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buku Traffic Secrets - Russel Brunson |
Setiap baca buku ini, saya teringat terus dengan teorinya funellingnya Dewa Eka Prayoga. Sangt sangat mirip.. Siapa mencontoh siapa ya? atau ini ilmu yang umum jadi orang tau? ya wallahualam soal subjek, yang penting kan isi konteks ilmu dari buku ini.
Intinya.. Buku ini ngajarin saya untuk bikin strategi funelling lagi yang terstruktur dan rapi. Funellingnya dibagi berdasarkan platform. Di sini dijelaskan betul tentang platform yang ada saat ini, yaitu Instagram, Youtube, Google. Si penulis katanya pengen nulis juga soal Tiktok, Snapchat, dlsb, tapi 3 itu sudah mernggambarkan teori funelling yang dia jabarkan.
Penulis sangat menyarankan untuk semua pebisnis yang mau main funelling, harus punya DREAM 100.. ini adalah list semua akun TOP di suatu platform yang audience sama dengan bisnis kita. Jadi katanya WAJIB buat list 100 akun tersebut, tiap platform. Bisa kompetitor, bisa public figure, influencer, apapun..
Gunanya apa? banyak dijabarkan di buku ini. Tapi yang paling utama menurut saya, untuk melatih sense kita untuk membuat konten yang diinginkan oleh audience.. Dengan "mencontoh" apa yang dibuat oleh para DREAM 100.
Berikut catatan pribadi saya tentang buku ini:
• Page 17 “enter the conversation already taking place in the customer’s mind.”
• Page 23 Figure 1.5: While two people’s goals might be the same, their reasons for accomplishing that goal might completely different
• Page 33 Traffic (your dream customer) is already there. Your job is to identify where they are, tap into those
• Page 52 see if we can grab their attention.
• Page 57 “How do I get my message in front of their audiences?
• Page 58 I also watch what my Dream 100 are publishing because, in the future, I might be creating ads for these
• Page 70 I had spent a decade buying ads on Facebook that only showed up to his followers.
• Page 89 “A study done by the Association of Sales Executives revealed that 81 percent of all sales happens
• Page 96 “Amateurs focus on the first sale.”
• Page 100 Often they’re afraid of what others will think if they buy it, because they have a fear that their status
• Page 105 The Dream 100 want exposure, and your platform can provide that for them.
• Page 114 If you can publish every day for a year, you’ll never have to worry about money problems again.
• Page 117 think it’s much more fruitful to talk about your process than about the actual advice you “think” you
• Page 126 You’ll leverage your Dream 100 by interviewing them on your show.
• Page 126 focus on converting it into traffic that you own.
• Page 131 if they were having success, it meant that they were in the front of the algorithm. They’re doing what
• Page 131 Follow each of your Dream 100 and spend 10 minutes each day watching what they are doing. Write down
• Page 140 only following your Dream 100 on each platform.
• Page 144 The funnels that flop are sent back to the drawing board to get reworked,
• Page 147 Dean and his team were running four times more creative (ads) than us. “How many ads are you guys running?
• Page 148 For YouTube, you can specify that you’d like your ads to show in front of your Dream 100’s videos both
• Page 156 hitting the right people at the right time with the right message.
• Page 158 Each day, I spend three to five minutes viewing my Dream 100’s posts looking for: What pictures “hook
• Page 169 the sweet spot for video length is three to five minutes,
• Page 179 To quickly grow your Instagram following, you need to show up on your Dream 100’s channel.
• Page 213 real secret is being able to look at each platform and quickly figure out what the algorithm is now.
• Page 223 Longer:
• Page 223 More up to date:
• Page 223 Better designed:
• Page 223 More thorough:
• Page 229 getting traffic immediately from all the people who were currently ranked number one?
• Page 231 they have Google AdSense on their site, then I add their site to my list to target later with Google
• Page 247 The benchmarks we want for CTR are:
• Page 247 The benchmarks for video retention are:
• Page 256 If it wasn’t something simple, I knew I wouldn’t be consistent.
• Page 268 the Fill Your Funnel framework: Bookmarks • Page 276 THE BIRTH OF THE FUNNEL HUB I wish that I could say that over the past 15 years I put a huge focus on
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