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TOEFL Writing practice #15

Task 1: Integrated Writing

Reading Passage:

The Impact of Technology on Social Interactions
In recent years, technology has changed the way we interact with each other. While it has certainly made communication easier and more convenient, some argue that it has also made us more isolated and less social. For example, many people now spend more time on their phones and computers than they do interacting with others in person. This can lead to feelings of loneliness and disconnection from the world around us.
Moreover, social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have created new forms of communication that are often impersonal and superficial. Instead of having deep conversations with friends and family members, we now often communicate through short, text-based messages and "likes" on social media posts. This has led some to argue that social media is actually making us less social, as it discourages meaningful interaction and fosters a culture of superficiality.
Despite these concerns, some argue that technology has actually brought us closer together in new and meaningful ways. For example, online communities and forums allow people with similar interests to connect and interact with each other, regardless of their physical location. Additionally, video chat platforms like Zoom and Skype have made it possible for people to have face-to-face conversations with friends and family members who live far away.

Listening Passage:

Professor: Good morning, class. Today we're going to be talking about the impact of technology on social interactions. Now, the reading we just went over makes some valid points about how technology can make us more isolated and less social. But I'm here to tell you that there's another side to the story.

First of all, let's talk about social media. The reading suggests that social media is a superficial form of communication that discourages meaningful interaction. But I would argue that this isn't necessarily the case. In fact, social media can be a great way to stay in touch with friends and family members who live far away. Additionally, social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter can be used to connect with people who share your interests and hobbies. This can lead to new friendships and even opportunities for collaboration and networking.

Now, I know some of you might be thinking that social media is just a substitute for real, face-to-face interaction. But here's the thing: technology has also made face-to-face interaction easier and more convenient than ever before. Video chat platforms like Zoom and Skype allow us to have face-to-face conversations with people who live far away, as if we were in the same room together. This means that even if we can't be physically present with our friends and family members, we can still have meaningful conversations with them.

Finally, I want to address the concern that technology is making us more isolated and less social overall. While it's true that some people might spend too much time on their phones or computers, this doesn't mean that technology is inherently isolating. In fact, many online communities and forums exist where people can connect and interact with others who share their interests. These communities can be just as meaningful and fulfilling as in-person social interactions.

So, in conclusion, while the reading makes some valid points about the potential downsides of technology, we shouldn't overlook the many ways in which technology has brought us closer together. It's all about finding a balance between online and offline interactions.

The question:

Summarize the main points made by the professor regarding the impact of technology on social interactions. Be sure to explain how the professor's perspective challenges specific points made in the reading passage.

My Answer:

The reading passage discuss about advantages and disadvantages of technology in our life these days. It written the technology make our communication easier and more convenient. However, on the other side, it can make us more isolated and less social, because trough social media everything is superficial and oversimplified.

Then the professor talk deeper about social media, she emphasize benefits that already mention in the reading passage. Those are social media can be great way to touch friends or families who located far away, also about the social media can gather people who have mutual interest or hobbies that possible create good collaboration, connection, and networking.

Furthermore she mention about face to face meeting that become more common today. She argue, even if we can't present physically, it still can be meaningful. So according to this, she think the isolated and less social issues are not reasonable.

So the conclusion in general, the professor arguing social media advantages outweigh all the disadvantages. Social media can make our life close together and interconnected massively. The thing is, She encouraging us on how we able to find balance between online and offline. 

ChatGPT Asessment:

Your answer provides a decent summary of both the reading and listening passages. However, there are a few areas where you could improve your answer to receive a higher score.

In terms of organization, it would be helpful to have a clear introduction that introduces the topic and sets up the main points that the professor makes. Then, you could have separate paragraphs for each of the professor's main points, with clear transitions between them. Finally, you could have a conclusion that summarizes the main points and offers some reflection or insight.

In terms of content, you could provide more detail and examples to support your points. For example, you could mention specific social media platforms or online communities that the professor discusses, or give examples of how people have used video chat to connect with distant friends and family members. Providing more specific and concrete examples will help demonstrate your understanding of the passages and show that you can apply the information to real-world situations.

Finally, you could incorporate some of the specific language and terminology from the passages, such as "superficiality" or "online and offline interactions." Using this language shows that you have a good understanding of the main ideas and can use them effectively in your own writing.

Overall, I would rate your answer as a 22 out of 30. It provides a decent summary of the passages and shows some understanding of the main ideas, but could benefit from clearer organization, more specific examples, and greater use of key terminology.


Task 2: Indenpendent Writing

The question:

Some people believe that it is important to study history in order to understand the present, while others think that history is not relevant to modern life. Where do you stand on this issue, and why?

My Answer:

Absolutely I am on the side that history is really important for our life to understand the present. Of course if we look at the situation in the past and in our modern life, those are not so similar, but it doesn't mean not relevant to our life today. Here are my perspectives:

Firstly, I couldn't imagine how our modern life if we didn't look at history at all. Is it possible we developing better life if not looking to the past? of course not! People made mistakes, those mistakes are something that have to learnt by people in the present. That is why we are grow, we learn from mistakes. As a personal, I love to read biography books, biography is history, I got so many things that change my perspective and the way of my life, so then obviously I become a better person.

Next reason is history built prides in our social structure civilization. Because of the history for some particular nation, people accept their breed and similarities, it construct our culture. Because we see other people are have some connections to ourselves, it stimulate for human to help each other, working together, and of course loving each other. This civilization one of the main cause of our sophisticated modern life today.

So, I believe study history is really important for our lives, it doesn't have to take a formal education to learn. Everyone can learn history from anything, and take much advantages from it. Additionally, I encourage whoever you are to start doing documentation of your life, so it can be an history to learn in the future, simply just by blogging or write a life journal.

ChatGPT Asessment:

Overall, your response shows a good understanding of the topic and provides relevant arguments to support your viewpoint. You have provided examples and explanations to back up your points, and your essay is well-structured with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.

However, there are some areas where your essay could be improved. Firstly, there are some grammar and punctuation errors that could be corrected. Additionally, while your examples are relevant, they could be more specific and detailed to make your arguments stronger.

Based on these factors, I would rate your essay as a 23 out of 30. Keep practicing and refining your writing skills, and you will be able to achieve even better scores in the future.

Sure, here are some minor corrections to your original essay:

"Absolutely, I am on the side that history is really important for our lives to understand the present. Of course, if we look at the situations in the past and in our modern life, they are not so similar, but it doesn't mean history is not relevant to our life today. Here are my perspectives:

Firstly, I couldn't imagine our modern life without looking at history at all. Is it possible that we could develop a better life without looking to the past? Of course not! People have made mistakes, and those mistakes are something that we have to learn from in the present. That is why we grow - we learn from our mistakes. Personally, I love to read biographies - biographies are a part of history - and I have learned so much that has changed my perspective and the way I live my life, making me a better person.

Another reason is that history builds pride in our social structure and civilization. The history of a particular nation helps people accept their background and similarities, constructing our culture. Seeing that other people have connections to ourselves stimulates humans to help each other, work together, and love each other. This civilization is one of the main reasons for our sophisticated modern life today.

So, I believe that studying history is really important for our lives. It doesn't require formal education to learn. Everyone can learn history from anything and take advantage of it. Additionally, I encourage everyone to start documenting their lives, whether by blogging or writing a life journal. It can become a part of history to learn from in the future."


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