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TOEFL IBT Writing practice #26

 Writing - 1

Reading Passage:

Soon technology will provide smart cars: cars that virtually drive themselves. 

A computer in the car determines the speed and route to the desired destination. 

The computer is in continuous contact with a global positioning system and other 

technologies that will provide extremely accurate information about the location 

of the car, other cars on the road, congestion, accidents, and so forth. The human 

driver will be little more than a passenger. Smart cars promise to make driving 

safer, quicker, and less expensive.

First of all, smart cars will prevent many accidents, thereby saving lives. The 

cars will be equipped with a variety of sensors that very accurately detect cars and 

other obstacles in their path, and they will have automatic programs that control 

braking and turning to avoid collisions. Given the hundreds of accidents that occur 

on highways daily, it is clear that humans do a poor job of avoiding accidents and 

that computer control would be a great improvement.

Second, with the wide use of smart cars, traffic problems will practically disappear. These computer-controlled cars can follow each other closely, even at high 

speeds. This ability will result in increased highway speeds. Today commuting by 

car can take hours a day. So the increased speed of smart cars will be a great benefit, welcomed by the many people who commute by car.

Finally, smart cars will bring a reduction in the costs of driving. Because smart 

cars are programmed to drive the most direct routes, car owners will have to spend 

less money on repairs and replacement parts. Expensive items such as brakes, 

tires, and transmissions will last much longer in smart cars than in other cars

Listening Transcript:

Narrator: Now listen to part of a lecture on the topic you just read about.

Professor: Even if computerized smart cars meet all the technological expectations set for them, it's not clear that they'd produce the benefits some have predicted.

Smart cars will still get into some accidents. After all, even the most technologically advanced devices fail occasionally. And since the smart car technology will allow cars to be more tightly packed together on the roads, these accidents will be pileups that involve many more cars and so be much worse than accidents that occur today. Overall, there is little reason to believe that smart cars will save lives or reduce the number of injuries in automobile accidents.

Second, let's talk about the potential to increase highway speeds and therefore decrease commuting time. Well, history has consistently shown that when some driving convenience is introduced, more and more people decide to drive because they expect an easier driving experience. But then the increased number of drivers in the case of smart cars of the future would not decrease commuting time. This is because the traffic congestion caused by the additional cars on the road would not allow the drivers to take advantage of the smart cars' potential for higher speeds.

And finally, it's not reasonable to expect that smart cars will save drivers money. The global positioning technology required to direct smart cars to their desired destinations is very expensive, and smart cars will need other costly technologies too, such as sensors that control how far a smart car stays behind the car in front of it. Moreover, the advanced technology of smart cars will make repairs to them more expensive than repairs on conventional automobiles. These new expenses will more than offset the expected savings on the repair and replacement of traditional mechanical car parts.

Narrator: Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they challenge specific points made in the reading passage.

My writing answer:

Both the reading passage and the professor discuss about future smart cars that can drive themselves. While the reading passage gives some predicted benefits of smart cars, the professor has contrary perspective about those. The benefits that challange by the professor are on the following paragraphs.

The reading passage predicts smart cars would reduce accidents and saving many lives. Since the major factor of car accidents are human errors, so if there were no human on it supposed to be less accident will hapen. In terms of no human, the smart cars must have many sophisticated and accurate technologies such as GPS and sensors, thus collision could be avoided. However, the professor gives fact that, actually even any advance technology somehow would have errors. These errors can lead to more accident on the road.

Secondly, about the traffic. The reading passage write that because all the automatics things, the traffic would be more efficient so it will reduce traffic congestion. The professor has contrary perspective regarding this, he gives the fact that traffic congestions are caused by increasing numbers of people who tried to avoid long commuting time, by buying more cars. Similar case could happen to smart cars, since everyone think using smart cars would  reduce their commuting time and getting better traffic, the numbers of smart cars will be much more higher than expected. Hence traffic jam would occur anyway.

Lastly, the driving cost that the reading passage said could be reduced. According to the reading passage, since all automatic and effective, the smart cars would have less miles, obviously less maintenance cost. But, the profess arguing this statement. He argue this expectation will not be happen at all. His point of view is based on the sophisticated device that smart cars will use, those are expensive things. He gave some example such GPS and censory devices, it take more cost to maintenance than mechanical ordinary cars.

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development), then give me better modified version of my answer (max 400 words):


Delivery: 7/10

Language Use: 7/10

Topic Development: 7/10

Overall Score: 7/10

Comments: Your response provides a good summary of the main points made in the lecture and effectively highlights the contrasting perspectives between the reading passage and the professor's arguments. However, there are a few areas where your response could be improved.

Delivery: While you address the main points adequately, the response lacks a clear introduction and conclusion. Consider adding a brief introduction that provides an overview of the topic and the main points discussed, as well as a conclusion that summarizes the key arguments made in the lecture.

Language Use: Your language use is generally appropriate, but there are a few instances where sentence structure and word choice could be improved for clarity and coherence. For example, in the sentence, "Since the major factor of car accidents are human errors, so if there were no human on it supposed to be less accident will hapen," the word "it" is unclear and the sentence structure could be revised for better clarity.

Topic Development: While you address the main points raised in the lecture, your response could benefit from further elaboration and development of ideas. For instance, when discussing the professor's argument about accidents, you could provide additional examples or evidence to support the claim that even advanced technologies can fail occasionally. Similarly, when discussing the potential increase in traffic congestion, you could provide more details on how the increased number of drivers using smart cars could contribute to the problem.

Revised Answer:

Both the reading passage and the professor's lecture discuss the future of smart cars that can drive themselves. While the reading passage presents potential benefits of smart cars, the professor challenges these points, providing a different perspective.

In the reading passage, it is predicted that smart cars would reduce accidents and save lives by eliminating human errors. The advanced technologies, such as GPS and sensors, are expected to help smart cars avoid collisions. However, the professor argues that even the most technologically advanced devices can still fail at times. Therefore, relying solely on technology for accident prevention may not guarantee a significant reduction in accidents. This challenges the reading passage's claim that smart cars will save lives and reduce injuries.

Regarding traffic congestion, the reading passage suggests that smart cars' automated systems would lead to more efficient traffic flow and decreased commuting time. However, the professor counters this point by explaining that historical trends have shown that increased driving convenience often results in more people choosing to drive, leading to additional cars on the road. Consequently, the increased number of smart cars could actually exacerbate traffic congestion, undermining the anticipated benefits of faster commuting.

Finally, the reading passage asserts that smart cars will reduce driving costs due to their efficient driving and maintenance. It argues that the direct routes programmed in smart cars would result in lower repair and replacement costs. Nonetheless, the professor challenges this claim by highlighting the high cost of the advanced technologies required for smart cars, such as GPS and sensors. These expenses, along with the complexity of maintaining and repairing sophisticated systems, could offset the expected savings on traditional mechanical parts, making smart cars more costly to own and maintain.

In conclusion, while the reading passage highlights the potential benefits of smart cars in terms of accident prevention, traffic reduction, and cost savings, the professor raises valid challenges to these claims. It is crucial to consider the limitations and potential drawbacks associated with relying solely on technology in driving.

Writing - 2

the question:

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

A person should never make an important decision alone. 

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

My writing answer:

In my perspective, I agree with the statement. A person should never make an important decision alone. On this case, my understanding of important decision is the decision that would cause huge effect not only to the person but also other people. I beleive, in order for seeking better result, important decision should be done trough discussion process. To support my stance, the following paragraphs are my reasons.

Discuss something with other person would widen our perspective, spesifically for the important decisions, broad perspective is a must. If we able to see any possibilities that can cause by our decision, it supposed to be we will get the best decision. As an entrepreneur I know it so well. In the past we have done hiring for very strategic position, I was very impressed to one man. It seems perfect person to occupy the job, I had interviewing him by my self, and done profiling him from his social media. Hence I decided to give him offering letter and start the job immediately. Time goes by, not so long, I felt something was wrong. Then I realized this person not as good as supposed to be, even if he has very good skills, I found his work effort so much less than I expected. Eventually, I must let him go because I fear it could affect other employees work habit.  Since this case, I knew my judgement was leak of depth. I wish I was discuss it with my business mentor, the story would be different.

Secondly, since any important decision less or more would affects others, it is wisdom to involve them. In order to find win-win decision, not only for ourselves, but also for others surround us. For example my decision when I bought my house. I knew, I will not live at the house alone, I bring my wife, my children, and occasionally our parents would visit. Thus I asked them first about my target house, then I received many suggestions that seems the house not suitable for our children, because the environment was  too noisy. Eventually, we bought another house that feels so comfy for us, and everybody happy.

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development), then give me better modified version of my answer (max 400 words):


Delivery: 7/10

Language Use: 6/10

Topic Development: 6/10

Overall Score: 6.3/10

Comments: Your response presents a clear opinion and provides some reasons to support your stance. However, there are areas where your response could be improved.

Delivery: Your response lacks a clear introduction and conclusion. Consider adding a brief introduction that presents the topic and your stance, and a conclusion that summarizes your main points.

Language Use: Your language use is generally clear, but there are some errors in grammar and sentence structure that affect clarity and coherence. For example, in the sentence, "On this case, my understanding of important decision is the decision that would cause huge effect not only to the person but also other people," the use of "on this case" is unclear and the sentence structure could be revised for better clarity.

Topic Development: While you provide two reasons to support your stance, your response lacks specific examples and details. The first reason discusses the importance of broad perspectives, but it would be more effective to provide a specific example where a decision made alone led to negative consequences. Similarly, the second reason discusses involving others to find win-win decisions, but it would be more persuasive to provide a concrete example from your own experience or a hypothetical scenario to illustrate this point.

Revised Answer:

I firmly agree with the statement that a person should never make an important decision alone. When it comes to decisions that can have significant impacts on oneself and others, seeking input and involving others in the decision-making process is crucial. Through discussions and collaboration, better outcomes can be achieved. I will provide specific reasons and examples to support my viewpoint.

Firstly, involving others in the decision-making process widens our perspective and enhances the quality of the decision. Important decisions often require a comprehensive understanding of various factors and potential outcomes. By considering different viewpoints and possibilities, we can make more informed choices. For instance, as an entrepreneur, I have learned the importance of seeking advice and opinions from mentors and colleagues before making critical hiring decisions. In the past, I made the mistake of solely relying on my own judgment and hastily hired an individual based on a seemingly impressive profile. However, as time passed, it became evident that the person's work ethic did not align with my expectations, and it began to impact the overall productivity of the team. If I had engaged in discussions and sought advice from my business mentor, I could have gained valuable insights and avoided this costly mistake.

Secondly, important decisions often have ripple effects on others, making it essential to involve them in the decision-making process. By considering the perspectives and needs of those affected, we can strive for win-win outcomes that benefit everyone involved. For example, when purchasing a house, I realized that the decision would impact not only myself but also my family members. Through open discussions and taking into account their preferences and concerns, we were able to find a house that provided a comfortable living environment for everyone. The collaborative decision-making process ensured that everyone's needs were met, leading to a happier and more harmonious living situation.

In conclusion, the involvement of others in the decision-making process is crucial when it comes to important decisions. Through discussions, we gain diverse perspectives, consider various possibilities, and minimize the risks of making decisions in isolation. By actively involving others and considering their viewpoints, we can make more well-rounded decisions that benefit both ourselves and those impacted by the outcomes.

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