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TOEFL IBT Speaking Practice #74

Task 1

The question:

Agree or Disagree: High school students should be required to participate in extracurricular activities.

My Answer:

Personally I greatly agree with the statement that students should be required to participate in extracurricular activities.  because it's simply could give benefits in the future of students.  I do remember when I have extracurricular of coding that's really helped me a lot on my job today I couldn't imagine if I'm not taking that extracurricular maybe I wouldn't able to do coding like now.  so once again I think it's very important for students take extracurricular activities 

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development), then give me better modified version of my answer (max 400 words):

Delivery: 7/10 - The statement is generally clear, but some parts are awkwardly constructed and make the reader work to understand the point being made. Sentence structure needs a little bit of work.

Language Use: 7/10 - There are a few grammatical errors and awkward phrasing. The use of the phrase "it's simply could give benefits" is incorrect. Also, more varied vocabulary could be used.

Topic Development: 7.5/10 - You have presented your view clearly, and given a personal anecdote to support your viewpoint. However, there could be more general and varied arguments to strengthen your stance.

Modified Answer:

I firmly concur with the idea that high school students should be mandated to participate in extracurricular activities due to the multitude of benefits these experiences can offer. For instance, when I reflect on my own high school journey, the coding club I joined as an extracurricular activity significantly influenced my current profession. The practical experience I gained during that period has been invaluable and contributed immensely to my present-day coding skills. 

If I had not chosen to participate in this extracurricular activity, I may not have acquired the coding abilities I have today, and my career path could have been entirely different. Extracurricular activities extend the learning process beyond the confines of the traditional classroom setting, allowing students to explore new interests, develop a diverse range of skills, and discover potential career paths. Therefore, I advocate for making student participation in these activities mandatory. They serve as an investment into students' future, providing a well-rounded education that fosters both personal and professional growth.


Task 2

Reading Passage:

The university administration has recently made an announcement that tuition fees will be increased by 10% for the next academic year. This decision was made after careful deliberation and discussion with the university board. The increase in fees is expected to help the university maintain and upgrade its infrastructure, increase faculty salaries, and support its growing research initiatives. Despite potential criticism, the university assures that it is committed to providing financial assistance and scholarships to students who may be affected. Students and parents are encouraged to reach out to the university's financial aid office for further information.

Listening Passage:

Student 1: "Did you see the announcement about the tuition increase?"

Student 2: "Yeah, I did. It's a pretty substantial hike, isn't it?"

Student 1: "Yes, 10% is quite a lot. They said it's for infrastructure, faculty salaries, and research. But what about students who can't afford this increase?"

Student 2: "I heard they're increasing financial aid and scholarships. We should visit the financial aid office to learn more."

Student 1: "Good idea, but I also think students should have been consulted before such a decision. It directly affects us after all."

Student 2: "Agreed. We should definitely voice our concerns to the administration."

The question:

Summarize the conversation between the two students about the tuition increase. What are their main concerns and what action are they planning to take?

My Answer:

The campus has a plan to increase their tuition fee for students for about 10%. This increment in order to maintain and upgrade their infrastructure increase the salary of clergies on campus and also increase the budget of research.  from the conversation between two students it can infer that those of two seems already read the announcement about this increment and it seems they agreed that the campus will provide about financial aid and scholarship better than before.  and student to emphasize about students should be facilitated by the campus to get financial consultation regarding this increment plan. 

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development), then give me better modified version of my answer (max 400 words):

Delivery: 7/10 - The response mostly summarizes the points made in the conversation. However, it fails to mention some critical aspects, like the students' concern about not being consulted.

Language Use: 6/10 - There are grammatical errors, which can make it confusing to understand the intended message. Also, "clergies" is incorrectly used instead of "faculty."

Topic Development: 7/10 - The summary captures some of the main ideas but lacks the nuance and key details of the conversation between the two students, especially their main concerns and planned action.

Modified Answer:

The two students have engaged in a dialogue about the announced 10% tuition fee increase at their university. They acknowledge that this hike is substantial and that the university plans to use the increased fees to enhance infrastructure, raise faculty salaries, and support research initiatives. However, they voice concern about the affordability of this fee increase for some students.

While the university has committed to boosting financial aid and scholarships, the students still question whether enough will be done to help those financially impacted. Therefore, they decide to seek more information from the financial aid office. They also express their dissatisfaction about not being involved in the decision-making process, given that such a change directly affects them. They plan to express their concerns to the university administration, emphasizing the necessity of student input in such significant decisions.


Task 3

Reading Passage:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. The term is frequently applied to the project of developing systems capable of tasks that require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages. As AI continues to evolve, it is playing an increasingly significant role in our society and economy. However, with these advancements come ethical concerns about data privacy, job displacement, and decision-making capabilities of these intelligent systems

Listening Passage:

"In today's lecture, we delve deeper into the topic of Artificial Intelligence, an area that has seen dramatic advancements over the past decade. Now, these systems aren't just programmed to perform specific tasks anymore. Today's AI systems can learn, adapt, and potentially operate autonomously. They are designed to learn and understand from experience, adjust to new inputs, and perform human-like tasks. Machine learning, a subset of AI, enables these systems to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed.

However, with this rapid progression, a number of ethical concerns have surfaced. The first being data privacy. AI systems rely on large amounts of data to learn and make decisions. This raises serious questions about what data is collected, how it is used, and who has access to it.

Next, we have the issue of job displacement. As AI systems become more capable, they are increasingly being used to automate tasks previously done by humans. While this can lead to increased efficiency, it also raises concerns about job loss and economic inequality.

Finally, the decision-making capability of AI systems is also a significant ethical concern. As these systems are used in more critical areas such as healthcare or autonomous vehicles, the consequences of a wrong decision can be severe. Who is responsible if an AI makes a mistake? How do we ensure fairness in AI decisions?

These are complex issues that require careful consideration as we continue to advance in the field of AI."

The question:

"In the lecture, the professor elaborates on the ethical concerns arising from the advancements in Artificial Intelligence. Briefly summarize these concerns and discuss how they relate to the ongoing development and usage of AI systems."

My Answer:

AI or artificial intelligence is a system that tried to think and mimic like a human that not only can do specific tasks but also can do automatic task.  according to the professor there are three drawbacks regarding this AI or at least it's controversial by now the first one is about the data privacy the professor emphasizing about how this AI use our data and what data they use.  secondly about this automatic function of course it will lead to more efficient in our production and can lead to lost jobs for many employees.  And lastly he emphasized decision making that I could provide nowadays used on critical industry such as health and automated vehicle if it contains some errors it could be painful and severe cost for us 

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development), then give me better modified version of my answer (max 400 words):

Delivery: 7/10 - The answer summarizes the main points from the lecture, but it could be more coherent and logically organized. The phrase "that I could provide nowadays" is confusing and doesn't seem to fit with the rest of the sentence.

Language Use: 6/10 - There are several grammatical and syntax errors throughout. For example, "AI or artificial intelligence is a system that tried to think and mimic like a human that not only can do specific tasks but also can do automatic task" should be "AI or artificial intelligence is a system that tries to think and mimic human actions, capable of not only performing specific tasks but also autonomous ones."

Topic Development: 7/10 - The response correctly identifies the three main points of the lecture, but it doesn't thoroughly explain them, especially the ethical concerns related to data privacy, job displacement, and decision-making.

Modified Answer:

Artificial Intelligence (AI), as discussed by the professor, goes beyond merely performing specific tasks; it can learn, adapt, and operate autonomously. However, these advancements in AI bring about three major ethical concerns.

Firstly, data privacy is a significant issue. AI systems heavily rely on substantial amounts of data to learn and make decisions. This raises serious questions about the nature of the data being collected, its utilization, and who gets access to it.

The second concern is job displacement. As AI systems become increasingly capable, they automate tasks that humans once performed. While this automation improves efficiency, it also engenders concerns about potential job losses and exacerbates economic inequality.

Finally, the decision-making ability of AI is a matter of ethical contention. As AI systems are increasingly used in critical sectors, such as healthcare or autonomous vehicles, the consequences of erroneous decisions could be severe. It raises critical questions about accountability if an AI system makes a mistake, and how we can ensure fairness in AI decision-making.

As AI continues to evolve, addressing these ethical concerns will be imperative to balance technological advancement with societal impact.


Task 4

Listening Passage:

"Good morning everyone, today we're going to delve into the fascinating realm of quantum physics. Quantum physics, or quantum mechanics, is a branch of physics that deals with phenomena on a very small scale, like molecules, atoms, and subatomic particles like electrons and photons. Now, at this scale, some very strange things start to happen that don't align with our everyday experiences.

Let's consider the principle of superposition, which is one of the cornerstones of quantum mechanics. The superposition principle suggests that a particle can be in multiple states at once, only resolving into a single state when observed. Take, for instance, Schrödinger's cat, a thought experiment in which a cat inside a box can be both dead and alive at the same time until someone looks inside the box.

Another important principle is quantum entanglement. This is where two particles become linked, and the state of one instantly influences the state of the other, regardless of the distance between them. This defies our traditional understanding of space and time and can even seem spooky.

Quantum physics is not just theoretical; it has real-world applications too. For example, quantum computers leverage these principles to perform complex calculations at speeds far beyond those of traditional computers. Also, technologies like MRI scans and lasers are based on quantum mechanics.

Remember, quantum physics challenges our fundamental understanding of the universe and invites us to think in new ways about matter, energy, and information. And while the quantum world might seem strange, it's the reality of the universe at its most basic level."

The question:

"In your own words, explain the principles of superposition and quantum entanglement. How are these principles applied in real-world technologies?"

My Answer:

According to the lecturer the quantum physic has two principles, the first one is superposition and quantum entanglement.  The superposition something the particle can do multiple states at once he emphasize about the example of cat paradox that one cat inside the box it could be dead or alive if someone looking at it so it's really paradoxial theory because we never know how it could be on another state or particular states and so on.  the second one is about the quantum entanglement it's about how the small quantum particles link to each other and influence to each other despite distance space and time.  the example of this use of quantum is complex calculation MRI and it could provide our understanding better understanding to our universe such as energy and matters 

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development), then give me better modified version of my answer (max 400 words):

Delivery: 6.5/10 - The response is clear but lacks some fluidity, with sentences appearing somewhat disjointed and abrupt. Some phrases could have been articulated more effectively.

Language Use: 7/10 - Vocabulary and language used are generally appropriate, but grammar mistakes and awkward constructions hinder the overall coherence of the response.

Topic Development: 7.5/10 - The answer adequately explains the principles of superposition and quantum entanglement, but lacks sufficient detail on how these principles are applied in real-world technologies.

Modified Answer:

The lecturer discussed two fundamental principles of quantum physics: superposition and quantum entanglement. Superposition refers to the concept that a particle can exist in multiple states simultaneously until observed. This principle is often exemplified through Schrödinger's cat paradox, which proposes that a cat inside a box could be both alive and dead until someone opens the box to observe the cat.

Quantum entanglement, on the other hand, describes the phenomenon where two particles become interconnected in such a way that the state of one particle instantly affects the state of the other, irrespective of the distance between them. This challenges our conventional understanding of space and time.

Importantly, these quantum principles are not purely theoretical; they have practical applications in today's technology. Quantum computers, for instance, harness the principles of superposition and entanglement to execute complex calculations much faster than traditional computers. Likewise, technologies such as MRI scans and lasers operate on principles rooted in quantum mechanics. Therefore, understanding quantum physics not only deepens our comprehension of the universe's most fundamental level but also aids in technological advancements.


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