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TOEFL Speaking Practice #31

Task 1

The question:

Talk about a person who has influenced your life in a positive way.

My Answer:

I would say that my other sister has influenced my life a lot. because of her I got a defeated into entering top university in Indonesia she is my role model because even if she didn't attend or entering the most of Top university in our country but I did it because of her. I remember when she motivating me she said that I have to be seen and Overlook to my parents that they'll never be live for a long time So she suggested me to make them Proud by answering top university. so it was my own experience my older sister is really has positive impact on my life 

ChatGPT Asessment:

Assessment based on the TOEFL iBT speaking rubrics:

General Description:
The response generally addresses the prompt and includes some relevant supporting details. However, the response lacks specificity and could benefit from additional examples or elaboration. The response is organized in a logical manner, with an introduction, body, and conclusion.

Score: 3/4

The speaker's tone is generally appropriate and the pacing is consistent. The speaker uses some appropriate intonation and stress to emphasize important points. However, there are some minor issues with pronunciation and grammar, which can occasionally hinder comprehension.

Score: 3/4

Language Use:
The speaker generally uses a range of vocabulary and sentence structures to convey meaning. However, there are some minor errors in grammar and word choice that can occasionally hinder comprehension.

Score: 3/4

Topic Development:
The response includes some relevant supporting details, but could benefit from additional examples or elaboration. The speaker generally stays on topic and presents a clear central idea. However, the response lacks depth and could benefit from more detailed explanations and examples.

Score: 3/4

Total Score: 12/16

Overall, the response demonstrates a good understanding of the prompt and includes some relevant supporting details. However, there is room for improvement in terms of specificity, grammar, and elaboration. With further practice and refinement, the speaker can improve their overall score.


Task 2

The question:

Do you think students should be required to wear school uniforms? Why or why not?

My Answer:

I believe that using uniform is best for students in school. the first one because students can be focused on study instead of thing what to wear everyday because of that students should be focused on their study. and then the second thing uniform can make equality on students despite of economical status that the poor and the rich it could be friction if the poor looks so bad and in the reach it looks so good that no good for the Society of students. so in my own opinion I don't believe using uniform is a mandatory for students in school

ChatGPT Asessment:

Overall, your response shows that you have a clear stance on the issue of whether students should wear school uniforms or not. You have provided two reasons to support your viewpoint. However, your response could be improved in terms of the delivery, language use, and topic development.

General Description: 3/4
You have addressed the question and provided a clear stance on the issue. However, your response could be more developed with additional supporting details and examples.

Delivery: 2/4
Your delivery is understandable, but there are some areas where you could improve. You have some hesitations and grammatical errors that could make it difficult for the listener to follow your ideas.

Language Use: 2/4
You have conveyed your ideas, but there are a few areas where your language use could be improved. For example, there are some grammatical errors and word choices that could be more appropriate for the context.

Topic Development: 2/4
You have provided two reasons to support your viewpoint, but your response could be more developed with additional supporting details and examples.

Total Score: 9/16
While you have provided a clear stance on the issue, your response could be improved with more developed ideas and better language use. To improve your score, try to provide more specific examples and details to support your ideas, practice your delivery to reduce hesitations and errors, and use appropriate vocabulary and grammar structures to convey your ideas more effectively.


Task 3

Reading Passage:

The History of Cinema
Cinema has come a long way since its invention in the late 19th century. In its early years, films were silent, short, and often featured simple, static shots of everyday life. As technology improved and filmmakers honed their craft, movies became longer, more dynamic, and increasingly sophisticated in terms of special effects and storytelling techniques.

One major development in the history of cinema was the introduction of sound. The first "talkie," as it was called, was released in 1927 and marked a major turning point in the industry. Audiences were thrilled to hear their favorite stars speaking onscreen, and sound technology opened up new possibilities for music, dialogue, and sound effects.

Another important milestone was the transition from black-and-white to color film. The first color feature was released in 1935, and although it was initially more expensive and difficult to produce, color quickly became the norm. Today, filmmakers have access to a wide range of digital tools and technologies that allow them to create stunning visual effects and immerse audiences in vivid, lifelike worlds.

Despite all these changes, some things about cinema have remained constant. Movies continue to captivate audiences with their ability to tell stories, transport viewers to new worlds, and spark our imaginations. Whether we're watching a classic film from the golden age of Hollywood or a cutting-edge sci-fi epic, cinema has a unique power to entertain, inspire, and provoke thought.

Listening Passage:

Narrator: Listen to a conversation between a student and a professor.

Student: Hi, Professor Johnson. I read the passage you assigned about the history of cinema, and I found it really interesting. But I had a question about the part that talked about color films.

Professor: Sure, what's your question?

Student: Well, the passage made it sound like color films were an immediate success once they were introduced. But I remember hearing somewhere that some filmmakers resisted the switch to color for a while. Was that true?

Professor: Yes, you're right. Some filmmakers did resist the transition to color, at least at first. Part of the reason was that color films were initially more expensive and difficult to produce. But there were also artistic concerns. Some filmmakers felt that black-and-white films had a certain timeless quality that color films lacked. They also worried that color might be too distracting or garish, and that it would detract from the story and performances.

Student: That's really interesting. Do you think those concerns were justified?

Professor: Well, it's hard to say. I think there are certainly cases where color has been used poorly or overused. But overall, I think color has been a positive development for cinema. It allows filmmakers to create more realistic, immersive worlds, and it can also be used in creative ways to evoke mood and emotion.

The question:

What were some of the reasons that some filmmakers resisted the transition to color films, and how does the professor feel about the overall impact of color on cinema?

My Answer:

So according to the professor there are three reasons why filmmaker in the past resisted to the color invention at the first. the first reason is because the filmmakers worried about the expensive and so difficult of this color movement. and then the second reason regarding the artistic reason because they thought that the color film will make less quality than the black and white film. and then the third one the last one they thought that the color feeling me cool distracted for viewers. and then the professor said that the color invention outweight the disadvantages by the filmmakers can make more realistic film and then can immersive the world and also I can it can evoke the mood and emotion through the creativity by using the colors

ChatGPT Asessment:


General Description: 3
The response provides a clear and accurate summary of the professor's points about the reasons for filmmakers' resistance to color films, and the professor's opinion about the impact of color on cinema. However, the response could benefit from more elaboration and specific examples to support the points made.

Delivery: 2
The delivery is somewhat choppy, with incomplete sentences and pauses. The speech could benefit from better pacing and intonation to make it more fluent and engaging.

Language Use: 2
The language use is adequate but there are some errors in grammar and word choice that affect the clarity and accuracy of the response. For example, "cool" should be "too" in the phrase "color feeling me cool distracted for viewers."

Topic Development: 2
The response addresses the main points of the question, but lacks depth and elaboration. It would benefit from more specific examples to support the points made, and more attention to organization and coherence.

Total score: 9 out of 16
The response shows some understanding of the main points of the listening passage and provides a coherent summary, but could benefit from more development, better language use, and more engaging delivery.


Task 4

Reading Passage:

The Search for New Planets
Astronomers have long been fascinated by the possibility of discovering new planets beyond our own solar system. In recent years, technological advancements have made this dream a reality, with thousands of exoplanets, or planets outside our solar system, now confirmed. One of the latest discoveries is a planet called Kepler-452b, which is located approximately 1,400 light-years away from Earth. This planet is often referred to as an "Earth twin" because it is about the same size as Earth and orbits a star similar to our sun.

Kepler-452b was discovered using the Kepler telescope, which was launched by NASA in 2009. This telescope detects exoplanets by monitoring the brightness of stars and looking for changes that may indicate the presence of a planet. In the case of Kepler-452b, astronomers were able to determine that the planet is about five times the mass of Earth and takes about 385 days to complete one orbit around its star.

Although Kepler-452b is not the first Earth-like planet to be discovered, it is one of the most promising candidates for supporting life. The planet is located within its star's habitable zone, which is the range of distances from a star where liquid water could exist on the planet's surface. This makes Kepler-452b a prime target for future studies aimed at determining whether or not it has an atmosphere and whether or not it has the conditions necessary for life to exist.

Listening Passage:

Narrator: Listen to part of a talk in an astronomy class.

Professor: Now, let's turn our attention to the latest discovery of a planet outside our solar system. Kepler-452b, as it's called, was discovered by the Kepler telescope, which has been searching for exoplanets since 2009. This planet is particularly exciting because it's about the same size as Earth and orbits a star similar to our sun.

Student: Is there any chance that this planet could support life?

Professor: That's an excellent question. Although we can't be sure yet, Kepler-452b is located within its star's habitable zone, which is the range of distances from a star where liquid water could exist on the planet's surface. This is an important condition for life as we know it. Additionally, the planet's size and mass suggest that it could have a similar composition to Earth. Of course, there are many other factors that would need to be considered in order to determine whether or not Kepler-452b is truly habitable, but it's definitely a promising candidate.

The question:

Based on the reading and the conversation, what makes Kepler-452b a promising candidate for supporting life?

My Answer:

So according to the price order are two main reason why the k452b or Kepler 452b supposed to be most promising candidate for art living or Earth look like planet. the first one because the orbit range from the star is similar with  Earth because my dad this time the liquid can exist which is really important for human being or for life being. and then the second one is about the composition and the size of the planet is really similar to our planet Earth that could be helpful to make life being happen on that planet. so there are those are the reason why the professor believe that Kepler 452 to be is the most promising candidate like Earth

ChatGPT Asessment:

Transcript Assessment:

General Description (3/4):
The response answers the question of what makes Kepler-452b a promising candidate for supporting life. However, the answer lacks clarity and organization, making it difficult to follow.

Delivery (2/4):
The delivery of the response is not fluent, and there are many grammatical errors and unclear phrases that interfere with the coherence of the response.

Language Use (2/4):
There are several grammatical errors, such as incorrect verb tenses and incorrect preposition usage, that detract from the clarity and precision of the response. There are also several unclear or awkward phrases that make the meaning of the response difficult to understand.

Topic Development (2/4):
Although the response does mention two reasons why Kepler-452b is a promising candidate for supporting life, the explanation of these reasons is not fully developed or explained in detail. Additionally, there is no reference to the reading passage or the listening passage, which could have strengthened the response and demonstrated a deeper understanding of the topic.

Total Score: 9/16

Overall, the response shows some understanding of the topic but lacks clarity and coherence in its delivery. Improvements in grammar, clarity, and coherence would greatly enhance the response's effectiveness.


Task 5

Reading Passage:

The library is an important resource for students on college campuses. However, many students find it difficult to access the library during its regular hours of operation. In response to this problem, many universities have explored the possibility of extending library hours.

Research has shown that longer library hours can have a positive impact on student success. Students who have access to the library during non-traditional hours are more likely to complete their assignments on time and earn higher grades. Additionally, extended library hours provide a safe and quiet place for students to study late at night, which can help to improve their academic performance.

Despite the potential benefits, some universities have been reluctant to extend library hours due to the cost involved. In order to maintain extended hours, universities would need to hire additional staff, pay for increased utilities and maintenance costs, and provide security for the extended hours. However, many universities have found that the benefits of extended library hours outweigh the costs, and have successfully implemented extended hours programs.

Listening Passage:

Student 1: Hey, have you heard about the proposal to extend library hours?

Student 2: No, what's that about?

Student 1: Well, apparently some students have been asking for the library to stay open later. I guess it's hard for them to find time to study during regular hours.

Student 2: Yeah, I can see that. I usually have to leave right when the library closes, and it's frustrating when I can't finish what I need to do.

Student 1: Exactly. And apparently, research has shown that longer library hours can actually help students do better in their classes.

Student 2: Really? How does that work?

Student 1: Well, students who have access to the library during non-traditional hours are more likely to complete their assignments on time and earn higher grades.

Student 2: Huh, that's interesting. But wouldn't it be expensive to keep the library open longer?

Student 1: That's what I thought too, but apparently some universities have been able to do it without too much trouble. They just had to hire a few more staff members and increase security during the extended hours.

The question:

Based on the conversation, which solution do you prefer for addressing the problem of limited library hours on campus? Explain your reasoning and provide specific examples.

My Answer:

According to the conversation between two students I couldn't see there are any other option than extending the hours of library. apparently some say that extending hours of Library can improve students academic because sometimes student enable to make it in time on the regular time or regular hours they need to extend and then do it the assignment late that needs well very proper place such as library. but in other hand the campus should provide more facility for doing that for example the another library and then another security that cost the campus more

ChatGPT Asessment:

TOEFL iBT Speaking Rubrics Assessment:

General Description: 3

The response is relevant to the question and provides an opinion.
The answer explains the topic and provides supporting examples.
Delivery: 3

The response is generally easy to understand.
The speaker uses appropriate intonation, stress, and pacing.
There are minor errors in pronunciation and grammar.
Language Use: 2

The response uses basic vocabulary and sentence structures.
There are some errors in word choice, grammar, and syntax.
Topic Development: 2

The response briefly mentions the benefits of extended library hours but does not fully develop the topic.
There are some ideas that are not fully explained.
Overall Score: 10 out of 16

Task 6

Reading Passage:

Woodwind and brass instruments are two of the most popular types of musical instruments used in Western classical music. Woodwinds include instruments such as the flute, clarinet, oboe, and bassoon, while brass instruments include the trumpet, trombone, and tuba. Both types of instruments produce sound through the vibration of air, but they do so in different ways.

Woodwind instruments work by blowing air across a reed or through a mouthpiece, which causes the air to vibrate and produce sound. The pitch of the sound can be changed by altering the length of the instrument, either by pressing keys or covering holes. Brass instruments, on the other hand, produce sound by buzzing the lips into a cup-shaped mouthpiece. The pitch can be changed by altering the length of tubing with valves or a slide.

Despite their differences, woodwind and brass instruments share many similarities. For example, both types of instruments require a lot of breath support from the player in order to produce a strong, clear sound. They also require a lot of practice to master, as playing with good tone and intonation can be challenging. Finally, both types of instruments are often used in orchestral and chamber music, and are essential to the sound of many famous classical works.

Listening Passage:

Lecturer: Today we're going to talk about two different types of instruments that are commonly used in classical music: woodwind instruments and brass instruments. First, let's talk about woodwinds. Woodwinds produce sound by blowing air across a reed or through a mouthpiece, and the pitch can be changed by altering the length of the instrument. Can anyone give me an example of a woodwind instrument?

Student 1: The flute!

Lecturer: That's right, the flute is a woodwind instrument. Now let's move on to brass instruments. Brass instruments produce sound by buzzing the lips into a cup-shaped mouthpiece, and the pitch can be changed by altering the length of tubing. Can anyone give me an example of a brass instrument?

Student 2: The trumpet!

Lecturer: Correct! Now, let's talk about some of the similarities between these two types of instruments. First of all, both require a lot of breath support to produce a good sound. Secondly, both require a lot of practice to play well. And finally, both are essential to the sound of many famous classical works.

The question:

Summarize the similarities and differences between woodwind and brass instruments, and explain why they are both important in classical music.

My Answer:

According to the materials you can it can infer the difference between woodwind and Brass is first one the woodwind Sounds by loving the air the example instruments for this is fruit and then for brass it's blessing lips in front of length of some kind of thing and then the example for this instrument are the trumpet. and then the similarities the first one it needs a lot of breath to take the good sound and then the next one a lot of practice needed to play it well and then it played for orchestra and chamber for classical works or entertainment. but from the passage it couldn't Define that why it suitable for classical Music

ChatGPT Asessment:

Based on the TOEFL iBT Speaking rubrics, here's an assessment of your response:

General Description: 2 - You provided a basic description of the differences and similarities between woodwind and brass instruments, but your response lacks coherence and organization.

Delivery: 3 - Your delivery is clear and understandable, although there are some minor errors in grammar and syntax.

Language Use: 2 - You have some issues with grammar and syntax that affect the clarity and accuracy of your response. For example, "Sounds by loving the air" should be "produce sound by blowing air across a reed or through a mouthpiece".

Topic Development: 2 - Your response is somewhat relevant to the question, but it lacks depth and elaboration. You didn't explain why woodwind and brass instruments are important in classical music beyond mentioning that they are used in orchestras and chamber music.

Total Score: 9 out of 16

To improve your score, try to organize your response more clearly, use accurate grammar and syntax, and provide more detailed explanations for why woodwind and brass instruments are important in classical music. Also, practice speaking more fluently and naturally to improve your delivery.

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