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TOEFL IBT Speaking Practice #84

Task 1

The question:

Some people believe that university education should be free for everyone, while others believe students should pay for their own education. Do you agree or disagree? Explain your position.

My Answer:

I'd say that a student should pay for their own education.  not only because education right now it's so expensive but also it house student exercise to Value their money so the student process of learning should not be wasted it will be different if it is it free so then maybe might be not so precious time doing their study.  that's my opinion about how students should pay or not to the education

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development), :

Based on the TOEFL iBT rubrics, here is my assessment:

Delivery: 7/10

Your speech is clear and generally well-paced. There are few minor hesitations and self-corrections, but these do not significantly impact overall intelligibility.

Language Use: 7/10

You make your point clear and use suitable vocabulary ("value their money", "process of learning"). However, there are some grammatical errors and incomplete sentences that make some parts of your response a bit difficult to understand. Also, consider using a variety of sentence structures and transitional phrases to improve clarity and coherence.

Topic Development: 7/10

You introduce your position and provide a reason to support your point of view, which is a good start. However, you could improve by providing more specific examples or elaborating more deeply on your reason. Also, consider addressing the other side of the argument briefly for a more comprehensive answer.

Remember, practicing and getting feedback is the key to improving your speaking skills. Keep it up!


Task 2

Reading Passage:

"Our university is committed to sustainability and environmental stewardship. In a bold step towards reducing our carbon footprint, we are planning to go completely paperless in the next academic year. This means that all assignments, communications, notices, and documents will be handled electronically. Students and faculty are encouraged to embrace digital tools and platforms to support this initiative. We believe that this change will not only benefit the environment but also enhance efficiency and accessibility within our academic community. More information and support will be provided in the coming weeks."

Listening Passage:

Student A: "Did you hear about the university going paperless next year?"

Student B: "Yeah, I just read the announcement. It sounds like a great idea for the environment, but I'm worried about how it's going to work in practice."

Student A: "I share your concerns. What about students who don't have access to laptops or tablets?"

Student B: "Exactly. And what about professors who prefer using paper for grading? They'll have to adapt quickly."

Student A: "True. But I think the university will provide the necessary support. They seem serious about this initiative."

Student B: "I hope so. Let's wait and see how it unfolds."

The question:

"Based on the reading passage and the conversation, explain the university's decision to go paperless and the concerns expressed by the students. How do the students feel about this initiative, and what uncertainties do they discuss?"

My Answer:

University has a plan to do paperless in the next academic year in order to towards sustainability and environment sustainability.  according to the conversation from student a and student B they seems agree with the plan students be said it was great plan and and then they have some concern about this plan.  they believe that someone who has no laptop or no tablets supposed to be facilitated by the campus and furthermore they are mentioned about the professor who do grading based on paper usually it must be solution for them.  So the student a and student B at the end feeling curious what will campus do to tackle the problems

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development), :

Based on the TOEFL iBT rubrics, here is my assessment:

**Delivery:** 8/10

Your delivery is generally good. The pace of your speech is well maintained, and you have articulated your thoughts in a comprehensible manner. There are some minor hesitations, but they don't detract from the overall intelligibility of your speech.

**Language Use:** 7/10

You express your ideas using suitable vocabulary and structures, such as "towards sustainability and environment sustainability" and "someone who has no laptop or no tablets supposed to be facilitated by the campus." However, there are some errors in grammar and sentence structure that may confuse the listener. For example, "student a and student B they seems agree" should be "Student A and Student B seem to agree." 

**Topic Development:** 7/10

You successfully summarize both the announcement and the conversation. You cover the key points about the university's decision to go paperless and the students' concerns. However, the response could benefit from more detailed and organized elaboration. Try to structure your response in a way that clearly distinguishes between different points (e.g., the university's decision, the students' feelings, and their concerns). 

Keep practicing, and remember to proofread your answers for grammatical accuracy and clarity of expression.


Task 3

Reading Passage:

Artificial intelligence (AI) has made significant progress in the past few decades. It has gone from simple computer programs executing basic tasks to sophisticated algorithms capable of learning and making decisions. The evolution of AI has been marked by its integration into various aspects of society - from healthcare to transportation and education. This integration has brought about significant changes, influencing how we live, work, and interact with technology. Despite the benefits, there are concerns about privacy, job displacement, and the ethical implications of machines making decisions traditionally reserved for humans

Listening Passage:

"Indeed, the advancements in artificial intelligence have greatly impacted our world. One of the most revolutionary applications of AI is in healthcare, where algorithms can now assist in diagnosing diseases, predicting patient outcomes, and even suggesting treatment plans. This not only increases efficiency but could also reduce human error.

In the realm of transportation, autonomous vehicles are no longer science fiction. They promise increased safety and convenience, but also raise questions about responsibility and accountability in case of accidents.

In the job market, AI is causing a shift, where jobs involving repetitive tasks are being automated. However, it's also creating new job opportunities in fields such as data analysis and AI ethics.

The ethical considerations of AI are indeed crucial. We need to address issues like privacy breaches and potential bias in AI decision-making. There are calls for comprehensive legal and ethical guidelines to govern the use of AI, to balance the benefits with potential pitfalls."

The question:

"Based on the passage and the lecture, describe the evolution and effects of Artificial Intelligence on society. Discuss both the benefits and concerns mentioned in the lecture, and explain the lecturer's view on the need for ethical guidelines."

My Answer:

According to the professor AI has so many impact to our life it's so influential.  she mentioned about impact AI on Healthcare it could suggest how treatment to personalize and it provide efficiency for healthcare.  for the most you mentioned about the transportation the autonomous vehicle is no science fiction anymore but she notes about accountability if if it might be accident in the future.  moreover she mentioned about the job will be replaced with since it's so many repetition but also it open new job opportunities such as ethical analysis of AI itself.  lastly he mentioned she mentioned about benefits and potential Pitfall should be tackled by us

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development), :

Based on the TOEFL iBT rubrics, here is my assessment:

**Delivery:** 7/10

You deliver your response fluently and at an appropriate speed. There are some minor hesitations and self-corrections, but they don't significantly interfere with the flow of your response.

**Language Use:** 7/10

Your response includes relevant vocabulary related to the topic, such as "autonomous vehicle", "efficiency", and "ethical analysis". However, some sentences are grammatically incorrect or confusing, such as "for the most you mentioned about the transportation". Be careful to use complete and grammatically correct sentences.

**Topic Development:** 7/10

You address all parts of the task by summarizing the main points from the lecture about the impact of AI on healthcare, transportation, jobs, and ethical considerations. However, the organization of your response could be improved. Try to use clear transitions when moving from one point to the next, and make sure to explain each point fully before moving on to the next.

Keep practicing and focus on using clear, grammatically correct sentences and organizing your response in a logical way.


Task 4

Listening Passage:

"In recent years, there's been an increasing interest in the role of gut bacteria, or what's known as our microbiome, in human health. It's now understood that these microscopic organisms play a much larger role than simply aiding digestion.

Research has found connections between our gut bacteria and numerous health conditions. For instance, certain imbalances in our gut bacteria have been linked to obesity and type 2 diabetes. Moreover, it's also believed that our microbiome can influence mental health, with studies suggesting links to conditions such as anxiety and depression.

In addition, gut bacteria appear to play a role in our immune response. A healthy balance of bacteria in the gut can boost our immunity, while an imbalance might lead to chronic inflammation or autoimmune disorders.

This understanding has led to a rise in interest in probiotics, foods or supplements that contain beneficial bacteria, as a way to improve our overall health. However, it's important to note that research in this area is still ongoing, and while the results are promising, it's not yet fully understood how to best utilize this knowledge for health interventions."

The question:

"According to the lecture, what roles do gut bacteria play in human health? Discuss the connections between gut bacteria and various health conditions as explained by the lecturer. Also, mention the lecturer's comments on probiotics and the current state of research in this area."

My Answer:

The professional mention about gut bacteria or microbiome in the recent research the researcher found that this microbiome has significant connection to our human health.  for instance the imbalance of gut bacteria or microbiome could leads to obesity, diabetes, and mental health,  so the immune system is significantly by gut bacteria because if it if is balance our healthy also in in a risk.  the professor mentioned about probiotic that could improve our microbiome and the research still going on this and not yet really understand fully by researcher

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development), :

Based on the TOEFL iBT rubrics, here is my assessment:

**Delivery:** 8/10

You communicate your answer in a fluent manner, and the pace is consistent and understandable. Minor hesitations occur but don't disrupt the overall delivery. 

**Language Use:** 7/10

You make use of relevant vocabulary tied to the topic, such as "microbiome," "obesity," "diabetes," "mental health," and "probiotic." However, some grammatical errors and awkward sentence constructions are present. For instance, "so the immune system is significantly by gut bacteria because if it if is balance our healthy also in in a risk." Here, your intended meaning isn't clear due to grammatical mistakes.

**Topic Development:** 8/10

You adequately cover the main points from the lecture about the roles of gut bacteria, their connection to different health conditions, and the potential of probiotics. But, the explanation could have been more in-depth, particularly about how gut bacteria influence our immune system and the specific roles of probiotics.

Keep practicing to improve the clarity of your language use and depth of your topic development.

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