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TOEFL IBT Reading Example #7

 **Title: The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire**

[Paragraph 1]

The Roman Empire, stretching from the Mediterranean Sea to the North Sea, marked a pivotal era in world history. Its impact on the course of cultural, economic, and political development cannot be overstated. The empire began in the 8th century BCE as a small settlement along the Tiber River, eventually growing into the Republic and later the Empire, dominating much of Europe, Western Asia, and Northern Africa by 117 CE. The sheer size and longevity of the empire have long fascinated historians and scholars alike.

[Paragraph 2]

Despite Rome's humble origins, it was poised for greatness from the beginning. Early on, the Romans displayed an uncanny knack for assimilation, absorbing and integrating nearby cultures into their own. They were also keen innovators, particularly in the realm of engineering and architecture. The Romans constructed an extensive road network, monumental buildings, and the renowned aqueducts, all of which served as symbols of their grandeur and organizational prowess.

[Paragraph 3]

But Rome was not just about buildings and infrastructure. Its social structure, including the distinction between citizens and slaves, and the powerful, omnipresent influence of the Emperor, was equally noteworthy. The Pax Romana, or Roman Peace, marked a relatively peaceful period under the Roman Empire where arts, literature, and science flourished. This period provided the stability necessary for the evolution of significant cultural and technological advancements.

[Paragraph 4]

The Roman Empire's military might was instrumental in its expansion. The Roman legions, characterized by their discipline, strategic acumen, and advanced weaponry, were a formidable force. Rome's ability to maintain its grip over vast territories was largely thanks to the strength and effectiveness of its army. They were the backbone of the empire, enabling it to exert control, maintain peace, and suppress rebellions.

[Paragraph 5]

Nevertheless, such an expansive empire was fraught with challenges. By the 3rd century CE, it began to show signs of strain. Political instability, economic troubles, and the ever-growing pressure from external enemies were chipping away at its stability. The empire's vast size made administration and defense increasingly difficult, leading to the controversial decision by Emperor Diocletian to split the empire into eastern and western halves in 285 CE.

[Paragraph 6]

In the 4th century, Rome underwent a profound transformation with the acceptance of Christianity as the official religion. This marked a significant departure from the polytheistic religious practices that had defined Roman culture for centuries. This transition had profound societal implications, influencing everything from the legal code to daily life.

[Paragraph 7]

In 476 CE, the Western Roman Empire fell when Odoacer, a Germanic king, deposed the last Roman Emperor Romulus Augustulus. It marked the end of over 1,200 years of Roman domination and the beginning of the Middle Ages in Europe. The Eastern Roman Empire, or Byzantine Empire as it came to be known, continued for another thousand years before finally falling to the Ottoman Turks in 1453.

[Paragraph 8]

In the annals of history, the rise and fall of the Roman Empire serves as a powerful reminder of the ephemeral nature of human power and ambition. Its lasting influence, from the Latin language to the republican form of government, continues to shape the modern world. As we delve into the details of this ancient civilization, we unearth lessons and insights that resonate beyond their temporal confines.

the questions:

1. **Negative Factual Information (Negative Detail):** All of the following are mentioned in paragraph 1 EXCEPT

   - A. The Roman Empire began as a small settlement along the Tiber River.

   - B. The Roman Empire dominated Europe, Western Asia, and Northern Africa by 117 CE.

   - C. The Roman Empire existed for around five centuries.

   - D. The size and longevity of the Roman Empire fascinated historians and scholars.

2. **Sentence Simplification (Paraphrasing):** Which of the following best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in paragraph 2: "The Romans constructed an extensive road network, monumental buildings, and the renowned aqueducts, all of which served as symbols of their grandeur and organizational prowess"?

   - A. The Romans created significant structures to showcase their might and exceptional organizational skills.

   - B. The Romans were proficient at building roads and aqueducts.

   - C. The Roman Empire was famous for its monumental buildings.

   - D. The Romans had a keen interest in construction.

3. **Sentence Simplification (Paraphrasing):** Which of the following best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in paragraph 3: "The Pax Romana, or Roman Peace, marked a relatively peaceful period under the Roman Empire where arts, literature, and science flourished"?

   - A. The Pax Romana was a period of cultural and scientific development.

   - B. The Roman Empire was primarily peaceful.

   - C. The Romans loved arts, literature, and science.

   - D. The Roman Peace was a tumultuous period in the Empire's history.

4. **Rhetorical Purpose (Author’s Purpose):** In paragraph 4, why does the author mention the Roman legions?

   - A. To illustrate the discipline and strategic acumen of the Romans.

   - B. To highlight the military superiority of the Roman Empire.

   - C. To contrast the Roman legions with modern armies.

   - D. To downplay the importance of the Roman legions.

5. **Sentence Simplification (Paraphrasing):** Which of the following best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in paragraph 5: "Political instability, economic troubles, and the ever-growing pressure from external enemies were chipping away at its stability"?

   - A. The Roman Empire was grappling with various internal and external issues.

   - B. The Roman Empire was wealthy and politically stable.

   - C. External enemies were the primary cause of the Roman Empire's decline.

   - D. The Roman Empire's political instability led to its fall.

6. **Inference:** What can be inferred from the information in paragraph 6?

   - A. The Romans were always Christians.

   - B. The shift to Christianity dramatically changed the societal and legal landscape of the Roman Empire.

   - C. The Roman Empire was the first to accept Christianity.

   - D. Christianity caused the downfall of the Roman Empire.

7. **Inference:** What can be inferred from the information in paragraph 7?

   - A. The fall of the Western Roman Empire marked the end of the Middle Ages.

   - B. The Eastern Roman Empire fell at the same time as the Western Roman Empire.

   - C. The Germanic king Odoacer played a significant role in ending the Western Roman Empire.

   - D. The Roman Empire ended due to natural disasters.

8. **Factual Information (Detail):** According to paragraph 8, what can be said about the Roman Empire's influence?

   - A. The Roman Empire's influence was limited to the territories it occupied.

   - B. The Roman Empire had a lasting impact that shapes the modern world.

   - C. The Roman Empire had no significant influence on the modern world.

   - D. The Roman Empire only influenced the Middle Ages.

9. **Inference:** What can be inferred from the information in paragraph 8?

   - A. The Roman Empire was the last great empire in history.

   - B. The Roman Empire is largely forgotten in the modern world.

   - C. The study of the Roman Empire can yield valuable lessons for the present and future.

   - D. The Roman Empire's downfall was primarily due to internal conflict.

10. **Prose Summary:** An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary as they express ideas not presented in the passage or are minor ideas.

_The Roman Empire, one of history's most influential civilizations, emerged from a small settlement, dominated vast territories, and left lasting influences._

   - A. The Roman Empire displayed remarkable assimilation and innovation skills, particularly in engineering and architecture.

   - B. The Roman Empire was known for its love of sports and entertainment.

   - C. Christianity's acceptance as the official religion marked a significant shift in Roman society and law.

   - D. The Empire's downfall was a complex process involving political instability, economic troubles, and external pressures.

   - E. The Byzantine Empire, the Eastern Roman Empire's successor, continued for another thousand years before its fall.

   - F. Roman cuisine had a significant influence on European culinary traditions.

answer key:

1. **Negative Factual Information (Negative Detail):** C. The Roman Empire existed for around five centuries. Explanation: The passage does not mention the exact duration of the Roman Empire, making this the correct answer.

2. **Sentence Simplification (Paraphrasing):** A. The Romans created significant structures to showcase their might and exceptional organizational skills. Explanation: This sentence best encapsulates the highlighted portion of paragraph 2, which mentions the Romans' infrastructural accomplishments as symbols of their grandeur and organizational prowess.

3. **Sentence Simplification (Paraphrasing):** A. The Pax Romana was a period of cultural and scientific development. Explanation: The Pax Romana, as explained in the paragraph, was a time when arts, literature, and science flourished under the Roman Empire.

4. **Rhetorical Purpose (Author’s Purpose):** B. To highlight the military superiority of the Roman Empire. Explanation: The author discusses the Roman legions to illustrate their might and their significant role in the empire's expansion and control over vast territories.

5. **Sentence Simplification (Paraphrasing):** A. The Roman Empire was grappling with various internal and external issues. Explanation: The highlighted sentence in paragraph 5 discusses the challenges faced by the Roman Empire, including political instability, economic troubles, and external threats.

6. **Inference:** B. The shift to Christianity dramatically changed the societal and legal landscape of the Roman Empire. Explanation: Paragraph 6 discusses how the acceptance of Christianity as the official religion significantly impacted Roman society, from the legal code to daily life.

7. **Inference:** C. The Germanic king Odoacer played a significant role in ending the Western Roman Empire. Explanation: Paragraph 7 highlights the role of Odoacer in the fall of the Western Roman Empire, suggesting his significant impact on the event.

8. **Factual Information (Detail):** B. The Roman Empire had a lasting impact that shapes the modern world. Explanation: The last paragraph explicitly mentions the enduring influence of the Roman Empire on the modern world, particularly with respect to language and governance.

9. **Inference:** C. The study of the Roman Empire can yield valuable lessons for the present and future. Explanation: The final sentence of paragraph 8 suggests that examining the Roman Empire's history can provide meaningful insights applicable to the current and future contexts.

10. **Prose Summary:** A. The Roman Empire displayed remarkable assimilation and innovation skills, particularly in engineering and architecture. C. Christianity's acceptance as the official religion marked a significant shift in Roman society and law. D. The Empire's downfall was a complex process involving political instability, economic troubles, and external pressures. Explanation: These three statements capture the main ideas presented in the passage about the Roman Empire, focusing on its cultural assimilation and innovation, the shift to Christianity, and the complex reasons for its fall.

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