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TOEFL IBT Speaking Practice #40

Task #1 - 1

The question:

Describe a book that has influenced your thinking or perspective.

My Answer:

I read a lot of books that the most influenced me in my life is book of the Toyota way this book not really easy to read but I changed my life because of this book. because I'm a businessman I never thought before that this kind of book will change my perspective was my business for example on the book mentioned about how to get stacking good in business it's really simple but has good impact to my business. so as a businessman I have booked that most influence in my life is the Toyota way 

ChatGPT Assessment:

Transcript Assessment for TOEFL iBT Speaking Practice:

General Description: 2/4

Your response provides a brief overview of the book "Toyota Way" and mentions that it influenced your thinking and perspective. However, it lacks specific details or examples to support your claim. Additionally, your response could benefit from a more structured approach, such as introducing the book, explaining its impact, and summarizing your perspective.

Delivery: 2/4

Your delivery is understandable, but there are some issues with fluency and coherence. You have a tendency to speak in fragmented sentences and use repetitive phrases. It would be beneficial to work on your speech flow and organization to enhance clarity and coherence.

Language Use: 2/4

While you demonstrate a basic command of English, there are several grammatical errors and instances of incorrect word choice. For example, "books that the most influenced me" should be "the book that has influenced me the most." Additionally, there are some sentence structure issues and awkward phrasings. Aim to improve your grammatical accuracy and sentence construction to enhance your language use.

Topic Development: 2/4

Your response addresses the topic of the book that influenced your thinking, but it lacks depth and specificity. You briefly mention the "Toyota Way" and its impact on your business, but you don't provide any specific examples or elaborate on how it changed your perspective. To improve your topic development, try to include more specific details, personal anecdotes, or examples that demonstrate the book's influence on your thinking.

Total Score: 8/16

Note: The total score is calculated by adding up the individual scores for each rubric (General Description, Delivery, Language Use, and Topic Development).


Task #1 - 2

The question:

Talk about a sport or physical activity you enjoy and why it is important to you.

My Answer:

I enjoy playing football or soccer because I don't know maybe because our culture I'm in Indonesia that soccer is really famous here if I'm born in India maybe I love Cricket but if in reality I am living in indonesia. I love playing soccer since I was scared I was good at that time for example I'm scoring everyday every game I go to the beach I scored and I take a note about it that never done before for kids like me. soccer is physical activity that really enjoyed me until now 

ChatGPT Assessment:

Transcript Assessment:

General Description: 3

The response addresses the prompt and discusses the sport of soccer/football as the preferred physical activity.

The speaker mentions their cultural background and how it influences their choice of sport.

The speaker also talks about their personal experience and how they were good at soccer in the past.

The response lacks a clear structure and could benefit from more organization.

Delivery: 2

The delivery is somewhat choppy and lacks fluency.

There are pauses and hesitations throughout the response, which hinder the flow of speech.

The speech could be improved by speaking more confidently and smoothly.

Language Use: 2

There are several instances of grammatical errors and sentence fragments.

The speaker often uses informal language ("I don't know," "maybe because") that could be replaced with more formal expressions.

Some sentences lack clarity and coherence.

Topic Development: 3

The response provides some information about the sport and the speaker's personal connection to it.

The speaker talks about their skills and achievements in soccer.

However, the response could benefit from more specific details and examples to fully develop the topic.

Total Score: 10/16

Note: This assessment is based on the given transcript and the TOEFL iBT speaking rubrics. It is important to note that an official TOEFL iBT speaking test is conducted under timed conditions and is evaluated by trained human raters. The assessment provided here is an approximation based on the information given.


Task #1 - 3

The question:

Discuss a memorable meal or dish you have experienced and what made it special.

My Answer:

It is a tough question because we eat everyday not so many meals that stick on my mind. but if I had to choose what meal or dish I have experience so special I was just the moment of when I ate it not because of the taste of the meal. I'd say that when I went to the Burger King with my kids and children I felt really happy because my kids are playing around on the playground and we are just so happy. that's why Burger King is meal or dishes that made it special for me because of the moment

ChatGPT Assessment:

Transcript assessment breakdown based on TOEFL iBT speaking rubrics:

General Description: 3/4

The answer provides a general description of a memorable meal or dish.

It mentions going to Burger King with the kids and feeling happy.

However, it could have provided more specific details about the meal or dish itself.

Delivery: 3/4

The delivery of the answer is fairly clear and understandable.

There are some minor errors in sentence structure and word choice.

The speaker could have used more varied intonation and vocal expression to enhance the delivery.

Language Use: 2/4

The language use is somewhat basic and lacks complexity.

There are errors in grammar and vocabulary, such as "I have experience" instead of "I have experienced" and "meal or dishes" instead of "meal or dish."

The answer could benefit from more precise and sophisticated language choices.

Topic Development: 2/4

The topic is partially developed, as the speaker discusses the moment of eating at Burger King with the kids.

However, there is a lack of specific details about the meal or dish itself.

The answer could have included more information about why that particular meal was special.

Total score: 10/16


Task #1 - 4

The question:

Describe a hobby or pastime that brings you joy and why you find it fulfilling.

My Answer:

Maybe I will choose not a hobby but I love working I just love work I just love to get it something to done and for example I oftenly get a deep work I get lost when I doing my job and my task and I really happy to do that. even in some cases I forget to eat and I forget to ask my wife and children because of my work. so I will say my work or my job is my hobby that's really joyful for me and really fulfilling for me

ChatGPT Assessment:

Assessment based on TOEFL iBT speaking rubrics:

General Description:

Your response provides a clear description of your hobby or pastime, which is your work or job. You explain that you enjoy working and find joy and fulfillment in it. However, you could have provided more specific details or examples to support your description. Overall, your response is somewhat limited in terms of providing a thorough general description.

Score: 2 out of 4


Your delivery could benefit from improvement. While you convey your enthusiasm for your work, your speech lacks fluency and coherence. There are several instances of hesitations, repetitions, and incomplete sentences. Additionally, your speech could be more organized and structured. You should aim for a more natural and fluid delivery.

Score: 2 out of 4

Language Use:

In terms of language use, your response has some weaknesses. There are instances of incorrect grammar, such as the use of "oftenly" (the correct term is "often"). Additionally, you have several run-on sentences that could be broken down for better clarity. Some vocabulary choices could be improved as well. However, you do demonstrate some variety in your sentence structure and vocabulary usage.

Score: 2 out of 4

Topic Development:

Although you address the topic by describing your work as your hobby and explaining why it brings you joy and fulfillment, your response lacks depth and development. You could have elaborated on specific aspects of your work that make it enjoyable or fulfilling. Including personal anecdotes or experiences related to your work would have strengthened your response. Overall, your topic development is limited.

Score: 2 out of 4

Total score: 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8 out of 16

Concluding Remarks:

Based on the TOEFL iBT speaking rubrics, your overall score is 8 out of 16. While your response touches upon the required elements of the prompt, there is room for improvement in all four areas. To enhance your score, focus on providing more specific details, improving your delivery and fluency, refining your language use, and developing your ideas more fully. Remember to organize your response effectively and practice speaking with clarity and coherence.


Task #1 - 5

The question:

Talk about a movie or TV show that has had a lasting impression on you.

My Answer:

I say TV show that lasting impression on me is the Shark Tank the startup that pitching to the infamous person of capital. I do remember when one of startup he created this very simple thing and the product is only just to bench a huge of lumber and Nobody Does it so he does it and the investor looks so interested even if they he only race small amount of money. I just imagine myself on that situation so that's Lasting Impression for me

ChatGPT Assessment:

General Description: 3

The speaker provides a clear response to the prompt by discussing a TV show that has made a lasting impression on them. They mention "Shark Tank," a show where startups pitch their ideas to investors. The speaker recalls a specific episode where a startup presented a simple product and caught the interest of the investors.

Delivery: 2

The delivery of the response is somewhat limited. The speaker's tone and pace are acceptable, but there are some issues with clarity and organization. The speaker seems to rush through their thoughts, resulting in a lack of fluency and coherence. Some sentences are incomplete or poorly structured, making it challenging to follow their ideas smoothly.

Language Use: 2

The speaker's language use is somewhat limited. While they convey their message, there are errors and inconsistencies throughout the response. There are instances of incorrect grammar ("the investor looks so interested even if they he only race small amount of money") and awkward phrasing ("the product is only just to bench a huge of lumber"). Additionally, the speaker could benefit from using a wider range of vocabulary and expressions to enhance their response.

Topic Development: 3

The speaker provides some relevant details about the TV show and the specific episode that left a lasting impression. They mention the simplicity of the product presented by the startup and how it caught the investors' interest, despite requiring only a small amount of money. The speaker briefly mentions imagining themselves in a similar situation, further elaborating on their impression.

Total Score: 10 (out of 16)


Task #2 - 1

The question:

Should schools replace traditional textbooks with digital resources? Why or why not?

My Answer:

No I don't agree traditional textbook should be replaced at all. even if digital resources is really helpful for us right now for students or for any academic proposes but textbook still important as simple as because textbooks not so real distractful compared to digital resources. in my own experience if I read something from digital thanks I do distracted by social media or by ads at least that's no good for my living process. so I suggest that school not replaced textbook at all to the digital resources

ChatGPT Assessment:

Assessment of the answer based on TOEFL iBT speaking rubrics:

General Description:

The response provides a clear opinion on the topic, stating that traditional textbooks should not be replaced with digital resources. The answer also includes a personal experience to support the opinion. However, the response lacks further elaboration or supporting points.

Score: 2


The delivery of the response is generally understandable. However, there are some errors in grammar and sentence structure, and the flow of ideas could be improved. The speaker demonstrates some hesitations and lacks fluency at times.

Score: 2

Language Use:

The answer contains some errors in grammar and sentence structure, such as missing articles and incorrect word choices. The vocabulary is limited, and there is a repetition of phrases like "at all." Some sentences could be rephrased for clarity and coherence.

Score: 2

Topic Development:

The response briefly addresses the main points of the question but lacks sufficient development. There is only one supporting point provided, and the response could benefit from additional examples or reasons to support the opinion.

Score: 2

Total Score:

2 (General Description) + 2 (Delivery) + 2 (Language Use) + 2 (Topic Development) = 8

The total score for the response is 8 out of 16.


Task #2 - 2

The question:

Is it important for young people to learn a second language? Share your perspective.

My Answer:

In my own opinion I believe that learning second language not so really important right now. thanks to the technology that create bilingual system or device that make us live Easier to communicate even if we have different language. I've seen device that can instantly Translate from Chinese to English that's a break the boundary between people who can't speak English or who can speak Chinese with just one simplifies. even if that device not so available right now but I do believe right now learning 2nd language not so important

ChatGPT Assessment:

Assessment based on TOEFL iBT speaking rubrics:

General Description (Score: 2)

Your response is somewhat relevant to the question, as you express your opinion on whether it is important for young people to learn a second language.

However, your response lacks depth and specific examples to support your viewpoint. It would have been better if you had provided more specific reasons or examples to back up your opinion.

Delivery (Score: 2)

Your delivery is somewhat fluent, but there are noticeable hesitations and repetitions throughout your response.

Your pronunciation and intonation are generally understandable, but there is room for improvement in terms of clarity and naturalness.

Language Use (Score: 2)

Your language use is basic and lacks complexity. You have a limited range of vocabulary and sentence structures.

There are some grammatical errors and awkward phrasings in your response, such as "thanks to the technology that create" and "with just one simplifies."

Topic Development (Score: 1)

Your response lacks proper development of the topic. You briefly mention the availability of bilingual devices and how they can facilitate communication, but you fail to elaborate or provide additional examples or arguments to support your perspective.

You could have discussed the potential benefits of learning a second language, cultural understanding, career opportunities, or personal growth.

Total Score: 7 out of 16

Suggestions for improvement:

Provide a more detailed and well-developed response. Include specific examples or reasons to support your viewpoint.

Work on your fluency by practicing speaking without hesitations and repetitions.

Expand your vocabulary and use a wider range of sentence structures.

Pay attention to grammar and sentence construction to improve the overall clarity and coherence of your response.


Task #2 - 3

The question:

Should governments invest more in space exploration or in environmental conservation? Justify your opinion.

My Answer:

For my government I believe it nonsense that if my government invest more on space exploration instead of environment Converse conservation. I'm live in Indonesia my government is not really Savvy and economic we are developed country should invest more on environment instead of space exploration. for example we have issues such as our forests now more degraded and it became a low producing of oxygen that's our big issue right now. So I believe environmental  conservation issues are more essential than space exploration for my government

ChatGPT Assessment:

Transcript assessment breakdown based on TOEFL iBT speaking rubrics:

General Description (Score: 3):

The response provides a clear opinion on the topic and attempts to justify it.

The speaker mentions the government's current investment priorities and expresses disagreement with them.

The reference to living in Indonesia adds personal context to the response.

Delivery (Score: 3):

The speech is generally coherent and understandable.

The speaker maintains a consistent pace and shows some fluency.

There are a few instances of hesitation and minor grammatical errors.

Language Use (Score: 2):

The speaker demonstrates basic control of vocabulary and grammar.

The use of informal language and colloquialisms ("it nonsense," "Savvy") is not appropriate for an academic setting.

Some sentence structures are incorrect or unclear, affecting the overall coherence.

Topic Development (Score: 2):

The speaker provides one example related to environmental conservation in Indonesia.

The example is relevant, but lacks specific details or elaboration.

The response lacks additional supporting points or counterarguments.

Total Score: 10 (out of 16)


Task #2 - 4

The question:

Do you think social media has a positive or negative impact on society? Explain your stance.

My Answer:

In my own opinion social media has vast positive impact on our society. the most advantages of social media we can connect friend and family across the globe instead of the geography and time. also because of social media no many businesses grow rapidly because it's now easier and cheaper to do advertising on our campaign through social media compared to Conventional media.  however I realized social media has negative impacts such as we know more isolated than ever before. so that's my opinion comparing positive and negative impact of social media in our life right now

ChatGPT Assessment:

General Description: 4

Your response provides a clear stance on the topic and addresses both the positive and negative impacts of social media. You mention the advantages of connecting with friends and family globally and the growth of businesses through advertising on social media. Additionally, you acknowledge the negative impact of increased isolation. Overall, your answer demonstrates a good understanding of the topic.

Delivery: 3

Your delivery is generally effective. You speak clearly and confidently, and your response flows smoothly. However, there are a few instances where your sentences could be more concise and structured. Working on improving your fluency and pacing could further enhance your delivery.

Language Use: 3

You use a range of vocabulary and sentence structures to express your ideas. Your grammar is generally accurate, but there are a few minor errors and awkward phrases. For example, "no many businesses grow rapidly" should be "many businesses can grow rapidly" and "Compared to Conventional media" should be "compared to conventional media." Paying closer attention to these details would improve your language use.

Topic Development: 4

You effectively develop your points by providing specific examples and explanations. You discuss the advantages of social media in connecting people globally and facilitating advertising for businesses. You also acknowledge the negative impact of increased isolation. Your response is well-organized and demonstrates a clear understanding of the topic.

Total Score: 14/16


Task #2 - 5

The question:

Should students be allowed to have cell phones in classrooms? Present your viewpoint.

My Answer:

I don't agree if students allowed to have their cell phone in classrooms. nowadays people easily distracted by cell phones they easily open the cell phone every minute every second and so on. I've seen people that open social media through their cell phone just like every second it just they couldn't move from their cell phone that if this happened to students in classroom it will be make the learning process not so effective. so I do believe students not allowed to have cell phone in their classrooms 

ChatGPT Assessment:

Here's an assessment of your answer's transcript based on the TOEFL iBT speaking rubrics:

General Description:

Your response provides a clear viewpoint on the topic and expresses a coherent argument against allowing students to have cell phones in classrooms. You state your opinion clearly and support it with reasons. However, your response could have been more detailed and developed with additional examples or explanations. Overall, your general description is adequate but lacks depth. I would rate this section a 3 out of 4.


Your delivery is generally understandable, but there are some instances where your speech sounds rushed or unclear. You may want to work on your pronunciation and pacing to ensure clarity and coherence in your delivery. Additionally, varying your tone and intonation could have made your response more engaging. I would rate this section a 2 out of 4.

Language Use:

Your language use is generally appropriate and understandable, but there are some errors and inconsistencies. For example, you use the phrase "if this happened to students in classroom" which should be "if this were to happen to students in the classroom." There are also some minor grammar and vocabulary errors throughout your response. To improve your score in this section, focus on using more complex sentence structures and enhancing your vocabulary range. I would rate this section a 2 out of 4.

Topic Development:

You present a clear argument against allowing students to have cell phones in classrooms, citing distraction as the main reason. However, you could have provided more specific examples or elaborated further on the impact of cell phones on the learning process. Additionally, organizing your response into paragraphs or sections would have improved the overall structure and coherence of your argument. I would rate this section a 3 out of 4.

Total Score:

General Description: 3

Delivery: 2

Language Use: 2

Topic Development: 3

Total Score: 3 + 2 + 2 + 3 = 10 out of 16

Based on the assessment, your response would receive a score of 10 out of 16. Remember to work on improving your delivery, language use, and providing more detailed examples or explanations to enhance your overall response. Good luck with your TOEFL iBT speaking practice!


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