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TOEFL IBT Speaking Practice #75

Task #1 - 1

The question:

Do you prefer studying alone or in a group? Please explain your choice with specific reasons and examples.

My Answer:

Personally I do much prefer studying alone rather than in a group.  it's simple because I found myself a get more benefits if I am studying alone.  because if I am studying alone I could understand the whole materials of the study and doesn't to wait for everyone to keep up with me.  for example in the past in my undergrad I found myself starting with a group and I couldn't understand anything but if when I do studying alone I could understand at all 


Task #1 - 2

The question:

Are standardized tests a fair way to evaluate a student's knowledge and abilities? Provide evidence to support your perspective on this matter.

My Answer:

I couldn't see that if evaluete students knowledge base on their standardized test is fair for them.  because what I see is student have many factors to evaluate not only for the test but also the most important thing is how they think and what they creative for.  I do remember I have a friend dad not really good on academic grades but she is very creative thinking she always gave solution for our problems on outside a perspective that's really nice this kind of thing must be appreciated


Task #1 - 3

The question:

Describe a skill or hobby you enjoy that you think everyone should learn. Provide examples and reasons to support your viewpoint.

My Answer:

I would say skill that really demanding on the future I mean right now and still on the future maybe until 50 years ago is how to code.  I remember I never have a study about code intensively and right now I found myself has really adversity about demanding on my job the new task requiring me to do some coding and it's really painful for me even if I can still keep up with it because I can Googling it really easy but if I in the first place already have the knowledge maybe I can do better


Task #1 - 4

The question:

Discuss whether you believe it is more effective to take notes by hand or to use a digital device during classes or meetings. Give reasons to support your preference.

My Answer:

Absolutely no doubt about it for me I do believe that taking notes by hand on the piece of paper it's more effective rather than using the guitar device such as tablets and smartphones.  in my own experience if I use piece of paper I can explore all the spaces such as I can draw something I can draw a for example symbols and anything that's really good and if I do on the device it's not really that so free to doing that


Task #1 - 5

The question:

Do you think schools should focus more on teaching practical skills, such as financial literacy and cooking, rather than traditional academic subjects? Share your viewpoint and reasons.

My Answer:

Nope I don't agree that school should focus more on teaching practical skills instead of academic subject.  because I think academic subjects for children it's really important because this is the foundation for children to understand everything in the world.  I have an example of my friend that he done Vocational School in the past he doing a cooking school in major,  and I found herself it's really good on cooking but he for instance never knew anything about other side of the world instead of cooking 


Task #1 - 6

The question:

In your opinion, does learning a new language have more benefits than challenges? Use personal experiences or examples to illustrate your answer.

My Answer:

Personally learning new language such as English have more much more benefits than it challenges.  I see people including me when they learning new language it can improve their creativity you can improve their empathy because we are learning about other countries culture other people culture and.  even if I do agree that it's really been challenging for all but in terms of the benefit of it it's absolutely outweigh the challenge and it's really interesting for me and it's really nice for people to learn new language


Task #1 - 7

The question:

In your opinion, is it better to travel to new places or return to familiar ones for vacation? Share your thoughts and experiences to justify your preference.

My Answer:

Personally I can't see that return to familiar ones for vacation family places or the place that we've done before it's really interesting for me because I've done such a thing I will go back to Japan Japan is really nice place but I just did the same route and the same itinerary that I done in the past that's really boring.  because I am really like to explore new thing I think other people also so for me better travel to new places in rather than used to know  familiar places


Task #1 - 8

The question:

Some individuals argue that social media has had a negative impact on interpersonal communication. What is your stance on this issue? Use examples to clarify your position.

My Answer:

Personally yes I agree that social media has had a negative impact on interpersonal communication especially for direct communication.  I found my friend that f o m o or fear of missing out she always on social media she talking about her life a lot but when we see each other or we are in a group or in alumni I've seen he never talk much, i think is badly and it's wasting of our time meeting her.


Task #1 - 9

The question:

Some people believe that technology has made our lives too complicated. Do you agree or disagree? Support your opinion with relevant explanations.

My Answer:

Absolutely not.  personally I see technology made our lives much more easier than before.  for someone who think that technology makes our lives too complicated I've seen people like this before people like this oftenly because they don't have knowledge to understand the technology that actually it's really easy to understand it's really practical because all of the technology has manual on it and people who create technology once the technology getting used by other people so it's supposed to be really easy to use


Task #1 - 10

The question:

Some people think it is crucial to live near their workplace, while others prefer to commute. Which option do you find more appealing? Explain why.

My Answer:

Absolutely I agree it is crucial to leave near our workplace.  as simple as we can do effectively our time instead of a waiting on the Commodore line waiting on the buses and. So  I have an experience I did go to the meeting it's 3 to 4 hours supposed to be it's really much amount of time I think and unfortunately the the the journey it took 7 hours that's really waste my time so I hope the place not so far away from my office


please rate each of my answer.. based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development), then sum up all the score.

**Task #1 - 1**

- Delivery: 7/10
- Language Use: 6/10
- Topic Development: 7/10

**Task #1 - 2**

- Delivery: 7/10
- Language Use: 6/10
- Topic Development: 8/10

**Task #1 - 3**

- Delivery: 7/10
- Language Use: 6/10
- Topic Development: 7/10

**Task #1 - 4**

- Delivery: 8/10
- Language Use: 6/10
- Topic Development: 8/10

**Task #1 - 5**

- Delivery: 7/10
- Language Use: 6/10
- Topic Development: 7/10

**Task #1 - 6**

- Delivery: 7/10
- Language Use: 7/10
- Topic Development: 8/10

**Task #1 - 7**

- Delivery: 7/10
- Language Use: 7/10
- Topic Development: 7/10

**Task #1 - 8**

- Delivery: 8/10
- Language Use: 7/10
- Topic Development: 8/10

**Task #1 - 9**

- Delivery: 8/10
- Language Use: 7/10
- Topic Development: 8/10

**Task #1 - 10**

- Delivery: 7/10
- Language Use: 6/10
- Topic Development: 8/10

While your answers cover the questions effectively, there's room for improvement in the clarity and complexity of your language use. Ensure to proofread your responses for grammatical errors and coherence. Try to develop your points further, providing more detailed examples and tying them back to your main argument.

The total sum for each category is as follows:

Delivery: 74/100

Language Use: 64/100

Topic Development: 76/100

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