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TOEFL Speaking Practice #3

Task 1: "What do you think is the most important factor in a successful career?"

My answer:

So I think the most important skill if you want to build a carrier you have to be a persistent person persistent mean you have a good stamina to follow your boss to follow the demand of your jobs and then to maintain your peers and also to manage your inferior. this girl is really helpful for you to maintain your career and then if I have to mention another one I would say innovation is the most second important skill if you want to build your carriers

ChatGPT assessment:

Based on the response provided, I would rate it a 14 out of 30. While you did attempt to address the question and identify two important skills for building a successful career - persistence and innovation - there are a number of issues that detract from the overall quality of your response.

First, the response lacks coherence and organization, which makes it difficult to follow your reasoning. The ideas are not presented in a clear and logical manner.

Second, there are several grammatical errors and awkward phrasings that make the response difficult to understand. For example, "this girl" should be "this skill", and "manage your inferior" is an awkward and potentially offensive phrasing.

Finally, the response could benefit from additional development and explanation. For instance, why are persistence and innovation important skills for building a successful career? How can individuals cultivate these skills?

Overall, I would recommend focusing on developing a clear and coherent response that is well-organized and free of grammatical errors. Additionally, providing specific examples or elaborating on your reasoning can help to strengthen your response.

Task 2: "You have 15 seconds to prepare and 45 seconds to talk about a memorable vacation you took."

My answer:

I remember when I brought my son to the beach it located around 2 hours from my house and I remembered that they so making some much fun playing on the beach even if the beach is not really clean enough the water is well not in bright color I mean the water is on a full of grain and sand but they really cheerful of it I saw my wife not really fun because it seems stinky for him for her 

ChatGPT assessment:

I can provide feedback on your answer, but please note that the scoring for the TOEFL IBT writing section is done by human graders and based on a more detailed evaluation of various factors such as language use, organization, coherence, and task response.

With that said, here is my feedback on your answer:

Your response seems to be slightly off-topic as you talked more about your family's experience at the beach rather than describing the vacation itself. Additionally, the response contains a number of grammatical errors, incorrect word choices, and unclear sentence structures that can make it difficult for the listener to understand your message.

To improve, try to focus on the task prompt and describe the vacation itself rather than the experience of your family. Also, try to speak more clearly and concisely, using proper grammar and vocabulary to express your ideas effectively.

Based on the language use, organization, and coherence of your response, I would rate your answer a 12 out of 30.

Task 3:

Reading passage:

The Benefits of Exercise

Exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise can help you lose weight, reduce your risk of chronic diseases, and improve your mental health. Exercise can also help you sleep better and give you more energy throughout the day.

There are many different types of exercise you can do, including cardio, strength training, and yoga. The most important thing is to find an exercise routine that you enjoy and can stick to. Whether it's running, swimming, or dancing, there's an exercise that's right for you.

Listening transcript:

The Benefits of Exercise

Narrator: Now listen to a conversation between two students.

Student 1: Hey, did you hear about the new gym that just opened up?

Student 2: No, what's so great about it?

Student 1: Well, it has all the latest equipment and they offer a bunch of different classes.

Student 2: Hmm, I've been thinking about starting to exercise. Maybe I'll check it out.

Narrator: Listen to the following lecture about the benefits of exercise and take notes.

Professor: Good afternoon, everyone. Today I'm going to talk about the benefits of exercise. Regular exercise can help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk of heart disease and diabetes, and improve your mental health. Studies have shown that exercise can also help you sleep better and give you more energy throughout the day. So, what types of exercise should you be doing? The most important thing is to find something you enjoy and can stick to. Whether it's running, swimming, or dancing, there's an exercise that's right for you.

Narrator: Now summarize the passage and conversation, and express your own opinion on the topic.

My answer:

The passages talk about the important about exercise in our daily life the professor said that exercise can maintain our mental health our strength and our health in common ways and then two of students talk about new gym that open up in the town they consider to jump into the gym and then take some exercise there. but one student said that he doesn't really hear what exercise he want to start the professor mentioned that if you want to start exercise just fine what makes you can stick to it what makes you can do consistent to it and you enjoy the exercise as long as you the consistent of your exercise it will good for you

ChatGPT assessment:

Based on your response, I would rate your answer a 18 out of 30.

You did a decent job summarizing the reading passage and the listening conversation, highlighting the importance of exercise in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and the need to find an exercise routine that is enjoyable and sustainable. However, your response lacked coherence and clarity in several areas, and your grammar and sentence structure could be improved for greater clarity.

In the future, try to organize your response more clearly, and use proper punctuation and sentence structure to help the reader follow your ideas more easily. Also, make sure to include your own opinion on the topic, which was missing in this response.

Task 4:

Reading passage:

The History of the Internet

The internet has become an essential part of our daily lives. It provides us with access to information, entertainment, and communication with people all around the world. But where did it all start?

The internet was developed in the late 1960s as a way for the US government to share information between research institutions. Over time, it evolved into a global network of interconnected computers, which we now know as the internet.

Today, the internet is used by billions of people worldwide. It has revolutionized the way we live, work, and communicate.

Listening transcript:

The History of the Internet

Narrator: Now listen to a lecture on the history of the internet and take notes.

Professor: Good afternoon, everyone. Today we're going to talk about the history of the internet. The internet was developed in the late 1960s as a way for the US government to share information between research institutions. Over time, it evolved into a global network of interconnected computers, which we now know as the internet. In the early days, the internet was used mainly by academics and researchers, but by the 1990s, it had become a popular tool for communication and commerce. Today, the internet is used by billions of people worldwide. It has revolutionized the way we live, work, and communicate.

Narrator: Now summarize the lecture and express your own opinion on the topic.

My answer:

The passages is about the internet and the history of Internet that start from US Government they try to find the effective way to transmit something to communicate each other between research institution and I heard that the first internet is about for military use in US government. and no doubt that internet really changed our lives in terms of our communication or enjoyed entertainment and then our habit to shop and so many other factors and so many other terms. for me of course internet it's really have good impact to my life I'm selling stuff from online from the internet and I got money from that.

ChatGPT assessment:

Based on your response, I would rate it a 16 out of 30. You did a good job summarizing the reading passage and the listening transcript, but your opinion lacks development and clarity. You could have provided more details and examples to support your opinion about the impact of the internet on your life. Additionally, your response has some grammatical errors and lacks organization. To improve your score, I suggest practicing more on developing clear and well-organized responses with proper grammar and punctuation.

Task 5:

Listening transcript:

A Problem in Class

Narrator: Now listen to a conversation between two students discussing a problem they are having in a class.

Student 1: Hey, have you finished the math homework yet?

Student 2: No, I'm really struggling with it. I don't understand the concept at all.

Student 1: Me neither. I was thinking of going to the professor to see if he could explain it to us.

Student 2: That's a good idea. I'm just worried that I'm going to look stupid.

Student 1: Don't worry about that. It's better to ask for help than to fall behind. We could also try going to the tutoring center.

Narrator: What is the problem they are having in the class? Answer the question and explain one possible solution to the problem.

My answer:

So the problem is between two students that they thought they have problem for their math homework and then one of the student said the solution is maybe to talk to the professor how the solution of their homework and then the other students said it will be look stupid for them and not really sure to take that solution. I see this situation is coming in our life that people being scared to talk to us about the solution of their homework but in academic situation it's really no problem to students to ask for help for their homework to their Professor so I suggest the solution is just talk to the professor whatever we he will say about your mission.

ChatGPT assessment:

Based on your response, I would rate your answer as 12 out of 30.

While you did provide some information about the problem the students were having, your answer did not directly address the question asked in the prompt. Your response was also somewhat unclear and difficult to follow, which could make it more challenging for the reader to understand your intended message. Additionally, your response could have benefited from more detail and specific examples to support your ideas.

To improve your score, I would recommend focusing on providing a clear and concise answer to the question asked, using specific details and examples to support your ideas, and ensuring that your response is easy to understand and follow.


Task 6:

Reading passage:

The Extinction of Dinosaurs

The extinction of dinosaurs is one of the most fascinating mysteries in the history of our planet. For millions of years, dinosaurs ruled the earth, but then suddenly they disappeared. Scientists have been studying the fossil record for years, trying to figure out what happened.

There are several theories about the extinction of dinosaurs. One popular theory is that a massive asteroid hit the earth, causing a catastrophic event that wiped out the dinosaurs. Another theory is that changes in the earth's climate, such as volcanic activity or an ice age, caused the extinction.

Listening transcript:

The Extinction of Dinosaurs

Narrator: Now listen to a lecture on the extinction of dinosaurs and take notes.

Professor: Good afternoon, everyone. Today we're going to talk about the extinction of dinosaurs. For millions of years, dinosaurs ruled the earth, but then suddenly they disappeared. There are several theories about what caused their extinction. One popular theory is that a massive asteroid hit the earth, causing a catastrophic event that wiped out the dinosaurs. Another theory is that changes in the earth's climate, such as volcanic activity or an ice age, caused the extinction. Recently, scientists have also been exploring the idea that a combination of factors, including volcanic activity and climate change, may have played a role in the extinction of dinosaurs.

Narrator: Now summarize the lecture, express your opinion on the theories presented, and provide your own perspective on the topic.

My answer:

So the messages is talk about the dinosaur extinction there are two factors of dinosaur possibly extinct in our Earth the first one is the asteroid head of Earth and then made some gastropic explosion and then the dinosaurs extinctions and then the second one is about the climate change they know Source can Facebook really high change of temperature and they can't survive from it. but the professor at one more theory that combine all of two so it may be the head of a straight cause the climate change so dinosaurs extinct from our Earth.

ChatGPT assessment:

Thank you for your answer. Based on the TOEFL scoring rubric, your response would likely receive a score of around 18-22 out of 30. While you do address the main points of the passage and lecture, there are several grammatical errors and some confusion in your writing. Additionally, your response could be more organized and structured. To improve your score, try to focus on expressing your ideas more clearly and cohesively, and make sure to proofread for grammatical errors.

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