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TOEFL IBT Speaking Practice #79

Task #1 - 1

The question:

Some people think it's better to live in a big city because of the many opportunities and resources available. Others prefer the quiet and simplicity of a small town. Which do you prefer, and why?

My Answer:

In my own perspective I can see that now living in small town has same opportunities and resources available with big cities. So I think live in small town is preferable for me rather than live in a big city.  For instance for my job actually I done many meetings through online maybe only once a month I do offline meeting so I don't need to go in the big city I need to live in big city near my office so I think really beneficial for me to leave in quiet and simplicity of small town


Task #1 - 2

The question:

Would you rather spend time improving your strengths or working on your weaknesses? Explain your answer using specific reasons and examples.

My Answer:

Personally I agree that improving our strength is better rather than working on our weakness just simple because we are a social creature we have friends colleague inferior bosses and so on.  so sharpen my strength very well I can complete and my weakness through other method such as teamwork and delegate.  that's why improving our strength is beneficial


Task #1 - 3

The question:

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: "Technology has made the world a better place"? Use specific details and examples to support your opinion.

My Answer:

Personally I really agree the statement that technology has met our world a better place I would say it's much more better than ever.  as you know our technology right now for example the communication technology now we can communicate to other person all over the world despite this then and time that's really beneficial for our lives today because since this kind of benefits gives us new new knowledge and acceleration in founding another new technology.  so that's my reason and my stance I agree that the energy has made the world a better place 


Task #1 - 4

The question:

Some people prefer to learn from personal experiences, while others believe that formal education is a more reliable way to gain knowledge. What is your position on this, and why?

My Answer:

For me I free for to say that formal education is more reliable way to get knowledge rather than just personal experiences technically.  it's simply because on formal education what we gain not only knowledge but also networking friends and also how to build our habit in professional works that's really beneficial for anyone who attend school or college or undergrad and Cetera.  so that's my stance why I believe that for my education is much more reliable way to get knowledge 


Task #1 - 5

The question:

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: "It is more important to keep old friends than to make new ones"? Support your response with specific reasons and examples.

My Answer:

Personally I really disagree with the statement for me I'll keep all friend not so important than make new ones.  it's because I am a businessman I need to expand my networks I need to expand and widen my Horizon if I just make connection through my old friend it's supposed to be my my business not so growth well.  I remember when I met my partner I never thought about him I never see him before and to be honest eventually he become my business partner because I'm looking for new friends 


Task #1 - 6

The question:

Many people believe that it's essential to take risks to achieve success, while others think that caution and planning are the keys to prosperity. What is your viewpoint on this matter?

My Answer:

For me I agree that that risk is really essential to achieve success,  because human kind that's what we do that's what we had done in the.  if If we never made a mistake absolutely the technology not as so Savvy as per now . In my personal life I do make many mistakes then I learn from it and because of that I know how to empathy to people and I know what the really critical thing about my business and how to pursue my goals because I learn from mistake and my experience


Task #1 - 7

The question:

Some people prefer to work in teams, believing that teamwork brings out the best in individuals. Others prefer to work independently, believing that they are more productive and efficient when alone. Where do you stand on this issue, and why?

My Answer:

I can't see working in the video so beneficial in nowadays jobs market so I do much preview work in teams because like the the statement said that it brings out the best of individuals and rather than just work independently.  I agree with the statement about brings out the best on individuals because in teams maybe our colleague seeing the blind spot about our knowledge or our skill so it can be improve Slide by slide a little by little about our best to be a come up


Task #1 - 8

The question:

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: "Learning about the past has no value for people living in the present"? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

My Answer:

I really disagree with the statement I think that learning about the past time is very valuable for us in living in the prison.  as he will ask because we learn from history if no history maybe our technology Our knowledge our culture become cool not so good as today.  as people said that we learn from mistakes and mistakes is from the past so if you don't learn from the past means you don't learn at all 


Task #1 - 9

The question:

Some people believe that the government should spend more money on developing public transportation, while others think that more funds should be allocated to improving roads and highways. Which viewpoint do you agree with, and why?

My Answer:

I'd say and agree that government should spend more money on developing public transportation rather than allocated to improving roads and Highway.  Actually it seems as a sentence because the statement mentioned what roads and Highway are used for public transportation as well.  but my point is about building such as good  buses good   planes that's really cheap then affordable for most of people so people can travel easily so Business would be great and our society also improved that's my opinion


Task #1 - 10

The question:

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: "Studying art and music in school is as important as studying subjects like math and science"? Provide reasons and specific examples to support your answer.

My Answer:

Personally I don't think so for me starting out and music is less important than studying math and science.  because I have my friend that's really good on study on math and science he have Professor on it and I see him really good on Art and music as well even if he is not learned on  formal education.  what I see is because he has hobby on it so he has a desire on it and automatically he will pursue what art and music


please rate each of my answer.. based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development), then sum up all the score

Before rating, it's important to note that the scoring for the Speaking section of the TOEFL iBT is based on three aspects:

1. Delivery: This measures how well you are able to communicate your ideas. It includes the clarity of speech, pace, intonation, and fluency.

2. Language Use: This measures the accuracy and complexity of your grammar and vocabulary.

3. Topic Development: This measures how well you are able to generate, organize, and express ideas related to the given topic.

Please remember these scores are based on the content provided and are not definitive, they serve only as an estimated representation.

**Task #1 - 1**

- Delivery: 7/10 (Some mispronunciations and some sentences are hard to follow)

- Language Use: 6/10 (Grammar and vocabulary could be more varied and accurate)

- Topic Development: 8/10 (Answered the question, provided examples)

**Total: 21/30**

**Task #1 - 2**

- Delivery: 8/10 (Pronunciation is better, some sentences could still be clearer)

- Language Use: 6/10 (More varied sentence structure needed, minor grammatical errors)

- Topic Development: 8/10 (Answered the question, provided a good example)

**Total: 22/30**

**Task #1 - 3**

- Delivery: 7/10 (Pronunciation is generally clear, but some sentences are hard to follow)

- Language Use: 6/10 (Grammar and vocabulary could be improved)

- Topic Development: 8/10 (Addressed the topic, gave reasons, could provide more detailed examples)

**Total: 21/30**

**Task #1 - 4**

- Delivery: 7/10 (Delivery is clear, but some sentences could be improved)

- Language Use: 7/10 (Some grammatical errors, vocabulary could be more varied)

- Topic Development: 8/10 (Provided reasons, but examples could be more specific)

**Total: 22/30**

**Task #1 - 5**

- Delivery: 7/10 (Pronunciation is mostly clear, but sentence flow could be better)

- Language Use: 6/10 (Grammar and vocabulary could be more accurate)

- Topic Development: 8/10 (Provided a clear stance, and a good example)

**Total: 21/30**

**Task #1 - 6**

- Delivery: 8/10 (Clear and mostly fluent speech)

- Language Use: 7/10 (Some minor grammatical errors)

- Topic Development: 8/10 (Addressed the topic, gave reasons and personal examples)

**Total: 23/30**

**Task #1 - 7**

- Delivery: 7/10 (Clear speech, but some sentences could be clearer)

- Language Use: 7/10 (Some grammatical errors, vocabulary could be more varied)

- Topic Development: 8/10 (Addressed the topic, gave reasons)

**Total: 22/30**

**Task #1 - 8**

- Delivery: 7/10 (Some sentences could be more fluid)

- Language Use: 7/10 (Some minor grammatical errors)

- Topic Development: 9/10 (Addressed the topic well, gave reasons)

**Total: 23/30**

**Task #1 - 9**

- Delivery: 7/10 (Speech is clear, but some sentences could be better constructed)

- Language Use: 6/10 (Minor grammatical errors, vocabulary could be more varied)

- Topic Development: 8/10 (Addressed the topic, gave reasons)

**Total: 21/30**

**Task #1 - 10**

- Delivery: 8/10 (Clear and fluent speech)

- Language Use: 7/10 (Minor grammatical errors)

- Topic Development: 8/10 (Addressed the topic, gave reasons)

**Total: 23/30**

Keep practicing! Your performance can improve with time, especially in the areas of sentence structure, grammatical accuracy, and vocabulary complexity. Good luck with your test preparations!

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