbols within the Mona Lisa. For example, some suggest that the landscape in the background represents the convergence of earth and water, symbolizing harmony and balance. Additionally, the mysterious smile on the Mona Lisa's face has intrigued scholars for centuries, with various interpretations offered about its meaning.

Student: How has the painting influenced the art world?

Professor: The impact of the Mona Lisa on the art world is immeasurable. It has inspired countless artists throughout history and continues to be a symbol of artistic excellence. Its composition, use of perspective, and the enigmatic portrayal of the subject have become benchmarks in the realm of portraiture. Moreover, the painting's fame and allure have contributed to its status as a cultural icon.

The question:

How does the professor suggest that Leonardo da Vinci's innovative painting techniques contribute to the uniqueness of the Mona Lisa?

My Answer:

According to the professor there are some uniqueness of Mona Lisa because of the painting techniques from the Leonardo DaVinci.  the first one is because Leonardo use Innovative paint technique which is blend color and that's make sense of depth and make the paint more real.  secondly about the hidden symbols, some say the Mona Lisa has hidden symbol on it, for example the landscape behind Mona Lisa picturing Harmony in balance or her mystery smile also questioning all over the world from the artist.  and lastly the impact of Mona Lisa into art World it became benchmark and comparison for any other artists in the world right now and allure the culture status 

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 4 for each rubric (General Description, Delivery, Language Use, Topic development):

General Description: 3 - The response provides a clear and accurate understanding of the professor's points about Leonardo da Vinci's innovative painting techniques contributing to the uniqueness of the Mona Lisa. It covers the main ideas mentioned in the listening passage.

Delivery: 3 - The response effectively presents the information and maintains coherence. The ideas are well-organized, and the response flows smoothly.

Language Use: 3 - The language used is generally appropriate and demonstrates a good understanding of the topic. There are some minor errors in grammar and sentence structure, but they do not impede understanding.

Topic Development: 3 - The response adequately develops the topic and includes relevant details from the listening passage. It covers the aspects of innovative painting techniques, hidden symbols, and the impact of the Mona Lisa on the art world.

Overall, the response demonstrates a good understanding of the listening passage and effectively addresses the question.


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