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TOEFL IBT Speaking Practice #69

 Speaking - 1

The question:

Some people think that children should be allowed to watch whatever television programs they choose to. Others think that parents should exercise control 

over the television programs their children watch. Which do you agree with? 

Explain why.

My answer transcript:

Personally I greatly disagree if children should watch whatever they want.  I suggest every parent in the world should exercise control over the television program where children watch.  Just Because by doing this action we can prevent some bad information or bad norms can immerse to our children mind.  I do remember when my kids are throwing stones with his friends it was just because they were watching a cartoon that make throwing  stones to each other is a norm, that's bad.

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development), then give me better modified version of my answer (max 400 words):


Delivery: 8/10 - Your delivery is mostly clear and you communicate your opinion well. However, there are some grammar errors that can make your message less clear.

Language Use: 7/10 - Your vocabulary and grammatical structures are mostly used correctly, but there are a few mistakes and awkward phrases. For instance, "Just Because by doing this action" and "bad information or bad norms can immerse to our children mind."

Topic Development: 8/10 - Your argument is clearly outlined, with a personal example provided to support your view. However, it could be developed further with more substantial evidence or arguments.

Modified answer:

I strongly believe that parents should have control over the television programs that their children watch. This viewpoint is based on my understanding of the potential harm that unrestricted media content can cause to young minds. Television programs often contain a mix of information and norms, some of which may not be suitable for children. By exercising control, parents can prevent their children from being exposed to harmful elements.

I have experienced this issue firsthand with my own children. For instance, after they watched a cartoon where characters were throwing stones at each other in jest, they started imitating this behavior with their friends, believing it to be a norm. This incident was a wake-up call about the impact that television programs can have on children's behavior and perceptions of what is acceptable.

Therefore, it is crucial for parents to monitor and guide their children's television viewing. By doing so, they can ensure that their children are exposed to enriching and educational content, which can support their development in a positive way, rather than allowing potentially harmful content to influence their behavior and values.

Speaking - 2

Reading passage:

Housing Renovations Planned 

Over the last ten years, the number of Central College students living on campus in 

dormitories has decreased by twenty percent. In an effort to counteract the trend, 

the college has announced a plan to renovate its on-campus housing. The renovations will take two years, and they will include improvements to the bathrooms, 

lighting, and heating In the dormitories. "A lot of people are moving off campus 

because the dorms aren't in great shape," explained the college president. "By 

renovating the dorms, we can make them more appealing than off-campus housing, and more students will choose to remain on campus." 

Listening transcript:

Narrator: Now listen to two students discussing the college's plan. 

Female student: The college is making a mistake with this new plan. 

Male student: What do you mean? I think it'll really help accomplish the college's goals. 

Female student: Don't be so sure. All that construction—for two years—it's gonna create a lot of noise. 

Male student: Oh, you mean in the beginning, for students still living in the dorms... 

Female student: Yeah, students who are trying to sleep or do work are constantly going to be disturbed. So people will try to get as far away as possible—probably by moving off campus. So they'll lose even more people. 

Male student: Huh. I hadn't thought of that. But still, once all the construction's over, more people will probably want to live in the dorms, right? I mean, the living conditions will be so much better. 

Female student: If they can afford to ... Do you know how the college is planning on paying for this plan? By raising the cost of campus housing. 

Male student: Oh, I didn't realize that. 

Female student: Yeah. So if it's more expensive, why would people want to move back into the dorms if they can rent an apartment for less money? 

The question:

the woman expresses her opinion about the college's plan. State her opinion and 

explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion. 

My answer transcript:

The campus has a plan to do renovation to student dormitories for 2 years to get attracted more student to live in campus.  however the female student or believes it is a mistake from campus, because it will not accomplish their goals to attract more students. She believe by renovation the dormitories for 2 years it will make very noisy circumstances that cause student who is still living on the dormitories will leaving off the campus to find a better environment to work or to sleep. Moreover the female student mentioned about the   raising price of the dormitories it will be expensive after the renovation done and she is questioning how come student attracted by the dormitories if they could afford more cheaper rent outside the campus

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development), then give me better modified version of my answer (max 400 words):


Delivery: 8/10 - You clearly express the woman's opinion and reasons. However, there are minor errors and confusion, especially with the usage of "campus" instead of "college" or "university".

Language Use: 7/10 - There are several grammar and word choice errors. For instance, "it will make very noisy circumstances that cause student" could be better phrased as "it will create a noisy environment that may drive students away". 

Topic Development: 8/10 - You have understood and relayed the key points of the woman's argument well. But you could more clearly structure your response to directly answer the question. 

Modified answer:

The female student firmly opposes the college's plan to renovate the dormitories, doubting its effectiveness in achieving the college's goal of attracting more students to live on campus. Her disagreement stems from two major concerns. 

Firstly, she believes the renovation process, scheduled to span two years, will create a noisy and disruptive environment for the current dormitory residents. This, she contends, could prompt students to seek quieter accommodations off-campus, resulting in an immediate decrease in on-campus residents, rather than the intended increase.

Secondly, she anticipates that the cost of the renovation project will be passed on to the students, leading to a hike in the price of campus housing. She argues that if the cost of living on campus becomes more expensive due to these renovations, students might prefer to rent cheaper off-campus apartments, making the renovated dormitories less appealing. Therefore, in her view, the renovation plan may inadvertently deter, rather than attract, students from living on campus.

Speaking - 3

Reading passage:

Outsider Art 

Outsider Art Is a term used to describe art that is made by people who choose to 

live and work outside society. The artists who produce this kind of art—Outsider 

Artists—work in isolation from other artists and have little or no formal artistic training. Because they do not learn conventional artistic techniques from teachers or 

other artists, Outsider Artists must Invent their own ways of doing things. As a 

result of the unconventional methods that Outsider Artists often use, their work 

can look strange and not at all like traditional art to the observer.

Listening transcript:

Narrator: Now listen to part of a lecture in an art history class. 

Professor: Alright, so let's consider the work of the outsider artist Henry Darger. Darger lived by himself in a tiny apartment in Chicago in the 1900s. He had no friends and spent all his spare time there alone, creating hundreds of paintings and drawings. He had never formally studied art and kept his work completely private, so no one ever saw it or responded to it during his lifetime. 

And so when you see Darger's work, you notice how unique it is—it doesn't remind you of anything you've ever seen before—it's very much his own. For example, one piece—It's a watercolor painting ... in this piece he illustrates a story ... about the adventures of seven children. But see, Darger had a really hard time drawing human figures ... yet he managed to come up with his own rather unique solution for the problem. He simply cut out pictures of children from newspapers and magazines and pasted them into his own painted illustration of trees, flowers, and grass. The results look... uh ... a little strange. 

Darger's picture looks more cluttered ... more crowded with details ... than the pictures of other artists because its entire surface is painted and there are no spaces left empty. It's also a lot longer than the pictures of most other artists—about nine feet long. 

The question: Explain why Henry Darger is considered an Outsider Artist

My answer transcript:

Henry Darger considered as Outsider artists because he lives in small town in Chicago on the private area that isolate him from artist community, that's the definition according to the reading passage.  moreover he has very unique technique of painting since he  didn't know the norm of other artists do.  he done, for example, watercolor painting that contains seven kids and it seems he didn't know how to draw a real picture of human so eventually he done to cut human head from magazine and paste it on his painting.  moreover his painting about 9 ft long

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development), then give me better modified version of my answer (max 400 words):


Delivery: 7/10 - You adequately convey the main idea but stumble a bit with minor errors in sentence construction and unclear articulation of points. For instance, the phrase "he didn't know the norm of other artists do" could be more accurately expressed.

Language Use: 7/10 - Your answer demonstrates an understanding of the topic, but there are several grammatical errors and awkward phrasings. For instance, "he done to cut human head from magazine" would be better phrased as "he opted to cut out human figures from magazines".

Topic Development: 8/10 - You correctly identify the characteristics of Henry Darger's work that qualify him as an Outsider Artist. However, your answer could be more cohesive and thorough, making sure to include all important details from the lecture.

Modified answer:

Henry Darger is considered an Outsider Artist due to several reasons which align with the definition provided in the reading passage. First and foremost, Darger lived in isolation in a small apartment in Chicago, far removed from the mainstream artistic community. His solitary lifestyle fostered an environment that was devoid of formal artistic influence or training. 

Moreover, Darger had unique artistic techniques that set him apart. For instance, in a specific watercolor painting depicting the adventures of seven children, he demonstrated an unconventional approach. Struggling to draw human figures, Darger adopted a unique solution by cutting out pictures of children from newspapers and magazines and incorporating them into his painting. This distinctive technique, born out of his own inventive necessity, is a clear indicator of Outsider Art.

Furthermore, Darger's works were known for their unusual format, often sprawling across large canvases. For example, the aforementioned painting was about nine feet long, far exceeding the dimensions typically used by other artists. This anomaly further solidifies Darger's status as an Outsider Artist, as it demonstrates his deviation from established artistic norms.

Speaking - 4

Listening transcript:


Listen to part of a lecture in an interior design class.


So, we're talking about interior design, specifically the basic principles typically used in home and office decoration in the United States. Effective designs create a delicate balance between two things. You need unity, and you also need contrast, which is essentially a break in unity. Now this might seem a little contradictory, but let me explain why we need both of these for an effective design.

So, for the first principle, we need unity in our design. Think of it as consistency. Well, an easy and very effective way to do this is by bringing together similar elements. A common example is by matching colors. You pick a color and use it for different parts of the room. Say, you pick green and then use a light shade of green for the walls, and maybe a somewhat darker shade for the fabric on the sofa, and finally complement that with a matching green in the rug. When elements match, the room is unified and gives its residents a sense of order and comfort.

OK, but there is such a thing as too much unity. Remember, you need a balance of unity and contrast. If all you do is focus on unity, the result will be a boring room. So, what do you do? Well, you apply the second basic principle of design, which is contrast. Contrast serves to disrupt or break up the unity in places but in a careful, intentional way. Let's continue using color as an example. To create contrast, color contrast, you need to abruptly change your color scheme once in a while. Let's see, you could throw bright red cushions on your dark green sofa, for example. Contrast makes things stand out. The green will look even greener next to the red. So, now your room is more interesting, not completely the same. But watch out, too much contrast is also dangerous, just like too much sameness is. Too much contrast will make the room feel busy, chaotic.


Using the points and examples from the lecture, explain what unity and contrast are and how they make interior design more effective.

The question:

Using the points and examples from the lecture, explain what unity and contrast are, 

and how they make interior design more effective. 

My answer transcript:

According to the professor there are two ways to make interior design effective the first one is unity and the second one is contrast.  the unity design is a consistency with similar element of our design,  for example a design with the same color shade of green, darker green, etc. it will give some residential comforty. and.  the next one is the Contrast Design it's break up the unity for example she talked about red cushion on green sofa it's really contrasts that make really beautiful because it can notice people about something red inside a green.  but she highlight something about if you are too much in contrast it would make busy design character

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development), then give me better modified version of my answer (max 400 words):


Delivery: 8/10 - Your response is generally clear, but there are some hesitations and awkward phrases. For example, "it will give some residential comforty" is not grammatically correct or clear.

Language Use: 7/10 - Your answer contains several grammatical errors and uses informal language, which may not be appropriate in an academic context. 

Topic Development: 8/10 - You covered the main points from the lecture, including both unity and contrast. However, your explanation could be more detailed and better structured. You didn't sufficiently explain how unity provides a sense of order and comfort, or how too much unity can result in a boring design.

Modified answer:

The professor in the lecture outlines two pivotal principles for effective interior design: unity and contrast. 

Unity in interior design, as explained by the professor, refers to maintaining a consistency or harmony among different elements within a space. This is often achieved by using similar or related elements, such as matching colors. For example, using various shades of green throughout a room, on walls, sofas, and rugs, can create a unified, cohesive look. This sense of unity imparts an atmosphere of order and comfort to the residents.

Contrast, on the other hand, is employed to break up the unity, thereby adding visual interest to the space. This involves an abrupt, yet intentional change in certain elements of the design. An instance provided in the lecture was the placement of bright red cushions on a dark green sofa. The stark contrast in color draws attention, making the space more engaging and visually appealing. 

However, the professor cautions that both principles must be applied in balance. An overemphasis on unity can result in a design that feels monotonous and uninspiring, while excessive contrast can lead to a space feeling chaotic and overly busy. The effectiveness of interior design, therefore, hinges on achieving the right equilibrium between unity and contrast.

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