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TOEFL IBT Speaking Practice #89

Task 1

The question:

If you could visit one city in the world, where would you choose to go and why? Provide specific reasons and details to support your choice.

My Answer:

I would say if I had to choose one city in the world I want to go I choose Liverpool in England United Kingdom.  not only because of I want to learn English culture but also about the football or soccer.  I love soccer since I was a kid and I have many Idols regarding the soccer but today my idol is Mohamed Salah who live  and play at Liverpool Football Club and I want to meet him in personal if there are free money I'll choose to Go to Liverpool to meet him

please do assessment follow these criteria:

- based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development)

- since it is a transcript, please ignore punctuation symbols errors

- please consider in actual setting that I only have 45~60s to response

Delivery (Scale out of 10):

Score: 7/10

Comments: The delivery of your response is mostly clear and understandable. You've stated your main point and provided reasons for it. However, some minor grammatical errors and informal phrasing might detract slightly from the overall clarity.

Language Use (Scale out of 10):

Score: 6/10

Comments: Language use shows some level of complexity but also includes errors and informal language (e.g., "I'll choose to Go to Liverpool" and "who live and play"). While these wouldn't likely hinder understanding in casual conversation, they may be noticeable in a formal test setting like the TOEFL iBT.

Topic Development (Scale out of 10):

Score: 7/10

Comments: You have managed to introduce the topic well and provide supporting details about your interest in English culture and football. You've also connected your choice to your personal interest in a specific player. However, the development of the topic could be more balanced, with more detailed explanations about the cultural aspect as well as your interest in football.

Please remember that these scores are based on the specific criteria provided and may differ from an official TOEFL evaluation. Additionally, it would be beneficial to seek feedback from an experienced TOEFL instructor who can provide an assessment tailored to your individual needs.


Task 2

Reading Passage:

The University Library is adjusting its operating hours beginning next week. This change will extend weekday hours until midnight, with the library closing at 10:00 pm on weekends. This new schedule is in response to student requests for extended study time, particularly during the examination periods. Additionally, quiet study rooms will now be open 24/7 for those who require a focused environment. The library staff encourages feedback on these changes to further align with students' needs. For more information, please visit the library's website or contact the information desk directly

Listening Passage:

Student A: "Hey, did you hear about the new library hours?"

Student B: "Yeah, I just saw the announcement. I think it's great that they're extending the hours. It's going to be really helpful during exams."

Student A: "True, but I wonder if they have enough staff to cover the extra hours. And what about the security in the quiet study rooms if they're open 24/7?"

Student B: "Good points. Maybe they have considered that, and they will have some security measures in place. They probably had to hire more staff too."

Student A: "I hope so. I also worry about the noise level. If more people are using the library late at night, it might become too noisy to study."

Student B: "Well, they mentioned the quiet study rooms being open 24/7. Maybe that will help. But you're right; they need to manage the noise in the main areas."

Student A: "I think I'll send them feedback on that. These changes are good in theory, but they need to make sure everything is well-managed."

Student B: "Absolutely. It's clear they're trying to accommodate students' needs, and I think with some fine-tuning, it could be a great improvement for everyone. I'll join you in sending feedback."

Student A: "Sounds like a plan. Let's make sure our voices are heard."

The question:

"What are the main points and concerns discussed by the two students regarding the new library hours, and how do they feel about the changes? What actions do they propose to address their concerns?"

My Answer:

The library has a plan to adjust their operating hours to extend until 10:00 p.m. for the main area and will be 24/7 availability of quiet room.  Furthermore the conversation from two students it can infer that they have two following concerns.  the first one is about security and staffs the students suggest University supposed to be give more staff and security.  and secondly about the noise level on the main area the student has a suggestion it should be manageable properly.  lastly the students will give a feedback into the library office regarding their suggestion

please do assessment follow these criteria:

- based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development)

- since it is a transcript, please ignore punctuation symbols errors

- please consider in actual setting that I only have 45~60s to response

Delivery: 7/10

Your delivery is clear and mostly coherent. You have covered the main aspects of the discussion, including the main points and concerns, and actions proposed by the students. However, there are some minor inaccuracies and omissions, such as failing to mention the weekday hours extending until midnight and the weekend hours being until 10:00 p.m. Since this is a written response, other aspects of spoken delivery, such as intonation and pacing, can't be assessed.

Language Use: 6/10

The language use is mostly understandable, with some clear control of grammar and vocabulary. However, there are noticeable grammatical errors and awkward phrasing that may impede understanding. For example, "it can infer" would be better as "it can be inferred," and "supposed to be give more staff and security" could be revised to "the University should provide more staff and security." Also, some sentences could be clearer to provide a more logical connection between ideas.

Topic Development: 7/10

The response effectively addresses the main points and concerns of the students and the actions they propose. You identified the essential elements of the changes to the library hours and students' concerns about staffing, security, and noise. However, there is a lack of specific details, such as acknowledging the positive aspects that the students found regarding the changes. The response could have also been enriched by reflecting the positive attitude of the students towards the changes while also expressing their concerns.

Overall, the answer is fairly strong, capturing the main points of the conversation but missing some finer details and suffering from some language issues. In a spoken setting, addressing these areas within the given time frame would lead to a more cohesive and comprehensive response.


Task 3

Reading Passage:

Cultural anthropology is the scientific study of cultural aspects of human societies. It examines cultural norms, beliefs, practices, and social structures to understand how humans interact within their communities. Cultural anthropologists often engage in fieldwork, immersing themselves in different cultures to gather detailed insights. Their findings contribute to various fields such as sociology, psychology, and economics. Understanding cultural anthropology helps in recognizing the diversity of human experiences, fostering empathy, and offering solutions to global challenges like poverty, inequality, and discrimination.

Listening Passage:

Cultural anthropology extends far beyond the examination of traditions or customs. It looks deeply into the underlying values, perceptions, and social dynamics that form the backbone of a society. Through participant observation, cultural anthropologists immerse themselves in the daily lives of the community they are studying. They strive to see the world through the eyes of the local people, understanding their rituals, relationships, and responses to changes. This approach offers a unique lens to observe how cultural factors influence everything from family structures to political decisions. Moreover, it highlights how interconnected human beings are, regardless of geographical boundaries, and helps us appreciate the complexity and beauty of different cultures. The discoveries made in cultural anthropology have practical applications in areas such as international development, healthcare, and education, making it a vital field in today's interconnected world."

The question:

"How does the lecture elaborate on the information provided in the reading passage about the methods and applications of cultural anthropology? Provide specific details to support your answer."

My Answer:

The reading message and the professor talk about cultural and tripology how is so important for us to understand the norms and prospective of local culture.  the professor emphasize more about the methodology of anthropologists that see the world through the lines of local people so it would contribute to understanding social structure from families into Political decision.  moreover while reading message only mentioned about the international solution regarding diversity inclusivity and discrimination the professor emphasized about Healthcare and education could be resolved by Solution by this cultural anthropology method

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development):

Delivery: 5/10

The delivery of the answer is somewhat coherent but lacks precision in conveying the main points of the reading and listening passages. The response does touch on the importance of understanding local culture and the methods used by anthropologists, but it lacks clear elaboration on how the lecture extends the information from the reading passage. There are also some inaccuracies in the details mentioned.

Language Use: 4/10

Language use in this response is somewhat unclear, with noticeable grammatical errors and awkward phrasing that can hinder comprehension. For example, "cultural and tripology" is confusing and appears to be a typo or misunderstanding of the term "anthropology." Additionally, phrases like "see the world through the lines of local people" could be more clearly expressed. Better control of grammar and vocabulary would significantly enhance the clarity and quality of the response.

Topic Development: 5/10

The response identifies some key aspects of cultural anthropology and attempts to discuss the methods and applications as elaborated in the lecture. However, the explanation lacks depth, and specific details are either incorrect or missing. The connection between the reading and listening passages is not clearly articulated, and some critical insights from the lecture, such as the practical applications in international development, healthcare, and education, are not sufficiently explained. The response would benefit from a more careful selection and organization of the details to fully address the question.

Overall, the response captures some essential elements but struggles with clear articulation, accuracy, and depth. In a time-restricted spoken setting, focusing on clear language use and ensuring that the main points and specific details are correctly and succinctly presented would lead to a more effective response.


Task 4

Listening Passage:

"Good afternoon, students. Today, we are going to discuss the fundamental principles of evolutionary biology, a branch of biology that studies the process of evolution and the diversification of life on Earth.

The theory of evolution by natural selection was famously proposed by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace in the 19th century. It suggests that species change over time and that these changes are driven by natural selection, where traits that enhance survival and reproduction become more common in subsequent generations.

To start with, let's consider the concept of variation. Within a population, individuals show differences in their traits. Some of these differences may provide advantages in surviving and reproducing. For example, a bird with a longer beak might be more successful at obtaining food.

Next, we must consider inheritance. Traits that confer an advantage are more likely to be passed down to the next generation. This leads to an increase in the frequency of these advantageous traits over time.

Finally, let's discuss the concept of adaptation. Over many generations, these advantageous traits become more and more common, leading to a change in the population as a whole. This process leads to the formation of new species, or speciation.

The evidence supporting the theory of evolution is vast and comes from various fields such as paleontology, genetics, and comparative anatomy. Fossil records show gradual changes over time, while DNA studies reveal the genetic connections between different species.

It's crucial to understand that evolution is not a linear process but a branching one, where species can diverge into multiple new species.

In conclusion, evolutionary biology helps us understand the interconnectedness of life and the dynamic processes that have shaped the living world as we know it today. It is a field that continues to grow and evolve, just like the organisms it studies."

The question:

"How does the concept of natural selection contribute to the process of evolution, and what evidence supports the theory of evolution as discussed in the lecture?"

My Answer:

From the lecture about fundamental Health Evolution biology which discuss about natural selection that species actually change over time there are three main things regarding this natural selection.  the first one is variation that the proof every single individual might be different depends on survival and reproduction for example the professor mentioned about longer beak of bird will be survived more because it easier to find food.  The second one is about the traits that passed to the Next Generation over and over that makes specious changing and lead us to the third point.  the third point is the adaptation some researcher conclude adaptation is about volatility genetically and Anatomy and some evidence regarding this it's  DNA connection between species. Lastly the professor talk about this kind of field of study is really important to understand connection of life and still growing time over time 

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development):

Delivery: 6/10

You managed to cover the main concepts of natural selection: variation, inheritance, and adaptation. However, the delivery is somewhat jumbled, and some essential details are lost or confused. For instance, you mentioned "Health Evolution biology" instead of evolutionary biology, and there's some repetition and lack of clarity in the explanation of the three concepts. Overall, the delivery could be more precise and well-structured.

Language Use: 5/10

The language use in your response is understandable but has several grammatical errors and awkward phrasings that may impede comprehension. There are issues with word choice, sentence structure, and tense consistency. Examples include "that the proof" instead of "proving" or "as proof," and "specious changing" instead of "species changing." The language issues detract from the overall quality of the response but don't entirely hinder the main points from coming across.

Topic Development: 6/10

The response adequately addresses the main aspects of the question, explaining the concepts of natural selection and mentioning evidence supporting evolution. However, some essential details are missing or misunderstood, such as the importance of fossil records, and the misinterpretation of adaptation as "volatility genetically and Anatomy." The inclusion of these details would have enriched the answer and provided a more comprehensive understanding of the lecture's content.

Overall, your response captures some of the key elements of the lecture but struggles with clarity and depth. Improving the language use and organizing the information more coherently would likely enhance the quality of the response. In a time-constrained setting, focusing on precise language and ensuring that the main points are correctly presented would be essential.


Task #1 - 1

The question:

Describe a personal goal you would like to achieve and why it is important to you.

My Answer:

I would say the main goal in the next 5 years for me is to attend MBA on Stanford because it will be really beneficial for my business I want to meet people from all over the world I want to widen my horizons of perspective and of course I hope I could obtain good networking while studying on Stanford.  I have my friend studied on Sanford and that's really cool of him he called rich people really cool people to make his business grow


Task #1 - 2

The question:

Discuss the effects of social media on interpersonal relationships.

My Answer:

I would say social media has negative impact on interpersonal relationships.  not only because we more isolated to meet other people but also how we empathize what people feel it's really crucial that could be lost in our mind or people who use social media a lot.  I've seen a kid from nowhere shouting on his parents because of his parents just close his social media


Task #1 - 3

The question:

Do you believe that extracurricular activities are important for a student's development? Why or why not?

My Answer:

Absolutely in my own opinion extracurricular activities are really important for students development.  for example the extracurricular of sports it seems that only sports that offered by the extracurricular only my our physical for example but actually it offered how to manage people how to organize a team that's really beneficial for students in the future.  since teamwork is really important and really demanding on jobs market today so I suggest for every student to take extra curricular activities 


Task #1 - 4

The question:

Some people prefer to save money, while others prefer to spend it. Which do you think is wiser and why?

My Answer:

As a businessman I would say I prefer to spend my money rather than just save it on the bank.  not only because I have to run my business so I need Equity but also in businessman perspective holding money means a drawbacks.  because if we have money it should be added value by our activity by our business that's the entrepreneur always do. 


Task #1 - 5

The question:

Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of using renewable energy sources.

My Answer:

I would say the most benefit of using renewable energy sources of course it should be environmental friendly as we know that another name of renewable energy sources is the green energy.  however there are many drawbacks I would mention about the sustainability of this energy sources because for for instance the wind energy we know that not every area produce wind in constantly so it could make the renewable energy not sustainable compared to fossil energy


Task #1 - 6

The question:

Describe the benefits and drawbacks of using plastic materials in daily life.

My Answer:

I would see the most benefit using plastic materials in our daily life it is really cheap yes it's so cheap maybe less than a cent for one plastic bags.  however I would say many drawbacks using plastic materials and I want to highlight about the environmental issue because I read in in many news and some articles that plastic materials is really difficult to degraded on our environment so it would harm our biodiversity and animals


Task #1 - 7

The question:

Some people believe that the internet has made people more connected, while others think it has made them more isolated. Share your opinion.

My Answer:

Personally I will say internet has mad people much more connected than ever.  not also we can communicate each other all over the world despite time and distance but also because of Internet we can learn so many knowledge instantly through our internet.  for instance our development of Technology it's really vast developed because of this internet because as we know many scholar for across University can share their knowledge and make it better for our future


Task #1 - 8

The question:

Explain the effects of air conditioning on energy consumption and the environment.

My Answer:

I think air conditioning is really important for our life today especially if we Face the extreme climate.  but I would say air conditioning consume really big energy huge amount of electrical and as we know the most electrical are produced by fossil energy so of course it not sustainable because it harm our Earth.  for tomorrow the air conditioning has a produce some gases that make our  Earth on greenhouse effect


Task #1 - 9

The question:

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using solar energy.

My Answer:

I would say the most advantage of using solar energy is it's renewable because solar or our son keep enlightening our Earth all over the year across the globe,  however there are many disadvantages of using solar energy and I want to highlight about the price or the cost how to install this technology because as per I know today this solar energy system is not affordable for houses only companies can buy it 


Task #1 - 10

The question:

Some people prefer to eat at home, while others prefer to dine out. Which do you find more enjoyable and why?

My Answer:

For me as a foreigner of course I do much prefer to eat at home rather than dine out.  not only because it should be cheaper but also it's healthier.  for tomorrow I will say if we cook it at home we we able to design our menu and based on our needs so it should be no foodways produce in our home compared to dine out on the restaurant some people just not finished there meals


please rate each of my answer.. based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development), then sum up all the score

Sure! Here's a general evaluation based on TOEFL iBT rubrics for Delivery, Language Use, and Topic Development. Since the text doesn't include audio or visual components, the assessment of Delivery will be based on the written clarity and fluency.

### Task #1 - 1

- **Delivery**: 6/10 - The answer is generally clear but has some grammatical errors and lacks punctuation that disrupt the flow.

- **Language Use**: 6/10 - Some grammatical errors and casual language limit the clarity.

- **Topic Development**: 7/10 - The goal is expressed clearly, but the explanation could be more detailed.

- **Total**: 19/30

### Task #1 - 2

- **Delivery**: 5/10 - The answer lacks punctuation and has grammatical errors that make reading difficult.

- **Language Use**: 5/10 - The answer has grammatical mistakes and colloquial language.

- **Topic Development**: 6/10 - The idea is there, but it could use more details and examples.

- **Total**: 16/30

### Task #1 - 3

- **Delivery**: 6/10 - Some grammatical mistakes and lack of punctuation.

- **Language Use**: 6/10 - Casual language and grammatical errors present.

- **Topic Development**: 7/10 - The idea is clearly expressed but could be better articulated.

- **Total**: 19/30

### Task #1 - 4

- **Delivery**: 6/10 - Clarity suffers due to grammatical errors.

- **Language Use**: 6/10 - Some grammatical errors and casual language.

- **Topic Development**: 7/10 - Clear stance, but more elaboration would be helpful.

- **Total**: 19/30

### Task #1 - 5

- **Delivery**: 6/10 - Some errors in grammar and punctuation.

- **Language Use**: 6/10 - Grammatical mistakes and casual language present.

- **Topic Development**: 7/10 - Ideas are clear, but a more detailed explanation would strengthen the answer.

- **Total**: 19/30

### Task #1 - 6

- **Delivery**: 6/10 - Errors in grammar and lack of punctuation.

- **Language Use**: 6/10 - Grammatical mistakes and casual language.

- **Topic Development**: 7/10 - The main points are covered but could be more detailed.

- **Total**: 19/30

### Task #1 - 7

- **Delivery**: 7/10 - Fairly clear with minor grammatical errors.

- **Language Use**: 6/10 - Some grammatical mistakes and casual language.

- **Topic Development**: 7/10 - The idea is clear, but a more detailed explanation would help.

- **Total**: 20/30

### Task #1 - 8

- **Delivery**: 6/10 - Some grammatical mistakes and lack of punctuation.

- **Language Use**: 6/10 - Grammatical errors and colloquial language present.

- **Topic Development**: 7/10 - Clear main points, but more detail would be beneficial.

- **Total**: 19/30

### Task #1 - 9

- **Delivery**: 6/10 - Some errors in grammar and punctuation.

- **Language Use**: 6/10 - Grammatical mistakes and casual language.

- **Topic Development**: 7/10 - Ideas are clear, but more detail would strengthen the argument.

- **Total**: 19/30

### Task #1 - 10

- **Delivery**: 7/10 - Fairly clear with minor grammatical errors.

- **Language Use**: 6/10 - Some grammatical mistakes and casual language.

- **Topic Development**: 7/10 - The idea is clear, but more detail would help.

- **Total**: 20/30

The general feedback would be to pay attention to grammatical rules, punctuation, and to provide more detailed examples and explanations in the answers. Overall, the ideas are present, but the presentation could be polished for a more professional and clear response.

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