My Sticky Gadget

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TOEFL IBT Speaking Practice #44

Task 1

The question:

Should students be allowed to use smartphones in the classroom?

My Answer:

I'd say that students not allowed to use smartphone in the classroom because in my own opinion it can be distractful for students and can disturb the learning process in the school that's no good for their future, for example if they're attending a class that need a fully attention and then somehow notification from their social media came in and then they open their phone it's really distractable or not good for the learning process.  that's why I don't agree a smartphone allowed to bring by students in classroom

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 4 for each rubric:

Content: 3.5

Your response presents a clear opinion and provides a reasoning behind it. You mention that smartphones can be distracting and disrupt the learning process, especially when notifications from social media come in. However, you could further develop your argument by providing additional examples or supporting evidence.

Organization: 3

Your response has a clear structure with an introduction, a main point, and a conclusion. However, there is room for improvement in the development of your argument. You could provide more details or examples to support your points.

Language Use: 3

Your response demonstrates a good command of English, with generally accurate grammar and vocabulary usage. However, there are a few minor errors and instances where sentence structure could be improved for clarity and coherence.

Mechanics: 3

Your response has generally good mechanics, with proper punctuation and spelling. However, there are a few minor errors present.

Overall, your response effectively presents your opinion but could benefit from further development and supporting evidence. Your language use is generally strong, but there are some areas for improvement.


Task 2

Reading Passage:

In an effort to improve student engagement and academic performance, the University of XYZ is considering implementing a mandatory attendance policy for all classes. This policy would require students to attend a minimum percentage of classes in order to receive course credit. Proponents of this policy argue that regular attendance promotes active learning, facilitates class discussions, and ensures students do not miss important course content.

Research studies have shown a positive correlation between attendance and academic success. Students who attend classes regularly are more likely to be actively engaged in the learning process, participate in discussions, and receive timely feedback from instructors. By attending classes, students can benefit from the knowledge and expertise of their professors and fellow classmates, leading to a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Furthermore, a mandatory attendance policy can foster a sense of responsibility and accountability among students. By attending classes consistently, students develop crucial time management skills and demonstrate commitment to their academic pursuits. This can have long-term benefits, as employers often value punctuality and reliability in their workforce.

However, opponents of the mandatory attendance policy argue that it infringes upon students' autonomy and may not be an accurate measure of learning. They contend that some students are able to grasp the course material effectively through independent study and may not need to attend every class session. Moreover, enforcing strict attendance policies may create unnecessary stress and hinder students' ability to balance other commitments, such as part-time jobs or extracurricular activities.

In conclusion, the implementation of a mandatory attendance policy is a topic of debate at the University of XYZ. While it may enhance student engagement and accountability, it should be carefully considered in light of individual learning styles and other external factors that may impact students' ability to attend classes consistently.

Listening Passage:

Student A: Hey, have you heard about the university considering a mandatory attendance policy?

Student B: Yeah, I just read about it. What do you think about it?

Student A: Personally, I think it's a good idea. I mean, attending classes regularly helps us stay on top of the course material and engage with the professors and classmates.

Student B: I see your point, but I think it might be a bit too restrictive. Some students learn better on their own and don't necessarily need to attend every class.

Student A: That's true, but think about the discussions we have in class. It's much more interactive and we get different perspectives from our peers.

Student B: I agree that class discussions are valuable, but what about students who have part-time jobs or other commitments? A mandatory attendance policy might put additional pressure on them.

Student A: Yeah, I see your concern. Maybe there could be some flexibility, like allowing a certain number of excused absences.

Student B: That could be a reasonable compromise. Overall, I think it's important for the university to consider different learning styles and individual circumstances before implementing such a policy.

The question:

What are the main arguments for and against the implementation of a mandatory attendance policy at the University of XYZ? State your opinion and support it with reasons and examples.

My Answer:

University of XYZ try to make new mandatory attendance policy.  this policy will cause some benefits those are, active learning for students will be happen because students push to stay on top on the class and engage with their professor and classmates also discussion for widen their Horizon will be happen in the classroom.  and the next benefit is about responsibility and accountability, students push to train their time management which is good for their future.  in other hand this policy will give some critics such as students who better study alone maybe not a correct measure of learning.  and student has part-time job will be stressful of regarding this policy.  so the campus must find win-win solution for this

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 4 for each rubric:

ontent: 3

Your response includes the main arguments for and against the implementation of a mandatory attendance policy. You mention the benefits of active learning, engagement with professors and classmates, and the development of responsibility and accountability. You also acknowledge the critics that argue it may not be a correct measure of learning and that it can be stressful for students with part-time jobs. However, your response lacks specific examples or further elaboration on each point.

Organization: 3

Your response has a clear structure with separate paragraphs for each side of the argument. However, some points could have been more developed and supported with additional details or examples.

Language Use: 3.5

Your language use is generally clear and understandable. There are a few minor errors and awkward phrases, but they do not significantly hinder comprehension.

Vocabulary Range: 3.5

You demonstrate an adequate range of vocabulary to convey your ideas, although there is room for improvement in using more precise and varied vocabulary.

Overall, your response effectively addresses the main arguments for and against the mandatory attendance policy, but it would benefit from providing more specific examples and further developing your points. Consider incorporating more varied vocabulary and refining your language use for greater clarity.


Task 3

Reading Passage:

Coral reefs are diverse and productive ecosystems that provide habitat for numerous marine species. However, these delicate ecosystems are facing significant challenges due to the impact of climate change. Rising sea temperatures and ocean acidification have led to the phenomenon known as coral bleaching, which poses a severe threat to coral reefs worldwide.

Coral bleaching occurs when corals expel the symbiotic algae that live within their tissues. These algae, called zooxanthellae, provide corals with essential nutrients and give them their vibrant colors. When the sea temperatures rise or the water becomes too acidic, the corals become stressed, causing them to expel the zooxanthellae. As a result, the corals turn pale or white, hence the term "bleaching."

The consequences of coral bleaching are far-reaching. Without the symbiotic algae, corals become more susceptible to disease and are unable to properly reproduce. The loss of coral reefs disrupts entire ecosystems, as they provide food and shelter for a wide range of marine species. Additionally, coral reefs serve as natural barriers, protecting coastlines from erosion and storm damage.

To combat the effects of climate change on coral reefs, it is crucial to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate ocean acidification. Additionally, efforts to establish protected marine areas and implement sustainable fishing practices can help conserve these valuable ecosystems.

Listening Passage:

Speaker 1: Hey, have you heard about the recent studies on coral bleaching?

Speaker 2: Yeah, I've read a bit about it. It's a concerning issue, isn't it?

Speaker 1: Definitely. The rising sea temperatures and ocean acidification are causing corals to expel their symbiotic algae, leading to bleaching.

Speaker 2: That's right. And without the algae, the corals become more vulnerable to diseases and have difficulty reproducing.

Speaker 1: Exactly. And the consequences go beyond the corals themselves. Coral reefs support a wide variety of marine species, so their loss can disrupt entire ecosystems.

Speaker 2: Not to mention their importance as natural barriers for coastlines. They protect against erosion and storm damage.

Speaker 1: Absolutely. We need to take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect these invaluable ecosystems.

The question:

Summarize the main consequences of coral bleaching and explain why coral reefs are important ecosystems.

My Answer:

According to the materials the consequences of coral bleaching is the coral become more vulnerable and difficult to reproducing because the algae that symbiosis to it corals stress out and it caused the coral become bleach or white in color.  this one leads to some problems such as the coral is wide variety species is depends on the coral because of the ecosystem if the coral gone the ecosystem will be gone also and animals don't know how to find place to stay and also it's also have the natural barrier for coastline to prevent the erosion 

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 4 for each rubric:

Content: 3

Your response includes some accurate information about the consequences of coral bleaching, such as corals becoming more vulnerable and experiencing difficulties in reproduction. However, the explanation lacks clarity and coherence, making it somewhat difficult to follow. Additionally, you mention the importance of coral reefs as natural barriers for coastlines but do not elaborate on their significance as diverse ecosystems supporting a wide variety of marine species.

Organization: 2

Your response lacks a clear organizational structure. The ideas are presented in a somewhat disjointed manner, and there is a lack of coherence between sentences. It would be beneficial to organize your response more effectively by presenting a clear introduction, body paragraphs discussing the consequences of coral bleaching, and a conclusion summarizing the importance of coral reefs.

Grammar and Vocabulary: 3

Your grammar and vocabulary are generally adequate, although there are some errors and awkward phrasing throughout. For example, the sentence "this one leads to some problems such as the coral is wide variety species is depends on the coral because of the ecosystem if the coral gone the ecosystem will be gone also and animals don't know how to find place to stay" is confusing and contains several grammatical errors. It would be helpful to revise your sentences for clarity and accuracy.

Language Use: 3

Your language use is generally appropriate, but there is room for improvement in terms of clarity and coherence. Some sentences lack clarity and may confuse the reader. Additionally, you could enhance your response by using more precise vocabulary related to coral reefs and their ecosystems.

Overall, your response demonstrates a basic understanding of the consequences of coral bleaching and the importance of coral reefs. However, there is room for improvement in terms of organization, clarity, and accuracy of information. Consider revising your response to provide a more cohesive and well-structured summary.


Task 4

Listening Passage:

Today, we're going to delve into the fascinating world of jazz music. Jazz is a unique genre that emerged in the early 20th century and has since become a significant cultural phenomenon. It originated in African American communities and later spread across the United States and beyond. One key characteristic of jazz is its improvisational nature. Unlike other music genres that strictly follow composed melodies, jazz musicians often engage in spontaneous improvisation, creating unique melodies and harmonies on the spot. This improvisational aspect allows for a great deal of creativity and personal expression. Another important feature of jazz is its emphasis on syncopation and rhythmic complexity. Jazz musicians frequently employ intricate rhythmic patterns, syncopated beats, and polyrhythms, creating a rich and energetic sound. These rhythmic elements give jazz its distinctive groove and propel the music forward. Now, let's explore some iconic jazz musicians and their contributions to the genre.

The question:

"How does the improvisational nature of jazz music contribute to its uniqueness and appeal?"

My Answer:

According to the lecture that jazz music contribute its unique is an appeal because this music has a professional nature instead of following the melody they try to improve and creativity happen by playing jazz music.  and secondly because it can represent the personal expression of the musician maybe for the politics or some kind of expression they want to other people know it can be expressed through this jazz music.  those are the reason why just this thing with any other kind of music because it's Unique and appeal to some people and for the position that really have attention for this music

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 4 for each rubric:

Content: 3 - The response provides a clear explanation of how the improvisational nature of jazz music contributes to its uniqueness and appeal. It mentions the professional nature of jazz musicians who strive for creativity and improvisation instead of following a composed melody. Additionally, it highlights how jazz allows for personal expression, including political or emotional messages, which can resonate with listeners.

Organization: 2.5 - The response lacks a clear introduction and conclusion, but the main points are presented coherently. Some ideas could be better connected for smoother transitions.

Language Use: 2.5 - The response demonstrates a moderate command of English language use. There are some errors in grammar, sentence structure, and word choice. Some sentences could be rephrased for clarity and conciseness.

Vocabulary Range: 2.5 - The response uses a variety of vocabulary to convey the main ideas, but there is room for improvement in terms of word choice and expression.

Overall, the response provides a satisfactory explanation of how improvisation contributes to the uniqueness and appeal of jazz music, but it could benefit from clearer organization and more refined language use.


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